how to get pussy using nature

mr take your gf

mr take your gf

Jan 5, 2025
to get pussy you just need to memic animal's
approche woman when they are in Thier ovulation phase
how can you know if a woman is in her ovulation phase?
during the ovulation phase Thier lips 👄 get bigger Thier face become naturally red Thier breast get bigger and they tend to wear red pink purple color

during that phase female preference change from liking TikTok pretty boy to the most dimorphic men even if you're ugly but have high dimorphisme you'd have more advantage then any fucking pretty boy with a woman skull

but you need to dress in way that gives you mafia boss or vampire Aura wearing all black no kids outfit

that's how you can get pussy and with this method you'd get the most feminine girl (attractive) because opposite attract extreme feminine women are attracted to extreme masculine men
ok but ur mom can I fûck her?
  • JFL
Reactions: soggra and narex054
Tried this with your mom for a quick slay

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