How to get black-pilled advice IRL?


Deleted member 7725

Jun 8, 2020
I used to have bullies in high school tell me I have a dick-sized nose and was too skinny. I've since gotten rhinoplasty and gained 40 lbs and am no longer either of those but still have been ignored and people don't talk to me. Where's the best place to get straight-forward red/blackpilled advice after high school? There's no more bullies in college, now I just get ignored.

Please don't say Tinder. I'm a normie (maybe even low tier normie) with height (6'7") so Tinder doesn't do any good.
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probably go talk shit in the hood
probably go talk shit in the hood
Black people think I'm a slayer. I went to a college in the hood and all the black guys thought I got girls and were cool with me but the white guys all knew I was an incel. I'm 6'7" so that might be why.
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post face
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see a blackpilled plastic surgeon
post a picture of yourself with a cocky description
I'm a 6'7" gymcelled normie so I should be a slayer or at least not a friendless incel.
Listen mate, there are two possiblities
1) Your overating yourself and your prob subhuman-low tier normie
2) Your fucking autistic and can't find friends
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I don't think my looks are the issue at this point. I think it's my facial expressions, posture, clothing, etc. I'm a 6'7" gymcelled normie so I should be a slayer or at least not a friendless incel.
Maybe personality
Listen mate, there are two possiblities
1) Your overating yourself and your prob subhuman-low tier normie
2) Your fucking autistic and can't find friends
Definitely not a subhuman. Normie at worst. Already fixed my failos.
If you want my honest opinion you can PM me a picture of yourself.

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