How to get followers on Instagram?



Apr 15, 2019
I remember there was a method in which you had to follow and unfollow Justin Bieber constantly to appear at the top of his followers list, but that was in 2015 or 2016, i tried it now and it doesnt work.

Any ideas to get followers?
not even a pixel gocho
Buy like 300 followers lol and follow like 150 people or something lol
Buy like 300 followers lol and follow like 150 people or something lol
I said get not buy, i am not going to spend money on followers jfl
I said get not buy, i am not going to spend money on followers jfl
It's probably like 5 dollar max for 1k followers lmao
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1. Look good in photos

2. Do something remotely interesting in the photos

3. Use dating apps to promote it.

4. You can pay Cunts to advertise your account.
  • So Sad
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It's probably like 5 dollar max for 1k followers lmao
5 dollars that i am not going to spend
1. Look good in photos

2. Do something remotely interesting in the photos
Cant do this I don't have anyone to take pictures of me, i made my account in 2015 and i havent uploaded a pic since then jfl :ogre:
5 dollars that i am not going to spend

Cant do this I don't have anyone to take pictures of me, i made my account in 2015 and i havent uploaded a pic since then jfl :ogre:

If you want to get a good following you got to do that
Cant do this I don't have anyone to take pictures of me, i made my account in 2015 and i havent uploaded a pic since then jfl :ogre:
start a meme account and turn it in your own after you get followers
start a meme account and turn it in your own after you get followers
But i already have an account in which some people from my school follow me
I remember there was a method in which you had to follow and unfollow Justin Bieber constantly to appear at the top of his followers list, but that was in 2015 or 2016, i tried it now and it doesnt work.

Any ideas to get followers?
Follow many people, somr will follow back then unfollow all of them
Scam crypto and sell heroin XD
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  • Hmm...
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make a chad profile then after a few months you can change it to your own profile again, girls usually follow thousands of accounts 1 more will be unnoticeable
make a chad profile then after a few months you can change it to your own profile again, girls usually follow thousands of accounts 1 more will be unnoticeable
I want the followers on the account i already have, not in one new
I want the followers on the account i already have, not in one new
right now the only way to do it is by buying them, Instagram has banned the following and unfollowing tactic it doesn't work anymore
  • Hmm...
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make a chad profile then after a few months you can change it to your own profile again, girls usually follow thousands of accounts 1 more will be unnoticeable
right now the only way to do it is by buying them, Instagram has banned the following and unfollowing tactic it doesn't work anymore
Why it doesnt work anymore?
I remember there was a method in which you had to follow and unfollow Justin Bieber constantly to appear at the top of his followers list, but that was in 2015 or 2016, i tried it now and it doesnt work.

Any ideas to get followers?
Tell gay guys to follow you on grindr.
  • JFL
Reactions: Pendejo
Why it doesnt work anymore?
te lo pongo en español bro estoy demasiado cansado para hablar en ingles, tu unica opcion es comprar los seguidores, puedes intentar lo de seguir y dejar de seguir pero ya no funciona tan bien como antes, antes cada vez que dabas follow a una persona, tu perfil se ponia lo mas arriba posible en las pestañas de los seguidores de alguien, entonces los bots siempre iban de el primero de los seguidores a abajo dandole a follow, pero ahora es aleatoria la posicion en la que se ponen los perfiles en las pestañas de seguidores
  • Woah
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I’ve started plugging my insta on tinder quite a lot. Girls will almost always be happy to follow you since theyre obsessed with status themselves so it’s mutually beneficial situation to both get an extra follower. And they’ll probably like your pics and stuff like that not like some random fake account in India
I’ve started plugging my insta on tinder quite a lot. Girls will almost always be happy to follow you since theyre obsessed with status themselves so it’s mutually beneficial situation to both get an extra follower. And they’ll probably like your pics and stuff like that not like some random fake account in India
I dont use Tinder and even if i used it i doubt they would follow someone who is not good looking
  • JFL
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I dont use Tinder and even if i used it i doubt they would follow someone who is not good looking
They don’t care, they get a follower you get a follower. Half the girls on tinder are just there to plug their own Instagram anyway
  • Hmm...
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They don’t care, they get a follower you get a follower. Half the girls on tinder are just there to plug their own Instagram anyway
So do I have to follow them too?
But i dont want to follow a lot of random tinder hoes, i am trying to have a better following:followers ratio
Oh this won’t work then
  • So Sad
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It's probably like 5 dollar max for 1k followers lmao

GREAT IDEA! You just need to spend 5 dollars to have 1 THOUSAND CURRIES FOLLOWING YOU! Thank you for this, again, GREAT IDEA!
  • JFL
Reactions: Pendejo
GREAT IDEA! You just need to spend 5 dollars to have 1 THOUSAND CURRIES FOLLOWING! Thank you for this, again, GREAT IDEA!
If i wanted curry followers i would just post my IG on this forum jfl
  • JFL
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The best way to get followers:

1- Be good looking
2- Choose your niche (a hobby for example)
3- Make 60% of your posts about this hobby
4- Share you Insta on facebook/forum/youtube groups about this subject

You'll certainly get at least 1k doing this if your pics are good, after 1-2 months or less
  • Woah
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What if i upload a pic and they start commenting gay shit??

People from here commented on my friends Instagram posts lol

“ MY NAME has autism ” was written on a bunch of posts kek
  • JFL
Reactions: Pendejo
People from here commented on my friends Instagram posts lol

“ MY NAME has autism ” was written on a bunch of posts kek
Your real name or your name here? JFL
Be female
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Fuarrkk i would go crazy if that happened to me tbhngl

My friends no I’m an incel so yeah it not the end of the world

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