How to pubertymaxx?

strong first thread
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Eat foods with a lot of protein, electrolytes, omega3 and don't be deficient in general,
find ways to increase your Testosterones and that it, in short, let your genetics have the best environment possible
Just forget about the heightmaxxing stuff. It’s unreliable, costly and potentially very dangerous.

Have a good, varied, healthy diet. Make sure you sleep enough. Exercise often.
Very simply stuff, to be honest.
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Just forget about the heightmaxxing stuff. It’s unreliable, costly and potentially very dangerous.

Have a good, varied, healthy diet. Make sure you sleep enough. Exercise often.
Very simply stuff, to be honest.
i do that already
Just forget about the heightmaxxing stuff. It’s unreliable, costly and potentially very dangerous.

Have a good, varied, healthy diet. Make sure you sleep enough. Exercise often.
Very simply stuff, to be honest.
HGH is cheap safe and not dangerous at all

i agree with your tips though, fix your health before you do other shit
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Eat foods with a lot of protein, electrolytes, omega3 and don't be deficient in general,
find ways to increase your Testosterones and that it, in short, let your genetics have the best environment possible
anything going into more detail?
not enough money
order it from alibaba it’s 60 bucks for 20 days that’s what I’m doing, I’m 15 and 5’10-11 so We’re pretty similar
order it from alibaba it’s 60 bucks for 20 days that’s what I’m doing, I’m 15 and 5’10-11 so We’re pretty similar
how long have you been doing it/ have you noticed any changes? like i really dont care about my height now i‘m happy with how it is but i care more about my chin/ jaw like i said since that‘s my main flaw
If you order it from there there‘s a very real chance you’re not buying HGH or buying HGH with not near as many IU’s as advertised.
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If you order it from there there‘s a very real chance you’re not buying HGH or buying HGH with not near as many IU’s as advertised.
labs source it from alibaba and it has thousands of reviews It might be underdosed idk
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how long have you been doing it/ have you noticed any changes? like i really dont care about my height now i‘m happy with how it is but i care more about my chin/ jaw like i said since that‘s my main flaw
Idk I haven’t been using HGH yet I ordered it a week ago

ive been on mk677 for 6 months and grew 1.5 inches while only growing 0.75 inches in 9 months prior to using it
main question to you all people is: is it worth it doing the growth hormone shit and all the stuff i linked if i just care about my facial aesthetics?
if youre giga low inhib inject some dht derivatives or take gel if you want for dimorphism
anything going into more detail?
eat eggs, salads, fish, eat good carbs with electrolytes (bananas, fruits and vegetables in general) take multivitamin+cod oil, go to the GYM and that it,
you can't do more then being healthy (unless you want to inject HGH)

You can also buy lifters if you want to appear taller
if youre giga low inhib inject some dht derivatives or take gel if you want for dimorphism
dht has pretty shit long term side effects or so i‘ve heard

eat eggs, salads, fish, eat good carbs with electrolytes (bananas, fruits and vegetables in general) take multivitamin+cod oil, go to the GYM and that it,
you can't do more then being healthy (unless you want to inject HGH)

You can also buy lifters if you want to appear taller
dht has pretty shit long term side effects or so i‘ve heard

You shouldn't take any drugs, this is what more extreme users here say
if I am being honest its better for you just to eat healthy and not use that forum
for your own mental health
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dht has pretty shit long term side effects or so i‘ve heard

it could make you bald if you are predisposed and it gives you more acne and oily skin thats about it + puberty is the only time it will actually change shit it's cope after
You shouldn't take any drugs, this is what more extreme users here say
if I am being honest its better for you just to eat healthy and not use that forum
for your own mental health
100% this. The longer you stay on this site the more likely it is you'll develop serious body image issues. There are a lot of truths exposed on this site but this knowledge is very powerful and can do damage.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7901
100% this. The longer you stay on this site the more likely it is you'll develop serious body image issues. There are a lot of truths exposed on this site but this knowledge is very powerful and can do damage.
also many things that sound like the truth but in fact are lies
  • +1
Reactions: RapGod
100% this. The longer you stay on this site the more likely it is you'll develop serious body image issues. There are a lot of truths exposed on this site but this knowledge is very powerful and can do damage.
it‘s already too late for that
Idk I haven’t been using HGH yet I ordered it a week ago

ive been on mk677 for 6 months and grew 1.5 inches while only growing 0.75 inches in 9 months prior to using it
might just be your natural growth. You said hgh cost you 60 bucks for 20 days, are you talking about mk677?
dht the way to go as for your face as far as Ik. If you figure something out lmk
probably gonna grow a beard or get implants/ bone surgery, dont wanna risk the heal issues from dht
might just be your natural growth. You said hgh cost you 60 bucks for 20 days, are you talking about mk677?
no I'm talking about alibaba hgh, its 60 bucks for 100iu, 100iu lasts 20 days since I'm using 5iu
might just be your natural growth. You said hgh cost you 60 bucks for 20 days, are you talking about mk677?
also how would that be natural growth if my growth slwoed down before and i already went through a growth spurt
  • +1
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100% this. The longer you stay on this site the more likely it is you'll develop serious body image issues. There are a lot of truths exposed on this site but this knowledge is very powerful and can do damage.
You will never mog the other two guys keep that in your brain

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