How to keep a girl in Long term Relationship


Deleted member 1632

May 1, 2019
Yeah man. Basically it comes down to being the type of dude that’s not dependent on her. In addition to good looks, girls are attracted to dudes that they feel don’t really need them. That have great lives on their own, which make the girls want to join in on that. A lot of people here think the lesson to be learned from this cheating situation is that you have to just be as much of an asshole as possible but that’s not going to work either. Girls like affection and attention. But you devalue it when you keep giving it to her constantly and for no reason.

Honestly you shouldn’t talk to girls that differently than you talk to your boys. If you got disrespected by a friend and they said something blatantly stupid or mean, you would call them out for it instead of taking it like a bitch. Don’t give her too much too soon, like showering her with a lot of gifts and praise. Yeah in the moment she might love it but long term all it’s going to do is set a standard you can’t uphold and also make it seem like you need to do that kind of stuff to keep her around, so she’ll lose respect for you. And when you keep complimenting her all you’re doing is making it seem like she’s out of your league. When you give it sparingly it actually seems genuine and she appreciates it more.

Don’t constantly text her and don’t constantly hang with her and be too available. That’s one of the biggest mistakes I made with my ex where we had this constant all day everyday text convo going and it made things feel routine and dry. It’s better to say nothing than to have a boring conversation. So if you’re busy or you have nothing to say, that’s fine, just don’t. And make sure you regularly do things without her and have your own hobbies because again there needs to be some mystery to you that she’s not around for. Even if it leads to fights, so what. If she gets upset that means she cares and it’s better than indifference. Plus it’s good to be independent anyways for your own sake.

Make sure you’re not stagnating. Keep pushing hard in school, your career, your hobbies, lifting, and even looksmaxxing because by seeing that kind of drive and constant improvement, you make a girl want to see what you have in store in the future. Finally, good sex is crucial and it makes girls stay in even toxic relationships way longer than they should. So make sure you dick her down right.

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TL;DR Just be chad bro
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  • JFL
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Hiqh IQ med masterace
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Dn rd . Get raped to death
8E3BB88D 1497 4327 ABA9 1CFD87B31514
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I agree with him,girls wants validation and dopamine.But if you always give it her,she will look away.
Don't speak to her all the day.Don't say I love you each day.
You need to see her maximum once a week
The best is like 1 time every 2-3 weeks
And when you see her ,you should just fuck her.
Make her unconfident.
Just speak to her 80% of time neutral(without feeling).
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This is legit. Basic redpill stuff that everyone should know if they’re in a LTR.
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This is legit. Basic redpill stuff that everyone should know if they’re in a LTR.
It's why in general,relationship with a girl in your school is always a failure.Because you see her during the day.She is getting bored
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  • So Sad
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Ok, just be the most attractive man on Earth bro
just admit it's over and it's not about your looks to keep the girl once you are gl for her.
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Just don't buy gifts too.Tbh in one year of relationship,i paid her just a MCDONALD JFL.
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Best way to keep a girl around is her seeing you being wanted by other women

It's this simple and yeah don't simp either
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It's why in general,relationship with a girl in your school is always a failure.Because you see her during the day.She is bored
Not really. I have been in LTR with my first GF who was also my classmate for a year and seeing each other everyday didn’t make a difference. I think what makes a difference is just how much attention you give her. Obviously, you shouldn’t be 100% distant because after a long time of chasing, she will eventually give up and look at other options but you shouldn’t be her lap dog either by giving her 24/7 attention. She should feel a dopamine rush everytime you give her a compliment or say that you love her, etc
Best way to keep a girl around is her seeing you being wanted by other women
Just be Chad bro theory.
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I agree with him,girls wants validation and dopamine.But if you always give it her,she will look away.
Don't speak to her all the day.Don't say I love you each day.
You need to see her maximum once a week
The best is like 1 time every 2-3 weeks
And when you see her ,you should just fuck her.
Make her unconfident.
Just speak to her 80% of time neutral(without feeling).

Sounds like you are just regurgitating all the red pill knowledge you‘ve learnt. All though I agree with most of it, it’s not as strict as your making it seem
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Not really. I have been in LTR with my first GF who was also my classmate for a year and seeing each other everyday didn’t make a difference. I think what makes a difference is just how much attention you give her. Obviously, you shouldn’t be 100% distant because after a long time of chasing, she will eventually give up and look at other options but you shouldn’t be her lap dog either by giving her 24/7 attention. She should feel a dopamine rush everytime you give her a compliment or say that you love her, etc

Just be Chad bro theory.
Always the rule of 20-80
20% of giving attention-80% chasing of you
  • Ugh..
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Best way to maintain LTR is good face.
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just have a big dick theory
Just be Chad bro theory.
But it's legit
All women want a man who's wanted
That would be the only reason for her to leave is because you aren't wanted and another man she got a chance with is
Unless abuse or shit like this
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Cope bro,there are always people better than you
May be but not every better male will want to get your women. You must make sure that you are the best she can get and she is aware of this.
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May be but not every better male will want to get your women. You must make sure that you are the best she can get and she is aware of this.
Cope again man,don't forget hypergamy.
A 3 psl women can get a chad nowadays..
Yeah man. Basically it comes down to being the type of dude that’s not dependent on her. In addition to good looks, girls are attracted to dudes that they feel don’t really need them. That have great lives on their own, which make the girls want to join in on that. A lot of people here think the lesson to be learned from this cheating situation is that you have to just be as much of an asshole as possible but that’s not going to work either. Girls like affection and attention. But you devalue it when you keep giving it to her constantly and for no reason.

Honestly you shouldn’t talk to girls that differently than you talk to your boys. If you got disrespected by a friend and they said something blatantly stupid or mean, you would call them out for it instead of taking it like a bitch. Don’t give her too much too soon, like showering her with a lot of gifts and praise. Yeah in the moment she might love it but long term all it’s going to do is set a standard you can’t uphold and also make it seem like you need to do that kind of stuff to keep her around, so she’ll lose respect for you. And when you keep complimenting her all you’re doing is making it seem like she’s out of your league. When you give it sparingly it actually seems genuine and she appreciates it more.

Don’t constantly text her and don’t constantly hang with her and be too available. That’s one of the biggest mistakes I made with my ex where we had this constant all day everyday text convo going and it made things feel routine and dry. It’s better to say nothing than to have a boring conversation. So if you’re busy or you have nothing to say, that’s fine, just don’t. And make sure you regularly do things without her and have your own hobbies because again there needs to be some mystery to you that she’s not around for. Even if it leads to fights, so what. If she gets upset that means she cares and it’s better than indifference. Plus it’s good to be independent anyways for your own sake.

Make sure you’re not stagnating. Keep pushing hard in school, your career, your hobbies, lifting, and even looksmaxxing because by seeing that kind of drive and constant improvement, you make a girl want to see what you have in store in the future. Finally, good sex is crucial and it makes girls stay in even toxic relationships way longer than they should. So make sure you dick her down right.

If you are complimenting her, and that puts her in a pedestal. It's her problem entirely that she wants to take advantage of you and manipulate you at the first place. That means her ego is above limits, and then she have the nerve to manipulate you

Find a girl that doesn't do that shit, and i'll give you my account. Cause it's rare
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and Greeicy
Just be DOM and be rough with her

women want a guy to tell her what to do

to tell her she can't go out

to grab her whenever he wants to

it's a sign of ownership which is a primal thing from hunter gatherer days
Cope bro,there are always people better than you
Actually it’s true. A high tier normie in LTR with a 4PSL female is a healthy relationship for the male even though they are not looksmatched BUT the female will be devoted to him and he will get the best of her because she consciously knows that he’s not disposable and probably the best she will ever get. Not only that but a high tier normie has insane IRL value and has options...Only giga Chad (male model tier) can get in a LTR with his looksmatch and have a healthy stress-free relationship simply because he’s a part of the top 1% of the male population and almost impossible to find someone like him.
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Actually it’s true. A high tier normie in LTR with a 4PSL female is a healthy relationship for the male even though they are not looksmatched BUT the female will be devoted to him and he will get the best of her because she consciously knows that he’s not disposable and probably the best she will ever get. Not only that but a high tier normie has insane IRL value and has options...Only giga Chad (male model tier) can get in a LTR with his looksmatch and have a healthy stress-free relationship simply because he’s a part of the top 1% of the male population and almost impossible to find someone like him.
It's my case and i manipulate her
i agree with everything you said but it's built on the preexisting basis that assumes that you're a chad
if you're not a chad it's simply not feasible for you to act like this - as the girl would inevitably find you arrogant and selfish and eventually distance herself from you since you have virtually no other value apart from simping for her
i agree with everything you said but it's built on the preexisting basis that assumes that you're a chad
if you're not a chad it's simply not feasible for you to act like this - as the girl would inevitably find you arrogant and selfish and eventually distance herself from you since you have virtually no other value apart from simping for her
She said i am a selfish man,but even if she says that,i don't care.Cause girls are saying invert of what they want

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