How to improve game and talk better with chicks? 6'4 HTN, mygame is lacking tho

Deleted member 11548

Deleted member 11548

Dec 27, 2020
^ give me some tips boyos

im tired of seeing average ass mutherfucks fucking decent chicks cuz they know how to talk yet im left with my dick in my hand despite mogging 95% of them.
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Keegan-Michael Key Lol GIF by HULU
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okay unironically, i've been always NT and social guy.

the only thing you can do be more social. i dunno, take more classes, build a hobby, talk more people.
talking more and more people make you realize your weak points. practise make it perfect. there is no shortcut.
also don't feel embarassed or cringy to make dumb mistake when people around.
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are you exposed to girls?
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This is a looksmaxing forum, not a PUA community
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^ give me some tips boyos

im tired of seeing average ass mutherfucks fucking decent chicks cuz they know how to talk yet im left with my dick in my hand despite mogging 95% of them.
Not the most social and talkative guy here. For me you either hit it off with a person or it’s awkward silence. But I think or rather what I observe, the highest nt ppl are the ones that traveled a lot. They have a lot of experience. A lot to talk about in general. Ofc they can talk about basically everything that comes up. If you have nothing to talk about cuz you never leave home ofc you ain’t gonna be interesting. Not that I am interesting but thats my take on it.

also tbh if you mog 95% you would have an ez time regardless so chances are you are not that gl
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Start by reading this guide:
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go up and talk to them u will get better at it man.
you're 6'4 but do you have 8x6? not a chad without huge dong
Get drunk or take phenibut
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^ give me some tips boyos

im tired of seeing average ass mutherfucks fucking decent chicks cuz they know how to talk yet im left with my dick in my hand despite mogging 95% of them.
sigma male affirmations
Not the most social and talkative guy here. For me you either hit it off with a person or it’s awkward silence. But I think or rather what I observe, the highest nt ppl are the ones that traveled a lot. They have a lot of experience. A lot to talk about in general. Ofc they can talk about basically everything that comes up. If you have nothing to talk about cuz you never leave home ofc you ain’t gonna be interesting. Not that I am interesting but thats my take on it.

also tbh if you mog 95% you would have an ez time regardless so chances are you are not that gl
been rated that here consistently, also lots of girls give me ioi's outside, its just that i dont go up to them and not a lot of chicks around me
are you exposed to girls?
kinda but i got put into a dorm which is all singles and is like a maze so no one knows anyone really meanwhile all the hot chicks are in this dorm that has all doubles and is built in a circle so everyone has to see each other in order to leave.
im the same way. ive been getting better by being all around more social, going out more, it makes you NT asf and talking to girls is all about NT + dumbing yourself down to them (no politics etc) + not being awkward
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In the past year I went from shitting myself trying to talk to a stranger girl to getting picking up very hot girls and recently a milf lol. At first I tried becoming good at pickup, but I noticed that it was a very painful process that mostly served as a means for developing your ‘balls’ or ability to be low inhib. After a while I simply focused on becoming extremely social with my environment, without any intentions of picking up every girl that I saw. Looking back, I wish I had done that from the start. I’d recommend just flirting with the world, talking to as many new people and strangers as you can and soon you’ll be the most social person you know. My inspirations were people like Russell brand, coach Kyle, tay social. Check them out if you’re serious about leveling up socially.
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In the past year I went from shitting myself trying to talk to a stranger girl to getting picking up very hot girls and recently a milf lol. At first I tried becoming good at pickup, but I noticed that it was a very painful process that mostly served as a means for developing your ‘balls’ or ability to be low inhib. After a while I simply focused on becoming extremely social with my environment, without any intentions of picking up every girl that I saw. Looking back, I wish I had done that from the start. I’d recommend just flirting with the world, talking to as many new people and strangers as you can and soon you’ll be the most social person you know. My inspirations were people like Russell brand, coach Kyle, tay social. Check them out if you’re serious about leveling up socially.


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Same here, 6,4 gl and tbh pretty sociable but when it comes to getting a girl I'm a total retard
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okay unironically, i've been always NT and social guy.

the only thing you can do be more social. i dunno, take more classes, build a hobby, talk more people.
talking more and more people make you realize your weak points. practise make it perfect. there is no shortcut.
also don't feel embarassed or cringy to make dumb mistake when people around.
Same here, 6,4 gl and tbh pretty sociable but when it comes to getting a girl I'm a total retard
When you're gl you get foids interested into you even if you act aspie (lowers smv a bit but it's still fine)
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When you're gl you get foids interested into you even if you act aspie (lowers smv a bit but it's still fine)
girls are interested its just i act absolutely retarded and after talking to them for a bit, my words make them dry as the sahara
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girls are interested its just i act absolutely retarded and after talking to them for a bit, my words make them dry as the sahara
Same, I wish I could run some kind of dark Sasuke game where I barely speak and the mysterious aura it gives me makes them automatically wet
game is mostly bullshit, just looksmax and watch alpha male strategies entire youtube and you're set
^ give me some tips boyos

im tired of seeing average ass mutherfucks fucking decent chicks cuz they know how to talk yet im left with my dick in my hand despite mogging 95% of them.
you need to fall in love with the sound of your own voice

you need to enjoy the resonance in your chest from just making sounds

communication is not about information, its about vibing- build your vibe from just speaking

be the party brah
game is mostly bullshit, just looksmax and watch alpha male strategies entire youtube and you're set
what specific videos dawg he has 484,

lmfao today my best friend told me that all of his friends that are girls think im cute but said that I act like a prick so they dont like me lmfao.

i can never win
what specific videos dawg he has 484,

lmfao today my best friend told me that all of his friends that are girls think im cute but said that I act like a prick so they dont like me lmfao.

i can never win
all of them, they're funny too go start with the popular ones
^ give me some tips boyos

im tired of seeing average ass mutherfucks fucking decent chicks cuz they know how to talk yet im left with my dick in my hand despite mogging 95% of them.
Look up the Good Looking Loser blog most useful resource on game I have found so far. Keep it simple and stay award from retarded PUA shit. If you are looksmaxxed just be chill and get to know the chicks a bit while showing you’re a sexual guy. Touch them, joke around, etc. Its hard to be carefree and confident when talking to hot chicks at first so learn to get used to that awkward feeling. Practice until it becomes natural. Make a goal to yourself to cold approach every hot girl you see in public and ask for their number. Doesn’t matter if you get rejected, everyone does. Always be upfront and direct - don’t do indirect approaches, just say “Hey what’s up I thought you looked attractive and wanted to see what you were like” that’s what I always open with. During the convo don’t worry about what she thinks, instead ask yourself if you like her and if she’s good enough for you.
Look up the Good Looking Loser blog most useful resource on game I have found so far. Keep it simple and stay award from retarded PUA shit. If you are looksmaxxed just be chill and get to know the chicks a bit while showing you’re a sexual guy. Touch them, joke around, etc. Its hard to be carefree and confident when talking to hot chicks at first so learn to get used to that awkward feeling. Practice until it becomes natural. Make a goal to yourself to cold approach every hot girl you see in public and ask for their number. Doesn’t matter if you get rejected, everyone does. Always be upfront and direct - don’t do indirect approaches, just say “Hey what’s up I thought you looked attractive and wanted to see what you were like” that’s what I always open with. During the convo don’t worry about what she thinks, instead ask yourself if you like her and if she’s good enough for you.
thanks boss
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I dont know about that game philosophy. I was at one small "appartment party", a few girls were also there. I was talking to other dudes like 90% of the time, drinking, making jokes, laughing etc. Anyways we had to sleep there, there was 1 big couch, like 6 ppl slept on it. One of the girls came to sleep next to me, I made zero attempts to approach her or anything like that. I wasnt quite sure whether to start making out when the lights were turned off, but then she initiated it herself. I didnt smash her, cause it would be a retarded situation with so many ppl in one room, but we made out for hours. My lips were dry af next morning from making out for hours. Hers too, but she had some lip stick thing that moistures the lips, I shouldve asked her to give me some of it too in the morning jfl, instead I was walking around with dry af lips smdh.

What I wanna say by this is, if a girl's really attracted, she will initiate things herself or make everything 100x easier when you talk to her etc. and ignore all the cringe shit you say or do. I didnt need no game to make out with her in that night, but I had looks though. Also I acted rather NT, due to drinking alcohol and talking with the homies mostly. It was the first time I met her too.

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