How to lower estro while being on fin/dut? Typical symptoms of fin



Sep 14, 2019
I know that not in every situation anything like AI will be needed, but if there are typical symptoms of high estro? What's the best and safest way to lower it ? Exemestane aka Aromasin 12.5mg E4D? or maybe natural shit like DIM or I-3-C or Nolva? Of course very low estro sucks probably much worse than high one xD Naturally i've got high test and high estro, which is good. I would like to see people blood test before fin, during and after... when the symptoms like low libido, problems with gyno occur ;c when people have higher estro and lower test or maybe higher test and lower estro... Everyone is different and on every person something will work in different way and that's interesting asf. @x30001 u are high iq man, so i would like to see your respond and theory about that . Thanks for reading boooys
I know that not in every situation anything like AI will be needed, but if there are typical symptoms of high estro? What's the best and safest way to lower it ? Exemestane aka Aromasin 12.5mg E4D? or maybe natural shit like DIM or I-3-C or Nolva? Of course very low estro sucks probably much worse than high one xD Naturally i've got high test and high estro, which is good. I would like to see people blood test before fin, during and after... when the symptoms like low libido, problems with gyno occur ;c when people have higher estro and lower test or maybe higher test and lower estro... Everyone is different and on every person something will work in different way and that's interesting asf. @x30001 u are high iq man, so i would like to see your respond and theory about that . Thanks for reading boooys
Dont be on fin. Lowers dht conversion a lot, dht is fckn important
I know that not in every situation anything like AI will be needed, but if there are typical symptoms of high estro? What's the best and safest way to lower it ? Exemestane aka Aromasin 12.5mg E4D? or maybe natural shit like DIM or I-3-C or Nolva? Of course very low estro sucks probably much worse than high one xD Naturally i've got high test and high estro, which is good. I would like to see people blood test before fin, during and after... when the symptoms like low libido, problems with gyno occur ;c when people have higher estro and lower test or maybe higher test and lower estro... Everyone is different and on every person something will work in different way and that's interesting asf. @x30001 u are high iq man, so i would like to see your respond and theory about that . Thanks for reading boooys
Do you have high estrogen. Did you get it checked?
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Dont be on fin. Lowers dht conversion a lot, dht is fckn important
i know that boy but hair is freaking important, I wouldn't give a fuck if would be 30year old with a wife and kid but I'm not haha
3mg aromasin once or twice per week. Estrogen sides are gyno, bloat acne, low sex drive erectile dysfunction.

But bloat, low sex drive and ED are also side effects of finasteride so good luck telling which one is causing it.
3mg aromasin once or twice per week. Estrogen sides are gyno, bloat acne, low sex drive erectile dysfunction.

But bloat, low sex drive and ED are also side effects of finasteride so good luck telling which one is causing it.
depends how low ur dht is ngl, my friend is on fin rn and he says his sex drive is higher because he was literally an omega giga dht monkey hair everywhere, so he still has enough dht left for functions, extra testosterone since less is being converted into dht, estrogen prob fine too
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Do you have high estrogen. Did you get it checked?
When i meant high estro, test was something aroud 900 when the reference range was to 930, estro reference range was to 44 probably, I had something about 42. I know that estro really depends on person, some feel better when estro is low but others feel much better when estro is closer to the higher limit of reference range.
depends how low ur dht is ngl, my friend is on fin rn and he says his sex drive is higher because he was literally an omega giga dht monkey hair everywhere, so he still has enough dht left for functions, extra testosterone since less is being converted into dht, estrogen prob fine too
Wow that's really interesting, I've got a lot of body hair as well, on back and etc. My DHT was something about 1100 when i checked it, reference range was to 930, so it's mucher higher than it should be XD
depends how low ur dht is ngl, my friend is on fin rn and he says his sex drive is higher because he was literally an omega giga dht monkey hair everywhere, so he still has enough dht left for functions, extra testosterone since less is being converted into dht, estrogen prob fine too
Less dht and more testosterone doesn't increase sex drive. Dht it the main hormone responsible for male sex drive. Then you also need enough estrogen.
How will act people on test 600mg week and DUT? Does anyone know something who did it ? Probably Fin will not be enough to counter the level of test and dht
Dht it the main hormone responsible for male sex drive.

not sure, 5ar deficient males have normal libidos. Afaik dopamine is tho most important substance for sex drive.
estro reference range was to 44 probably, I had something about 42.

I did not understand why do you even want to lower your E in the first place?
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not sure, 5ar deficient males have normal libidos. Afaik dopamine is tho most important substance for sex drive.
And dht has a strong effect on dopamine

Anyways what's considered 'normal' nowadays. A soft erection and sex once a week probably. Too many numales.
not sure, 5ar deficient males have normal libidos. Afaik dopamine is tho most important substance for sex drive.

I did not understand why do you even want to lower your E in the first place?
Where i wrote that I want to lower E? I haven't even started to take fin but I want to know everything before I do anything. I know that estradiol is as important as test ;)
Don’t touch fin if your not 22+ DHT is very important for early adult hood. I’m 19 was on fin for 3 months I felt like my growth stopped no joke. I hopped off and now I’m getting hair on my cheeks and becoming more manlier. This isn’t placebo I’m not one of those weird people on reddit.

I got no side effects in terms of libido/ED I decided to hop off because I’m too young to be on finasteride. However it is life fuel knowing I get no sides from finasteride. I will be back on finasteride on my 22nd birthday.
And dht has a strong effect on dopamine

Anyways what's considered 'normal' nowadays. A soft erection and sex once a week probably. Too many numales.
The only thing that fucks up my erection is MDMA :( hahaha I know that testosterone is dopaminergic
Don’t touch fin if your not 22+ DHT is very important for early adult hood. I’m 19 was on fin for 3 months I felt like my growth stopped no joke. I hopped off and now I’m getting hair on my cheeks and becoming more manlier. This isn’t placebo I’m not one of those weird people on reddit.

I got no side effects in terms of libido/ED I decided to hop off because I’m too young to be on finasteride. However it is life fuel knowing I get no sides from finasteride. I will be back on finasteride on my 22nd birthday.
What do you mean by "I felt like my growth stopped" I'm 6'3, a lot of body hair, wide frame, It would be even good for me to decrease amount of body hair haha and anyway my DHT result was 1100 when reference range was to ~930.
I-3-C twice a day works perfectly for me, I haven't experienced any of the classic side effects from fin other than slight loss of sensation in my dick, which is negligible. Sex drive is the same, I feel the same, I don't even have watery semen.
I want to know everything before I do anything.

you won't know everything, you're kinda shooting in the dark rn. take 0.25/0.5mg of fin, see if you have any ill-effects and then decide what to do about them.
you won't know everything, you're kinda shooting in the dark rn. take 0.25/0.5mg of fin, see if you have any ill-effects and then decide what to do about them.
i think that there is slight missunderstanding between us, anyway I will try first fin 1mg and do bloodwork after 3-4 weeks, we will see, I will have some nolva and exe anyway
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