how to fix my weird ass sleeping problem



Aug 17, 2024
my sleep is so fucked it’s like my body sleeps on high alert mode and it’s all fucking tensed up/in fight or flight mode, it’s been like this for one whole year, the only time it went away was during the summer when i knew i could wake up whenever i wanted but back to school and it’s fucked again(the sleep isn’t restful and i get 5 hours max)
Are you bullied?
No i’ve never been bullied or abused anything and i don’t have stress about exams(they fuck my sleep too but the issue stays even when they’re gone so it’s not solely them), i feel like it’s the idea that i’m going to be awoken that wakes me up because in the summer i’d also have trouble staying sleeping when i knew i had to wake up for something tomorrow
No i’ve never been bullied or abused anything and i don’t have stress about exams(they fuck my sleep too but the issue stays even when they’re gone so it’s not solely them), i feel like it’s the idea that i’m going to be awoken that wakes me up because in the summer i’d also have trouble staying sleeping when i knew i had to wake up for something tomorrow
I see, don't use mobile before sleep and try melatonin tablets i guess, also you might use something to cool down your room

You may try affirmations before bed, such as:

"I have great and resting sleep"
"I am resting and feel no stress about it"

You get the point, try to feel the emotion of peace/restfullness/happiness while affirming

If it is mental problem, it might help
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I see, don't use mobile before sleep and try melatonin tablets i guess, also you might use something to cool down your room

You may try affirmations before bed, such as:

"I have great and resting sleep"
"I am resting and feel no stress about it"

You get the point, try to feel the emotion of peace/restfullness/happiness while affirming

If it is mental problem, it might help
with melatonin, dont take more than 0.5mg, melatonin tablet/pills are super overdosed
I see, don't use mobile before sleep and try melatonin tablets i guess, also you might use something to cool down your room

You may try affirmations before bed, such as:

"I have great and resting sleep"
"I am resting and feel no stress about it"

You get the point, try to feel the emotion of peace/restfullness/happiness while affirming

If it is mental problem, it might help
I also forgot to mention my heart rate starts going crazy and i start getting hyper asf and my body just wants to keep moving, i’ve tried melatonin before 1/2.5/5 mg and they all worked at helping me fall asleep but i wake up like 2 hours after taking it, i will try the affirmations and let you know but i doubt that i’ll be able to convince myself anything because my brain just wants to keep thinking it’s like when you’re scrolling on tiktok and you just wanna see the next vid cause of the dopamine craving, my brain just wants to think new thoughts if you get what i mean, I will try a dopamine detox this weekend and i’ll limit my screen time on those brain rotting apps too. Also i feel like i have crazy ass anxiety from everything bro which may contribute to it(not sure when this begun but it’s been pretty long). There’s just too many potential causes that i don’t know how to even treat it
with melatonin, dont take more than 0.5mg, melatonin tablet/pills are super overdosed
how long before going to my bed? I’ll try it but melatonin fucks my sleep even more when i take 1mg, It does help me fall asleep a lot quicker but i wake up 2 hours later and i cant go back to sleep
I also forgot to mention my heart rate starts going crazy and i start getting hyper asf and my body just wants to keep moving, i’ve tried melatonin before 1/2.5/5 mg and they all worked at helping me fall asleep but i wake up like 2 hours after taking it, i will try the affirmations and let you know but i doubt that i’ll be able to convince myself anything because my brain just wants to keep thinking it’s like when you’re scrolling on tiktok and you just wanna see the next vid cause of the dopamine craving, my brain just wants to think new thoughts if you get what i mean, I will try a dopamine detox this weekend and i’ll limit my screen time on those brain rotting apps too. Also i feel like i have crazy ass anxiety from everything bro which may contribute to it(not sure when this begun but it’s been pretty long). There’s just too many potential causes that i don’t know how to even treat it
Then, it sounds like anxiety attacks?

Well, if i were you, i would at start:

1. Telling myself affirmations ("i have great sleep tonight with emotion")

If you look that guy, joe dispenza, he goes into science of these things

2. Cooler room, no electronics 2 hours before bed

3. Better diet - meat, deiry, eggs, fruit, water
Do not eat sweets, sweet drinks like coca cola, it's trash

4. Drinking acidified milk, maybe the trouble is in guts microbiome

5. Listening to rain sound while sleeping

Something like this, of course it must be downloaded, so notifications/ads don't wake you up

6. Anti-anxiety medication (if all else fails)
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Then, it sounds like anxiety attacks?

Well, if i were you, i would at start:

1. Telling myself affirmations ("i have great sleep tonight with emotion")

If you look that guy, joe dispenza, he goes into science of these things

2. Cooler room, no electronics 2 hours before bed

3. Better diet - meat, deiry, eggs, fruit, water
Do not eat sweets, sweet drinks like coca cola, it's trash

4. Drinking acidified milk, maybe the trouble is in guts microbiome

5. Listening to rain sound while sleeping

Something like this, of course it must be downloaded, so notifications/ads don't wake you up

6. Anti-anxiety medication (if all else fails)

I really appreciate it bro, most of the things here I don’t do so i’ll test them out, do you have any sleeping earphone suggestions for the heavy rain or do i use my phone as the audio source, i might find that distracting as i turn and the audio shifts locations from ear to ear and that’ll snap me back to reality and further from sleeping, also when i’m asleep in this fight or flight form i tend to wake up from the quietest sounds or disturbances, most anxiety meds i’ve checked out mess with cognitive function when taken long term, if you know any that don’t lmk🙏, i’ve been considering ashwagandha for anxiety is it good?
I really appreciate it bro, most of the things here I don’t do so i’ll test them out, do you have any sleeping earphone suggestions for the heavy rain or do i use my phone as the audio source, i might find that distracting as i turn and the audio shifts locations from ear to ear and that’ll snap me back to reality and further from sleeping, also when i’m asleep in this fight or flight form i tend to wake up from the quietest sounds or disturbances, most anxiety meds i’ve checked out mess with cognitive function when taken long term, if you know any that don’t lmk🙏, i’ve been considering ashwagandha for anxiety is it good?
I don't actually, i have no experience with ashwaganda, have you ever tried sleeping mask?

Not sure about earphones, i just place it behind the bed, in the middle of head, so it's evenly between ears
I don't actually, i have no experience with ashwaganda, have you ever tried sleeping mask?

Not sure about earphones, i just place it behind the bed, in the middle of head, so it's evenly between ears
are sleeping masks the ones that just cover the eyes? i’ve tried one that was really uncomfortable but i don’t really have a problem with lighting in my room.

I cant really do the phone thing in the middle cause i move a lot and i sleep on my side with my face at the edge of the pillow but airpods are also uncomfortable cause i sleep on my side
are sleeping masks the ones that just cover the eyes? i’ve tried one that was really uncomfortable but i don’t really have a problem with lighting in my room.

I cant really do the phone thing in the middle cause i move a lot and i sleep on my side with my face at the edge of the pillow but airpods are also uncomfortable cause i sleep on my side
Probably relaxing sound, like the one in massage salons, important is that there are no words

Diet, as i said, meat, eggs, fruit, milk

And affirmations, i think these can do the job

Try it for 2-3 weeks and then give feedback how it went bro 👍😃
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