How to learn everything fast?



Feb 12, 2023
Like how do you even learn fast? As a child I used to be a pretty good learner but as a I grew my brain started rotting and fading away, which impacted my learning process and memory.
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your brain didn't start rotting and fading away, you iq stopped developing.

this is like saying "as a child i was the tallest kid in class but as i grew my height started rotting away"
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your brain didn't start rotting and fading away, you iq stopped developing.

this is like saying "as a child i was the tallest kid in class but as i grew my height started rotting away"
might as well rot physically
Like how do you even learn fast? As a child I used to be a pretty good learner but as a I grew my brain started rotting and fading away, which impacted my learning process and memory.
thats cus of your bad habits jfl same with me
your brain didn't start rotting and fading away, you iq stopped developing.

this is like saying "as a child i was the tallest kid in class but as i grew my height started rotting away"
thats not how intelligence works
stop using the internet and technology other than your phone for important things, exercise, sleep right, drink water, take a course at a community College. Do brain training games, read books, make sure your gut health is in check. Do not consume drugs or alcohol. Restore your attention span, dont indulge in things that give instant gratification. Try learning a new language, even if you only spend 10mins a day that is sufficient.

I do none of these things and currently rot in my room as an unemployed neet, but I guarantee if you do these things and rid yourself of degeneracy, you will be much smarter. I feel like the reason people are so dumbed down now is brain fog from all these things they put in front of us.
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thats not how intelligence works
IQ eventually hits what's mostly a genetically predetermined ceiling. IQ can be quite malleable at a young age but as we age it begins to plateau and come to a stop reaching a point that's 90% determined at birth. There are twin studies that show IQ showing decent amounts of variation during childhood depending on environmental factors but once adulthood is reached both twins tend to come to the same stopping point

OP probably developed fast as a child but now has hit their cap
IQ eventually hits what's mostly a genetically predetermined ceiling. IQ can be quite malleable at a young age but as we age it begins to plateau and come to a stop reaching a point that's 90% determined at birth. There are twin studies that show IQ showing decent amounts of variation during childhood depending on environmental factors but once adulthood is reached both twins tend to come to the same stopping point

OP probably developed fast as a child but now has hit their cap
do u have a link? it interests me
if you’re environment isn’t the same as when you were a child, don’t complain. sleep 10+ hours like a child. eat a lot of fatty food like a child. daily cardio like a child. dedicate hours daily to one subject like a child.
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Memorizing is a skill, you can get better at it or worse. I went back to college at 21 and put in a lot of hours at the library and had to relearn how to learn. Flashcards are pretty much the best way to get started. There’s tricks you pick up like associating the answer with something memorable, or mnemonic devices. It takes some time but you’ll get more confidence which helps clear your mind making memorizing easier.

It also helps to try to understand the answer more so than memorizing.
Like how do you even learn fast? As a child I used to be a pretty good learner but as a I grew my brain started rotting and fading away, which impacted my learning process and memory.
Active recall: this involves actively recalling information from memory rather than simply re-reading or reviewing it. This can be done through techniques like self-quizzing, flashcards, or summarizing information in your own words.

Spaced repetition: this involves reviewing information at increasingly spaced intervals to help with long-term retention. This technique is often used in conjunction with flashcards or other self-quizzing tools.

: this involves breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable chunks that are easier to remember. This can be done through grouping related information or creating acronyms or mnemonics to help with recall.

Mind-mapping: this involves creating visual diagrams or maps that connect different pieces of information together. This technique can be especially useful for visual learners or for organizing complex concepts.

Method of Loci: this involves associating different pieces of information with specific locations or objects in a familiar environment, such as your home or a familiar route. This technique can be particularly effective for memorizing lists or sequences.

Image streaming: this involves generating mental images or visualizations to help with memorization and recall. This can be useful for memorizing abstract concepts or connecting different pieces of information together.
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be born with surplus iq, perfect pitch, eidetic memory
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Active recall: this involves actively recalling information from memory rather than simply re-reading or reviewing it. This can be done through techniques like self-quizzing, flashcards, or summarizing information in your own words.

Spaced repetition: this involves reviewing information at increasingly spaced intervals to help with long-term retention. This technique is often used in conjunction with flashcards or other self-quizzing tools.

Chunking: this involves breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable chunks that are easier to remember. This can be done through grouping related information or creating acronyms or mnemonics to help with recall.

Mind-mapping: this involves creating visual diagrams or maps that connect different pieces of information together. This technique can be especially useful for visual learners or for organizing complex concepts.

Method of Loci: this involves associating different pieces of information with specific locations or objects in a familiar environment, such as your home or a familiar route. This technique can be particularly effective for memorizing lists or sequences.

Image streaming: this involves generating mental images or visualizations to help with memorization and recall. This can be useful for memorizing abstract concepts or connecting different pieces of information together.
Discipline combined with any of these is king.

Nothing else matters unless you are unironically retarded.
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