How to make sure your son becomes a chad

Deleted member 2012

Deleted member 2012

Jun 10, 2019

Obviously this is the most important step. So here are two methods to make sure your kid gets the best genes:

Method A: Traditional marriage

Being realistic you can expect at most to be with your looksmatch. So looksmax until you reach your maximum potential and pair up with a girl who is looksmatched with your improved self. Thus improving your genes.
If you get really rich maybe you can go beyond that, but let’s keep things realistic.

Method B: Surrogacy

Obviously the first method isn’t for everyone. Depending on your initial looks level, even after looksmaxing you might not be able to get a good enough girl to be the mother of your children. And on top of that, the worse your original genes are, the better you need the mother’s genes to compensate.

So your best option is to ditch marriage altogether and opt for surrogacy. As a low value male, marriage would only fuck you over anyways. Let’s stop deluding ourselves with a dreamy functional nuclear family from the 80’s where everyone is happy, that will just not happen.

If you go for marriage as a low value male you will most likely just be a betabux stuck in an unhappy marriage with another low value woman and your kids will be ugly too.

Meanwhile with surrogacy you can have your kid from any gigastacy egg of your choice. It’s expensive, but cheaper than getting divorce raped. It’s the best way to reproduce in 2020.


Okay, so provided your kid has at least decent genes you want them to get the best development in their childhood and especially puberty to go above and beyond their genetic potential.

1) Mewing
While cope for adults, tongue posture has been shown to have huge effects on children. So you should teach your kids to not be mouthbreathers and to hardmew whenever they can.

2) Hard foods

Almost equally as important as mouth posture, is the hardness of our food. Our modern soft diets have destroyed the teeth and jaw development of our generation.

Why do you think so many kids are having to wear braces and the numbers are only increasing? Because we are not using our bite like it has evolved to be used. We should be consistently chewing hard natural foods as opposed to artificial soft crap that is basically already chewed up and spat on our plates.

3) HGH

Unless your kid has such good height genes that they’re already predicted to grow up to 6’5 upon birth… They could use some extra inches. Providing them with HGH to boost their puberty is a must. In addition to height gains it will make their facial bones more defined and it will help them build muscle mass more easily.

4) Physical activities

This goes without saying. Your kid needs to grow up being in shape to get the best puberty and to always remain healthy and active. But be careful with weightlifting, it could stunt your kids growth if done too early. Focus more on sports that exercise the whole body without putting too much pressure on the bones. Like swimming for example.
It’s also good to sign them up for some sort of martial arts, all boys should be able to defend themselves if need be. It will also increase his T levels.


Of course that if your son grows up good looking he will already be naturally confident and NT due to all the positive reinforcement throughout his life. But that doesn’t mean that you will have nothing to worry about.

What would be your reaction if your son whom you went through a world trouble to nurture into a chad… brought home a recessed 4’11 SEA bitch saying that he is love and that they’re getting married?

All your work to improve your family genetics could go down the drain if you don’t teach your son about the blackpill.

The media in the west does everything in its power to turn young boys into bluepilled estrogenic soyboys. Since your son will be good looking, he will only see women’s good side from his perspective, failing to see through their true nature of hypergamy and etc.

He could end up pairing up with a girl far below his league, believing in true love like a naive child and being used by women. Even chads get used and divorce-raped when they fail to be an alpha male and keep control.

It is your responsibility to not let that happen.

@//\//\\1m054_p00d1c4 @54UD4D3 @adrianolm@Aesthetics_III @AleksVs @Alesund@auboutduprecipice
@Barbarossa_ @bassfreak @BigBiceps@BigChinHispanic @blackopstruecel @Blackout.xl@cardiologist @Chad1212 @Chadfromjungle@Chicofan @cocainecowboy @DaddyBigPenis@DarkTriadPeerReview @Deliciadecu @didntreadlol@diggbicc @Dr Shekelberg @Drugs@eduardkoopman @fakemeta. @garfyld @Goblin@Greeicy @Gudru @Hopelessmofoker @Ioan@IWantToMax @karbo @KEy21 @KingOfRome@LastGerman @Lifewasted @LostYouth @mattzdeb@6ft1
@Mohamad @needsolution @NewParasite@NorwoodMilitant @obesecel @Patriot @Pietrosiek@RAITEIII @Ruby @SexuallyAbusive @Shekelcel@shibo @ShredPill @SlavCelibate @Tankymax@Tony @toolateforme @TraumatisedOgre@Tsunayoshi Sawada @turkproducer@Tyrionlannistercel @x30001 @zeno @Zygos4Life
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  • JFL
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Inject t into the womb
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Another one of these threads
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Or you could end up getting a daughter.
Also the mom should be young to ideal prenatal t and development in the womb
Or you could end up getting a daughter.
I actually want both a son and a daughter
A daughter is like a safety net for your family genetics because she is pretty much guaranteed to reproduce with a chad.
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard
you forgot to be white

Obviously this is the most important step. So here are two methods to make sure your kid gets the best genes:

Method A: Traditional marriage

Being realistic you can expect at most to be with your looksmatch. So looksmax until you reach your maximum potential and pair up with a girl who is looksmatched with your improved self. Thus improving your genes.
If you get really rich maybe you can go beyond that, but let’s keep things realistic.

Method B: Surrogacy

Obviously the first method isn’t for everyone. Depending on your initial looks level, even after looksmaxing you might not be able to get a good enough girl to be the mother of your children. And on top of that, the worse your original genes are, the better you need the mother’s genes to compensate.

So your best option is to ditch marriage altogether and opt for surrogacy. As a low value male, marriage would only fuck you over anyways. Let’s stop deluding ourselves with a dreamy functional nuclear family from the 80’s where everyone is happy, that will just not happen.

If you go for marriage as a low value male you will most likely just be a betabux stuck in an unhappy marriage with another low value woman and your kids will be ugly too.

Meanwhile with surrogacy you can have your kid from any gigastacy egg of your choice. It’s expensive, but cheaper than getting divorce raped. It’s the best way to reproduce in 2020.


Okay, so provided your kid has at least decent genes you want them to get the best development in their childhood and especially puberty to go above and beyond their genetic potential.

1) Mewing
While cope for adults, tongue posture has been shown to have huge effects on children. So you should teach your kids to not be mouthbreathers and to hardmew whenever they can.

2) Hard foods

Almost equally as important as mouth posture, is the hardness of our food. Our modern soft diets have destroyed the teeth and jaw development of our generation.

Why do you think so many kids are having to wear braces and the numbers are only increasing? Because we are not using our bite like it has evolved to be used. We should be consistently chewing hard natural foods as opposed to artificial soft crap that is basically already chewed up and spat on our plates.

3) HGH

Unless your kid has such good height genes that they’re already predicted to grow up to 6’5 upon birth… They could use some extra inches. Providing them with HGH to boost their puberty is a must. In addition to height gains it will make their facial bones more defined and it will help them build muscle mass more easily.

4) Physical activities

This goes without saying. Your kid needs to grow up being in shape to get the best puberty and to always remain healthy and active. But be careful with weightlifting, it could stunt your kids growth if done too early. Focus more on sports that exercise the whole body without putting too much pressure on the bones. Like swimming for example.
It’s also good to sign them up for some sort of martial arts, all boys should be able to defend themselves if need be. It will also increase his T levels.


Of course that if your son grows up good looking he will already be naturally confident and NT due to all the positive reinforcement throughout his life. But that doesn’t mean that you will have nothing to worry about.

What would be your reaction if your son whom you went through a world trouble to nurture into a chad… brought home a recessed 4’11 SEA bitch saying that he is love and that they’re getting married?

All your work to improve your family genetics could go down the drain if you don’t teach your son about the blackpill.

The media in the west does everything in its power to turn young boys into bluepilled estrogenic soyboys. Since your son will be good looking, he will only see women’s good side from his perspective, failing to see through their true nature of hypergamy and etc.

He could end up pairing up with a girl far below his league, believing in true love like a naive child and being used by women. Even chads get used and divorce-raped when they fail to be an alpha male and keep control.

It is your responsibility to not let that happen.

@//\//\\1m054_p00d1c4 @54UD4D3 @adrianolm@Aesthetics_III @AleksVs @Alesund@auboutduprecipice
@Barbarossa_ @bassfreak @BigBiceps@BigChinHispanic @blackopstruecel @Blackout.xl@cardiologist @Chad1212 @Chadfromjungle@Chicofan @cocainecowboy @DaddyBigPenis@DarkTriadPeerReview @Deliciadecu @didntreadlol@diggbicc @Dr Shekelberg @Drugs@eduardkoopman @fakemeta. @garfyld @Goblin@Greeicy @Gudru @Hopelessmofoker @Ioan@IWantToMax @karbo @KEy21 @KingOfRome@LastGerman @Lifewasted @LostYouth @mattzdeb@6ft1
@Mohamad @needsolution @NewParasite@NorwoodMilitant @obesecel @Patriot @Pietrosiek@RAITEIII @Ruby @SexuallyAbusive @Shekelcel@shibo @ShredPill @SlavCelibate @Tankymax@Tony @toolateforme @TraumatisedOgre@Tsunayoshi Sawada @turkproducer@Tyrionlannistercel @x30001 @zeno @Zygos4Life
@SayHeyHey greatest mind of our time
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Underrated thread

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