How to measure height accurately



Apr 6, 2023

Hello class,

This is going to be a guide on how to measure height accurately by the mm

This guide to measuring will ensure that you get your precise measurement, give it take a mm.

Measuring height

Step 1.

Make sure you had a good 8 hours of sleep before the measurement. This will ensure your spine is fully decompressed

Step 2

Make sure the wall and floor that you are measuring on is perfectly level. If not this could affect the measurement and reduce the accuracy of the measurement.

Step 3.

Measure your morning height straight out of bed. (Do this before checking if the walls are levels as morning height drops rapidly)

How do I measure my height?

First off, you will need to grab your equipment.

Class 1 tape measure (5m long max)
Long straight aerosol can

Now that you have acquired all of your equipment it is time to measure. Make sure that you have a class 1 measuring tape on you that is at least 5m long. Class 1 measuring tapes are the most accurate and only have an error of half a mm (if 5m long).

Class 2 and 3 measuring tapes have a larger margin for error and won't give an accurate measurement. Class 3 measuring tapes alone can be inaccurate by nearly 5mm if over 10m long and that's from the measuring tape alone!

Make sure that your measuring tape has no kinks, tears and is brand new. This will ensure the best of measurements.

Also make sure the aerosol can is completely level and straight before proceeding with the measurement. The can should also be long to ensure it reaches the highest point of your scalp.

Now we can start with our measurement.

First off, don't excessively inhale air. This will cause a slight error in the measurement. Make sure your fully exhale.

Also make sure that your feet are as flat as possible during the measurement. Make sure you are barefoot with no socks on during the measurement.

Stand up straight and in a relaxed position and pick up the aerosol can.

Move the aerosol can slowly until it reaches the top of your head. Pat the aerosol can to ensure it is touching the tip of your head.

Now, mark your measurement at the lowest point of the aerosol can with a pen or pencil.

Now, get your measuring tape out. Make sure you are holding it as straight as possible. A slight tilt could cause error in the measurements.

Now that you have your morning measurement, go ahead and repeat the process at night.

Make sure you are out of bed all day before doing this. Ideally take a couple of walks and be a little active - nothing too intense.

Also make sure you aren't dehydrated and overweight as that can cause more height loss than necessary.

Now for your height claim. What height should you claim once you take both of these measurements with precise accuracy?.

Height claim

Now that you measured your height with near perfect accuracy, we still need a very fair height claim. So, how do we claim height?

Well it all depends on how much you shrink?

The typical shrinkage for most men is around 1.8 - 2.2 cm. So let's say 2cm for example.

So if someone is 180cm in the morning and they shrink around 2cm, they could claim 1.5 cm under their morning height.

So obviously 180 - 1.5 = 178.5 cm.

Now if someone shrinks 2.5 cm, then they should subtract 2cm from their morning measurement for a claim. In this case it then lowers to 178cm.

If you only shrink half an inch (1.3cm), then do 0.8 cm below morning height. In thar case 179.2 cm.

Now if you want to be even more harsh with your height claims you can claim your evening height. In which case you do 1% of 180 (morning height) = 1.80. Then 180 subtract 1.80 = 178.2 cm.

Its very easy for guys to measure and gain errors. Even at the doctor's office there are some forms of error.

Most guys will actually get measured at the doctor's office at around 12pm, and then they will measure say 5'10.7 and round that you to 5'11. And then the shrinkage happens so they are actually like 5'10.4 claiming 5'11.

I could've made more effort into this post but I just wanted to get the detail on here as I feel there was a lot missing in terms of accuracy.

Obviously I'd recommend you buy a high quality stadiometer as those can be the holy grail in terms of accuracy if set up right.

This guide is definitely going to give you an accurate measurement if you do the following correctly.

This guide is Rob Paul approved
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