How to get rid of fetishes?



Illuminated by God (6’4) Highest SMV on the forum
Sep 13, 2023
It's been quite a while since the last time I had sex and instead I've resorted to chronic masturbation. It's gotten to the point where I need to watch some really fucked up stuff in order to get and maintain an erection, and I'm afraid that this will cause ED in future sexual encounters... Are there any good ways to get rid of certain fetishes? I really wish I could just lust for vanilla stuff, I have a very high libido so I would be a great lover if I my mind just wasn't this screwed up :feelscry:
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  • JFL
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What fetishes?
stop porn
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  • JFL
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Just use viagra
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  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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  • So Sad
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Not really tbh, guys are always expected to be dominant in bed irl

It's legal stuff but I refuse to reveal that much :lul: extremely degen though, that's all you need to know
We need to know the problem to get to the root cause
  • JFL
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Not really tbh, guys are always expected to be dominant in bed irl

It's legal stuff but I refuse to reveal that much :lul: extremely degen though, that's all you need to know
If youre watching trannies to get a boner just force yourself to quit porn jfl. "Easier said than done" it has gone too far buddy, block the sites in your browser and bang your head into the wall when you feel like cooming
  • JFL
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We need to know the problem to get to the root cause
The problem to put it plainly is that I'm drawn to way too much submissive stuff, I need to start liking the idea of being dominant which I really don't right now for some reason. I can't be sub sexually it's a death sentence with foids. I'm usually the dominant person in normal situations irl but not sexually which is really weird. Something must be wrong with my brain chemistry.
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  • JFL
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how bad is this 'other stuff'
stuff like this mostly:
If youre watching trannies to get a boner just force yourself to quit porn jfl. "Easier said than done" it has gone too far buddy, block the sites in your browser and bang your head into the wall when you feel like cooming
I'm clearly addicted beyond repair, I'm always chasing the next high. I've jacked it 4 or 5 times today.
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De-stimaulate your brain by slowly stopping or quitting. Also stop watching short form content on your phone and stop stimulating your brain so much. Then normal and even hard things will stimulate you. I also struggled with degenerate faggot shit and the simple solution is to progressively deload (ex:go from 25 days a month to 20 to 15 and so on.) it’s the easiest way. Also don’t cope and say your libido is high. JFL.
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stuff like this mostly:

I'm clearly addicted beyond repair, I'm always chasing the next high. I've jacked it 4 or 5 times today.
Get outside a bit and have it normal to be out of the house tbh.
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feels impossible but I'm trying.
for the first time u dont need to stop permanently (even tho u cant do this like everyone else) try for a short periods of time and than leave watching for longer and longer periods
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A lot of bdsm and hardcore femdom mostly, then you know... some other stuff :hnghn:
That’s shit isn’t even bad bro
What’s the really bad stuff u watch
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for the first time u dont need to stop permanently (even tho u cant do this like everyone else) try for a short periods of time and than leave watching for longer and longer periods
De-stimaulate your brain by slowly stopping or quitting. Also stop watching short form content on your phone and stop stimulating your brain so much. Then normal and even hard things will stimulate you. I also struggled with degenerate faggot shit and the simple solution is to progressively deload (ex:go from 25 days a month to 20 to 15 and so on.) it’s the easiest way. Also don’t cope and say your libido is high. JFL.
would you advice me to do no fap or simply force myself to watch vanilla porn? Like pornhub starting page type stuff?
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would you advice me to do no fap or simply force myself to watch vanilla porn? Like pornhub starting page type stuff?
Nah just try to go 3-5 days more a month w/o it and get it done quickly if you have an urge throats unstoppable. Don’t waste your time on that shit
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try to get hardons in public
  • WTF
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tranny stuff, cuckolding, etc.
Hmmm yeah that is kinda weird
There is definitely worse
Tranny shii is like a low mid tier fetish
Stop watching porn ik it’s hard
But it’ll pay off
And if u relapse don’t beat urself up about it or be sad
It’s the worst thing u can do
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would you advice me to do no fap or simply force myself to watch vanilla porn? Like pornhub starting page type stuff?
Just like masturbate but no porn use ur imagination
Or at least lite porn like IG models
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I tried this but I just start thinking about the same fucked up stuff

yeah I should probably do this or like vsco pictures of girls from my town, to get normal expectations when it finally comes to irl sex with them
I’d say it not that ur thinking about it
It’s more watching it
Try your hardest to not watch any weird shii
Just masturbate to hot girls on IG or VSCO so ur brain knows what to expect during real sex
Not chicks with dicks lol
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Oh no, don't tell me it involves black men
A good couple of times yes :feelsbadman: It's so weird, I watch sph as well even though I've got a 7 inch dick, it's like my mind forces me to be more and more degen every time
A good couple of times yes :feelsbadman: It's so weird, I watch sph as well even though I've got a 7 inch dick, it's like my mind forces me to be more and more degen every time
I dont know what you should do really
Quit porn and if it doesnt get rid of your fetishes just live with them
I’d say it not that ur thinking about it
It’s more watching it
Try your hardest to not watch any weird shii
Just masturbate to hot girls on IG or VSCO so ur brain knows what to expect during real sex
Not chicks with dicks lol
Yes but its the only way if you really want to get rid of them
Will do my very best
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A good couple of times yes :feelsbadman: It's so weird, I watch sph as well even though I've got a 7 inch dick, it's like my mind forces me to be more and more degen every time
Your brain is just desensitized lol that’s why u watch worse and worse shit
Do the opposite and slowly watch more normal and normal shii theory
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I dont know what you should do really
Quit porn and if it doesnt get rid of your fetishes just live with them
Lmao no he will get more fetishes worse than trannys
Which btw is a nightmare on your mental health
I dont know what you should do really
Quit porn and if it doesnt get rid of your fetishes just live with them
I will do everything I can and if it doesn't work I will kill myself. The only girls who can live up to these fetishes are ltb misandrist communists, would rather rot alone or die
I will do everything I can and if it doesn't work I will kill myself. The only girls who can live up to these fetishes are ltb misandrist communists, would rather rot alone or die
If u kys u go hell

Haram bro don’t

Find god and he will help u too
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Stop watching porn boyo
Jfl dude gave himself a cuck fetish with porn. Stop watching that shit ASAP.

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