How to retire with one home (mortgage,no nest egg, no job, no income, no degree, no stock, no crypto) lifetime passive income no more taxes & no bills

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021
Previous threads of mine to review

Not required reading but helpfully if you are trapped in a mortgage or considering one.

I've added additional ideas I've had on this topic in the screen shots.

This is a must and I highly recommend 2 different groups to job on telegram and if you see enough proof and evidence the. You can decide if it's right down you to buy a book or more or just start the process off the free material. This simply helps you aculquire assets like cars, houses, etc using your own private bank which is initiated by claiming your strawman first then using various documents and processes to pay for these items. This also helps discharge any debt and almost all monthly bills. This is not sovereign citizen and has nothing to do with that psyop.


If you are a wage slave this is a good quick method to at least decrease expenses to near 0.
It's a good transition until you have the ability to discharge debts and pay all bills from your private bank.

I'll be posting more proof on this page.


This thread covers how to change your political status to become income tax free sales tax free, and much more. This shows how you can obtain a land patent to become property tax free and no longer a tenant but own you land and no longer susceptible to eminent domain. This helps you stop Medicare and social security tax withholding.

5. Living off grid and becoming self sufficient

This is the final step of the process if you don't wish to start owning many businesses, real estate and expand your own off grid community.

I recommend
A. Finding a like minded off grid self sufficient community that's already up and running so you don't have to start from scratch like I did.
B. Learn what you can for free from ebooks like the one I just posted, YouTube videos, etc

C. Slowly start making the changes and upgrades and or modifications over time.

D. Volunteer to help an already established off grid self sufficient community like the Amish or the Earth ships groups.

E. After you are complete your home, your electricity, water, filtration, food, and and sewage should all be completed run by your own systems and no more bills. Yes you can have all bills paid off, however what's to say they stop working permanently to smoke us out of our homes like insects. Id rather rely on my own sources for living instead of depending on others.

Check out the PDF below.


This is a brief intro on how to build up a monster nest egg for retirement.

7. Having the nest egg is excellent, but you'll also need many lifetime guaranteed passive income steams.

8.Once you have reviewed theses threads then another transition art phase is a surplus income from your abode to support you for affording the small things. This is specifically for the people who don't wish to compete and be a hard charger to to attain generational wealth and various forms of lifetime passive income steams.

Say you just wanted to do enough to get your one property and live off grid
Self sufficient for life. You are too lazy to acquire more properties or push for more wealth.

A. Use one of the methods I explained to help you acquire a property for free.
B. Ensure this property is in a high rent but low cost for housing area. A perfect example is Beaumont Port Arthur TX.

Eg. I found a property on market for 150k 4 bed 2 bath 2 carport garage and 1.5 acres and is a 2001 build. Meanwhile the average roomshare rent is $700. Say you acquire this home but are slowly getting your ducks in a row to change your political status and obtain your land patent. You are too lazy to work, hate being a wage slave and just want freedom.

1. Upgrade the garage into 2 large bedrooms
2. Acquire a boxabl home for you to live in on the same property. Zoning laws are not applicable to you after owning your property.

3. Charge monthly rent for a fully furnished home with all utilities included. This is $700 per month and 6 bedrooms for $3,600 per month or $43,200 per year just from rent alone.

4. Rent out cars. If you eventually get to the point where you are able to buy cars via your private bank then you may as well take advantage of this opportunity. You will likely make $500 per month off each car. Or you can see how they rent out daily on
Say you just get 1 car rented out on a monthly basis consistently and another for daily rent that averages 1k per month. 1.5 k per month

5. Add in as many fees as possible without scaring away your renters. Say the fees over the year average out to an additional $250 per month.

6. Add in rent hikes as often as required to keep up with inflation. Say this comes out to an additional $100 per month

7. Rent out bikes or e bikes..
$50 per momth

8.;charge for extra storage. You can add a storage facility if necessary. $50 per month

9. Carports: charge extra for covered parking
$100 per month average

10. Airbnbs: now this depends on where you live but you could use tents for airbnbs. That's right people will pay for simple tents. You can add in electric mini fridges, space heaters, and supply some food and water. These places go for around $50 to $75 per night. You can have a literal tent city.

$400 per month

11. Cleaning services: weekly cleaning for the entire house as the renters are responsible for keeping the house clean. Hire some cheap Mexican lady. $150 per month

12. Renters insurance: you can offer renters insurance by covering them under your business insurance policy. $60 per month

13. Vending machine: weed, alcohol, cigs, snacks, water, meals, toothpaste, soaps, laundry soap, etc.
1k per month

14. Pets: $50 per month and outside only policy.

That's $7,310 per month from one home you acquired for free or at a bargain basement deal using the methods I showed in the other posts.

If you do every else including acquiring a land patent, SPC status change, business trust, etc then you will have no income or sales taxes, no property taxes, no eminent domain and no bills of any kind. So that's over 7k per month of surplus funds. This is f u money that you don't need but have for whatever you want to do in life and enjoy your retirement.

Rent out to professionals with a current history of at least 3 straight years with a job. Do you best to rent to military or civilian contractors. Check their credit scores, background checks,


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will read later because its long, but idk how much of "dont not work and become a millionare" is true
  • +1
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will read later because its long, but idk how much of "dont not work and become a millionare" is true
This thread isn't about becoming a millionaire or billionaire or trillionaire. This is just about retiring and being comfortable with just one home and you live on this property but rent out the rooms in the primary home and use many methods to squeeze out over 7k per month with no bills and no taxes.

No job, no business, no degree, none of that is required.
How do I retire with a beautiful and kind wife who loves me, and with 4 kids?
(Good thread)
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How do I retire with a beautiful and kind wife who loves me, and with 4 kids?
(Good thread)
Become Amish or a Mennonite. The self sufficient off grid Christian patriarchal societies are the only options to achieve this goal at this point in our material reality timeline. The other option is to play Russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber. Sure the gun could malfunction but your odds are slim to none.

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Become Amish or a Mennonite. The self sufficient off grid Christian patriarchal societies are the only options to achieve this goal at this point in our material reality timeline. The other option is to play Russian roulette with a bullet in every chamber. Sure the gun could malfunction but your odds are slim to none.

Lotta wisdom for a man, ur nickname makes sense. I liked this answer, and Im really interested in the Mennonites. If I ever get married and have kids, I’ll thank u lol
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
Lotta wisdom for a man, ur nickname makes sense. I liked this answer, and Im really interested in the Mennonites. If I ever get married and have kids, I’ll thank u lol
Unfortunately, I have a ton of catching up to do with learning about the private banking and discharging all debt and bills and accessing the funds to pay for things.

The Mennonites still are somewhat in society while the Amish or at least the old school Amish are 100% outside of society.

If you join a Mennonite Church and convert, you can then file for tax exempt on your W-4 and complete a 1049 IRS form to stop your SSI and Medicare withholdings for life. No need to thank me as you're doing all the work.
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Quick and easy method to acquire 1 property within a couple months:
1.) You can create an LLC (can be done for free in some cases or a like a couple hundred bucks.
2.) Find abandoned properties (you can use the assessors database to locate all tax delinquent properties of at least 2-3 years. Get them before they go on Auction.
3.) You can use public records to see if their mortgage is paid off and there's no liens on the home.
4.) Discover small things that are not up to code like the trash, lawn not mailed, etc. Things that are easy fast and cheap to fix that have legitimate codes you can cite.
5. Send them a notice of violation as they're actively breaking these county codes and can face penalties up to $____ amount. State that you will give them 2 weeks to respond to your letter and if they don't then you will be left with no choice but to enter the property and rectify the non compliances. Notify they that they agree or acquiesce to the terms by not replying within said 2 weeks.
6.) Get them into compliance by providing the proper services.
7.) Charge them a bill and give them 2 weeks to satisfy the bill or you'll be forced to place a lien on the property.
8.) After another 2 weeks passes and no response has been given then you create the lien on the home and use the real property description within the lien letter to the court and to the residence as this is used as collateral. This is a security agreement and the owner of said home becomes the debtor as they are bound by the security agreement due to the services bill not being paid on time.
9.) Once you have filed this with your local county it will go into a small courts claim because it's under 1k. You should charge just under $500 as it should go under the radar.
10.) Before filing ask the office of the clerk where and how to file and all the documents required to complete the process.
Some steps/docs all provided to you:
A.) Affidavit for foreclosure
B.) Notice of Summons
C.) Substituted Service Requirements
D.) Writ of Possession: Filed after the defendant fails to respond to your initial claim. The court normally gives them seven days to respond to the initial claim. Pay the Sherrif $100 to execute the Writ and congrats you just acquired a property for pennies on the dollar.

Now the only thing stopping the process potentially is if there was a mortgage still unpaid on the home and you failed to check this, then they can simply payoff your lien. The banks aren't going to pay 5k to an attorney to fight this measily $499.99 lein. So, the worst case scenario is you get $500 for mowing a lawn and picking up the trash. Sure you mailed documents about 10 times in total and the process took 2 months or so but you can save all documents as templates, imrpove your process over time to perfect it (ensure you check if there is still a mortgage), and make the process more streamlined.

Note: Don't show up in court, send everything via certified or registered mail. Operate on your terms and don't play their games in their arena.

If nobody pays of the lien or responds or contests then you own the home.

If the homes are a little too far into the sticks then it's best just to sell these homes for some quick money as renting them out would be a pain. Plus if it's your first home, you will likely just want the big money to start your business on your first couple deals then start going for the long term passive income.


1.) Do I owe back taxes for property taxes?
A: Yes, if there was a property taxes lien on the home that takes priority and must be paid off for the home to be acquired. However, you should do you best to find homes that are either just before the lien is placed on it or have sat in auction for 10 years and nobody has purchased the home. You can check previous auctions to find these diamonds in the rough. The number of years before a property tax lien varies by state.
2.) What about probate homes?
A: Yes, you'll want to ensure these abandoned homes are not under probate
3.) Is there a backup plan in case you find a resident at the property instead of just bailing and getting nothing?
A: Yes, you can help them access their surplus funds if they're going through a foreclosure. This means all the funds that they paid to the bank can be acquired back to the person who went through the foreclosure aka surplusfunds. This can be done after the foreclosure is completed but I believe they only have 60 days to file a claim for these funds. You can save the day and tell them you can acquire these funds as their agent at a fee. You how much they would be owed online. Put them under contract and collect.
Or you can make an offer to buy the home from them outright if all they have is property taxes owed on the home then give them a couple hundred bucks and payoff the back taxes. They're going to lose the home in a couple months so they'll be willing to settle for anything at this point.
4.) What states does this method work best?
A: Everything varies state by state, county by county and city by city. Technically all methods can be done remotely but it's nice to have eyes on the property if possible especially to see if it needs work done and if you have an LLC in the state then you'll have to be in the state but you can own a cooperation and then you can operate in any state and just pay some Mexican to do the work for your business. I'd say it's realistic to acquire at least 4-5 properties a year with this method with just going to the 3 closest counties. Even if your entire process fails on 20 properties it's irrelevant as you get 10k for mowing the lawn and picking up trash. Now if the lawn is 3 acres and way overgrown like a jungle then, unless you have a monster riding lawn mower you may want to find something else to repair. For the most part the work should take no longer than a couple hours.
  • +1
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Lotta wisdom for a man, ur nickname makes sense. I liked this answer, and Im really interested in the Mennonites. If I ever get married and have kids, I’ll thank u lol

This is the group I'm a part of which has helped me gain complete freedom.

My current process is building international businesses with bank connect. I have already changed my status , developed my business trust and acquired land patents so I am tax free and no longer a slave to USA inc. feel free to ask me any questions.
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Unfortunately, I have a ton of catching up to do with learning about the private banking and discharging all debt and bills and accessing the funds to pay for things.

The Mennonites still are somewhat in society while the Amish or at least the old school Amish are 100% outside of society.

If you join a Mennonite Church and convert, you can then file for tax exempt on your W-4 and complete a 1049 IRS form to stop your SSI and Medicare withholdings for life. No need to thank me as you're doing all the work.
In which country are there more Mennonites? I'm researching about this, do you think the BP issue can be brought up among them or do they really follow everything with their hearts?

This is the group I'm a part of which has helped me gain complete freedom.

My current process is building international businesses with bank connect. I have already changed my status , developed my business trust and acquired land patents so I am tax free and no longer a slave to USA inc. feel free to ask me any questions.
I dont live in the us and Im just a teenager, would u have any good advice for me at the moment and to start thinking a bit about my future, studies, idk...?
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  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
I dont live in the us and Im just a teenager, would u have any good advice for me at the moment and to start thinking a bit about my future, studies, idk...?
1. This works in Europe, Australia, and Europe.
2. This can help you at any age.
3. I need you to be very specific about your situations and the goals and questions you may have so I can potentially assist you with your future.

What is your end game goals in life
What are your health goals, wealth goals, standard of living goals, spiritual goals, family goals, etc etc
1. This works in Europe, Australia, and Europe.
2. This can help you at any age.
3. I need you to be very specific about your situations and the goals and questions you may have so I can potentially assist you with your future.

What is your end game goals in life
What are your health goals, wealth goals, standard of living goals, spiritual goals, family goals, etc etc
Life Goals: I don’t really know maybe a wife who loves me and some kids, living on a farm near the city with a truck and some animals?
Health Goals: I don’t care much about that, I just want to rise and not be ashamed of my face, body, or height.
Wealth Goals: A house and maybe a farm? A truck or a car, and enough money to live a simple life.
Standard of Living Goals: I’m not sure, I don’t really understand this one.
Spiritual Goals: Hoping there’s a god to judge my deeds.
Family Goals: To give back everything my parents have done for me throughout my life.
(Well, I’m an ethnic guy living in an ethnic country, failing at school and socially.)

I said a lot shit in that, though I have pretty bad hopes and don’t really care much
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  • +1
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The only question I have is: how the hell do I get out of my ethnic country, which has a leftist president??? JFL, we can’t even afford eggs anymore
  • +1
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Life Goals: I don’t really know maybe a wife who loves me and some kids, living on a farm near the city with a truck and some animals?
You're going to have to have to meditate more perhaps on this and how you want to develop your relationship with God and give back to your community.

1.) Well we already discussed joining a Mennonite church as a way to start and convert. Eventually learn their ways with research and asking questions and getting more involved in the community then eventually join.
2.) Perhaps there is a Mennonite school you can attend and after school clubs. This can connect you with a potential future wife and family.
3.) Become the man that deserves love by loving your God, yourself and knowing how to love your partner through providing and caring.
4.) I'm sure the Mennonite Community is just outside City limits or just within a small city. Do some research on Farm Grants.
A.) I personally do well with Sheep and Ducks. Just the fertilized duck eggs sell at $50 per dozen and selling 10 dozen a week is $500 per week or 2k per month. You can sell on Ebay, reddit, craigslist, to your local community, offer up, etsy, etc. Each butchered duck can sell for $60. If you sell just 5 per week that's $300 per week or 1.2k a month and 3.2k per month in total.
-Organic Grass fed Raw Sheep Milk in Glass I sell goes for $20 per quart or $80 per gallon or $500 per sheep per year and for just a modest herd you'll make 10k a year from the milk. As you keep the herd up with younglings and sell the older ones you can sell just one whole sheep butchered at $500 for $500 per month or 6k per year for a total of 16k per year.
B.) You can sell high end crops or trees that bank a ton of money per acre.
Black walnut trees can sell for 1k per tree and you can grow over 400 trees per acre and take about 8 years to grow. That's 400k per acre. Also, you can sell the black walnuts at $10 per lb or bulk sell to hullers at $5 per lb to get rid of them fast. Each tree produces 80 lbs and say you have 1 acre of them at 400 trees and sell at $5 per lb for 160k per year. you can also sell the Syrup, each tree produces 3 gallons of sap cooked down to 1 gallon of Syrup that sells at $500 per gallon and 400 trees which is 200k per year.

The trees are a long term investment. They pay annual dividends and have a bulk sell off once the trees have reached peak selling value after 40-60 years which may be around when you decide to stop farming yourself completely. if you have 15 acres of land, you should split up the trees in groups of quarter acres incase of disease, insect infestation, natural disasters, etc.

Then to diversify your portfolio you can sell easy quick growing things like bamboo that sells at 60k per acre and matures at around 3 years old.

Health Goals: I don’t care much about that, I just want to rise and not be ashamed of my face, body, or height.

Your health is virtually everything. Mental health and physical health.

Basic health requirements for a long healthy life:
1.) Mostly alkaline diet of raw organic whole foods (local and in season is a plus which is why you grow or raise most or all your food). During puberty I reccommend things like 4-8 oz of raw organ meats and or duck eggs to enhance puberty and to grow faster. Once you become an adult go more plant based for longevity. Include as many foods as possible that help detoxify the body as our earth is full of toxins killing us daily.
2.) Sufficient sunlight daily
3.) Earthing: Feet on the ground
4.) Reverse osmosis water stored in glass jars only for consumption
5.) exercise full body workouts daily
6.) Qigong exercises daily
7.) Meditation
8.) Whim Hof Breathing technique
9.) Semen preservation
10.) Cold showers
11.) Saunas
12.) One meal a day at the end of the day

Skin care routine:
1.) Seabuckthorn oil for face wash
2.) Aragan oil for moisturizer
3.) Rose water Toner
4.) Manuka Honey for a nightly face mask.

Face improvement:
1.) Invisilign braces
2.) Thumb pulling upper pallate 3-5 minutes for 2 sessions
3.) Mewing and hard mewing most the day
4.) Chewing mastic gum at moderate amounts on both sides for an equal time for 2 hours a day minimum.
5.) Various facial exercises for your specific needs

1.) During puberty consume as much calories as possible
2.) Consume 8 oz of organ meats like livers and duck eggs for maximum nutrients pumped into your body.
3.) Get as much daily sun for near full body exposure as possible.
4.) Exercise daily and heavy lifts to spike your hormones.
5.) Stretching devices that pull your legs and neck while you sleep. Take supplementation to build up the spine as it's increasing in length. Possible 3 inch gain from this method.

Wealth Goals: A house and maybe a farm? A truck or a car, and enough money to live a simple life.

Looks like the wealth aspect was covered in the previous response.
To ensure you have no bills for life you can slowly turn your home into an off grid self sufficient residence over time. As you still have bills to pay you can do things to completely free yourself and own your land via a land patent, changing your status, etc. All things covered in the creditor Academy which does all this for you. They also help you discharge any debts or bills.

This is an off grid living book that goes into depth how to put your life into your own hands on not depend on other for food, electricity, water, filtration, etc.

As for the car or truck I'd recommend getting a having 4 total. One commuter car, one new E truck like a TESLA, one old used but very reliable diesel engine truck like a dodge from the 90s. Then one very old 70's vehicle that's EMP proof.

Look into testing out of school as soon as possible to start earning money and free yourself.

Look into creditor academy eventually for complete freedom
Standard of Living Goals: I’m not sure, I don’t really understand this one.

This is basically similar to the wealth aspect but to use that wealth properly so you have to do less to and live a lifestyle you wish to live for life. You said you want a farm life so you are fine with farm work it appears but eventually your body won't be able to handle it so you'll need the wealth and family to ensure you are taken care of when you're older or if your health declines for some unkown reason.
Spiritual Goals: Hoping there’s a god to judge my deeds.
There is and you're judged every second of every day and night from your actions to your thoughts and even your dreams.
Family Goals: To give back everything my parents have done for me throughout my life.
Good for you. Maybe give back more if you can.
(Well, I’m an ethnic guy living in an ethnic country, failing at school and socially.)
You can change everything but being an ethnic guy if you want to.
I said a lot shit in that, though I have pretty bad hopes and don’t really care much
Life gives you back what you put into it. Sometimes you do have good fortunes or bad fortunes. If you don't care about life then it will be demonstrated in what you achieve in your life.
You're going to have to have to meditate more perhaps on this and how you want to develop your relationship with God and give back to your community.

1.) Well we already discussed joining a Mennonite church as a way to start and convert. Eventually learn their ways with research and asking questions and getting more involved in the community then eventually join.
2.) Perhaps there is a Mennonite school you can attend and after school clubs. This can connect you with a potential future wife and family.
3.) Become the man that deserves love by loving your God, yourself and knowing how to love your partner through providing and caring.
4.) I'm sure the Mennonite Community is just outside City limits or just within a small city. Do some research on Farm Grants.
A.) I personally do well with Sheep and Ducks. Just the fertilized duck eggs sell at $50 per dozen and selling 10 dozen a week is $500 per week or 2k per month. You can sell on Ebay, reddit, craigslist, to your local community, offer up, etsy, etc. Each butchered duck can sell for $60. If you sell just 5 per week that's $300 per week or 1.2k a month and 3.2k per month in total.
-Organic Grass fed Raw Sheep Milk in Glass I sell goes for $20 per quart or $80 per gallon or $500 per sheep per year and for just a modest herd you'll make 10k a year from the milk. As you keep the herd up with younglings and sell the older ones you can sell just one whole sheep butchered at $500 for $500 per month or 6k per year for a total of 16k per year.
B.) You can sell high end crops or trees that bank a ton of money per acre.
Black walnut trees can sell for 1k per tree and you can grow over 400 trees per acre and take about 8 years to grow. That's 400k per acre. Also, you can sell the black walnuts at $10 per lb or bulk sell to hullers at $5 per lb to get rid of them fast. Each tree produces 80 lbs and say you have 1 acre of them at 400 trees and sell at $5 per lb for 160k per year. you can also sell the Syrup, each tree produces 3 gallons of sap cooked down to 1 gallon of Syrup that sells at $500 per gallon and 400 trees which is 200k per year.

The trees are a long term investment. They pay annual dividends and have a bulk sell off once the trees have reached peak selling value after 40-60 years which may be around when you decide to stop farming yourself completely. if you have 15 acres of land, you should split up the trees in groups of quarter acres incase of disease, insect infestation, natural disasters, etc.

Then to diversify your portfolio you can sell easy quick growing things like bamboo that sells at 60k per acre and matures at around 3 years old.

Your health is virtually everything. Mental health and physical health.

Basic health requirements for a long healthy life:
1.) Mostly alkaline diet of raw organic whole foods (local and in season is a plus which is why you grow or raise most or all your food). During puberty I reccommend things like 4-8 oz of raw organ meats and or duck eggs to enhance puberty and to grow faster. Once you become an adult go more plant based for longevity. Include as many foods as possible that help detoxify the body as our earth is full of toxins killing us daily.
2.) Sufficient sunlight daily
3.) Earthing: Feet on the ground
4.) Reverse osmosis water stored in glass jars only for consumption
5.) exercise full body workouts daily
6.) Qigong exercises daily
7.) Meditation
8.) Whim Hof Breathing technique
9.) Semen preservation
10.) Cold showers
11.) Saunas
12.) One meal a day at the end of the day

Skin care routine:
1.) Seabuckthorn oil for face wash
2.) Aragan oil for moisturizer
3.) Rose water Toner
4.) Manuka Honey for a nightly face mask.

Face improvement:
1.) Invisilign braces
2.) Thumb pulling upper pallate 3-5 minutes for 2 sessions
3.) Mewing and hard mewing most the day
4.) Chewing mastic gum at moderate amounts on both sides for an equal time for 2 hours a day minimum.
5.) Various facial exercises for your specific needs

1.) During puberty consume as much calories as possible
2.) Consume 8 oz of organ meats like livers and duck eggs for maximum nutrients pumped into your body.
3.) Get as much daily sun for near full body exposure as possible.
4.) Exercise daily and heavy lifts to spike your hormones.
5.) Stretching devices that pull your legs and neck while you sleep. Take supplementation to build up the spine as it's increasing in length. Possible 3 inch gain from this method.

Looks like the wealth aspect was covered in the previous response.
To ensure you have no bills for life you can slowly turn your home into an off grid self sufficient residence over time. As you still have bills to pay you can do things to completely free yourself and own your land via a land patent, changing your status, etc. All things covered in the creditor Academy which does all this for you. They also help you discharge any debts or bills.

This is an off grid living book that goes into depth how to put your life into your own hands on not depend on other for food, electricity, water, filtration, etc.

As for the car or truck I'd recommend getting a having 4 total. One commuter car, one new E truck like a TESLA, one old used but very reliable diesel engine truck like a dodge from the 90s. Then one very old 70's vehicle that's EMP proof.

Look into testing out of school as soon as possible to start earning money and free yourself.

Look into creditor academy eventually for complete freedom

This is basically similar to the wealth aspect but to use that wealth properly so you have to do less to and live a lifestyle you wish to live for life. You said you want a farm life so you are fine with farm work it appears but eventually your body won't be able to handle it so you'll need the wealth and family to ensure you are taken care of when you're older or if your health declines for some unkown reason.

There is and you're judged every second of every day and night from your actions to your thoughts and even your dreams.

Good for you. Maybe give back more if you can.

You can change everything but being an ethnic guy if you want to.

Life gives you back what you put into it. Sometimes you do have good fortunes or bad fortunes. If you don't care about life then it will be demonstrated in what you achieve in your life.
I just have a few more questions.

Do you think it’s necessary to go to parties, church (my dad always invites me), or try to hit on women? Or should I just serve my parents and do what’s necessary for my future?

If everything goes wrong, do you think studying to become a Marine would be a good path?

How do you deal with the BP while being a Christian? Or in your opinion, is it not that real? Though I feel like it applies more to developed countries.

Thanks for the answers and advice, I appreciate it and will apply it to my routine.
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I just have a few more questions.

Do you think it’s necessary to go to parties, church (my dad always invites me), or try to hit on women? Or should I just serve my parents and do what’s necessary for my future?

I would say a youth group for church gives you the highest probability of landing a life partner in a short period of time. Youth groups for me was a gold mine. Most chapter 304 churches are not teaching the teachings of Jesus and use other doctrines.

If everything goes wrong, do you think studying to become a Marine would be a good path?
Why would you need to study?

No I wouldn't personally recommend joining any military branch. They treat you like a pin cushion with forced experimental vaccines, you are nothing but a pawn to be sacrificed by the banksters. I would not join any government or government contractor.

How do you deal with the BP while being a Christian? Or in your opinion, is it not that real? Though I feel like it applies more to developed countries.

Yes the developed countries are patriarchal funded matriarchs that are atheist in principal. This leads to self degeneracy and self destruction of the individual and all Nations on earth.

Thanks for the answers and advice, I appreciate it and will apply it to my routine.

No problem and good luck.

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