How to Stalk Your Oneitis Online Legally!



No Women's Type
Jan 16, 2022
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@Matthias8272 @tents @Pikabro @TRUE_CEL
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Bitchass nigga. This is such a lame application and lazy guide on OSINT.

I have 5 different pdfs and 3 different websites bookmarked for this stuff, I'll make a BOTB guide sometime on it if the mods approve.

@TRUE_CEL @Preston would it be cool if I made a guide on OSINT (Internet searching of people / spying)?
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  • JFL
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Reactions: justleavemealone, It'snotover, thecel and 8 others
Imagine being blackpilled and having a oneitis. Lol. Lmao even.
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@HiddenUzer thoughts?
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thanks for providing me this information. I am going to stalk my oneitis now.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 30518
Bitchass nigga. This is such a lame application and lazy guide on OSINT.

I have 5 different pdfs and 3 different websites bookmarked for this stuff, I'll make a BOTB guide sometime on it if the mods approve.

@TRUE_CEL @Preston would it be cool if I made a guide on OSINT (Internet searching of people / spying)?
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Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
Very interesting, first time hearing about OSINT
if you know someone's e-mail address don't hesitate to run it through Have I Been Pwned to see if they have accounts registered on other sites on that address. it only shows accounts that have been compromised (= appear in a data breach) though.

If you're trying to watch someone's stories without them knowing it's you make an alt account that looks like a porn bot instead of an account with no avi and random letters as the username (too obvious).

Most normies have no idea the photos they're posting online can reveal their address easily. Even if they're not showing their surroundings/what they see through their home's window.

The way it works is usually you use time of day information to pinpoint longitude/latitude based on any obviously identifying objects to get a rough area and then hit up rental sites to find anything with matching room shape, size, configuration and fixtures.
Lighting is used to cull data and find the timezone and probable longlat which then makes the pool of potential locations searchable.
Fixtures are used to identify building era, as is structure which identify building class.

If they leave any identifying packaging it's over. Books, containers, food. Even something as simple as a McDonalds breakfast wrapper or box or a product with a barcode on it or other serial number can out someone's location.
Even if you can't read the code, or the object, the specific clustering of number-groups (eg, 700s vs 600s) can tell you a lot about how things work and from there, distribution chains can be reverse-engineered to figure out where something was probably brought.

99% of doxxing happens through public records kept of transactional changes.

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group. Everything I have posted here is purely satire and will be treated as such in a court of law. I have committed no crimes and am an innocent bystander.
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Reactions: greywind, Trilogy, It'snotover and 1 other person
Bitchass nigga. This is such a lame application and lazy guide on OSINT.

I have 5 different pdfs and 3 different websites bookmarked for this stuff, I'll make a BOTB guide sometime on it if the mods approve.

@TRUE_CEL @Preston would it be cool if I made a guide on OSINT (Internet searching of people / spying)?
do you do paid doxxes or like why do u know OSINT
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Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
if you know someone's e-mail address don't hesitate to run it through Have I Been Pwned to see if they have accounts registered on other sites on that address. it only shows accounts that have been compromised (= appear in a data breach) though.

If you're trying to watch someone's stories without them knowing it's you make an alt account that looks like a porn bot instead of an account with no avi and random letters as the username (too obvious).

Most normies have no idea the photos they're posting online can reveal their address easily. Even if they're not showing their surroundings/what they see through their home's window.

The way it works is usually you use time of day information to pinpoint longitude/latitude based on any obviously identifying objects to get a rough area and then hit up rental sites to find anything with matching room shape, size, configuration and fixtures.
Lighting is used to cull data and find the timezone and probable longlat which then makes the pool of potential locations searchable.
Fixtures are used to identify building era, as is structure which identify building class.

If they leave any identifying packaging it's over. Books, containers, food. Even something as simple as a McDonalds breakfast wrapper or box or a product with a barcode on it or other serial number can out someone's location.
Even if you can't read the code, or the object, the specific clustering of number-groups (eg, 700s vs 600s) can tell you a lot about how things work and from there, distribution chains can be reverse-engineered to figure out where something was probably brought.

99% of doxxing happens through public records kept of transactional changes.

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group. Everything I have posted here is purely satire and will be treated as such in a court of law. I have committed no crimes and am an innocent bystander.
Stop spoiling my guide :rage:
  • So Sad
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do you do paid doxxes or like why do u know OSINT
I browse Lainchan and other cybersecurity places on the internet for fun. I saved a bunch of documents on how to buy stuff off the darknet and OSINT.

I wouldn't do paid doxxes.
I browse Lainchan and other cybersecurity places on the internet for fun. I saved a bunch of documents on how to buy stuff off the darknet and OSINT.

I wouldn't do paid doxxes.
u could dox lines or do individual doxxes idk why ur not doing that if ur proficient in OSINT
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Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
u could dox lines or do individual doxxes idk why ur not doing that if ur proficient in OSINT
Because I'm not evil? jfl

If you're curious of what an actual dox looks like though, check out Essentially a pastebin of doxxes.
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Reactions: Trilogy and It'snotover
moralitycuck who cares bruh its just a dox
Well you can forget about moralitycucking if I get to make my guide. If you look into the sites I mentioned, as well as

I'd say I care about my own privacy but I'm on Windows without hardened wifi jfl
Well you can forget about moralitycucking if I get to make my guide. If you look into the sites I mentioned, as well as
i dont care about doxxing ppl thats boring asf its cheap to get someone doxxed tbh

still dont get why u learnt all this OSINT without actually using it, are u being a "ethical hacker" or what
  • +1
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
still dont get why u learnt all this OSINT without actually using it, are u being a "ethical hacker" or what
Learning for the sake of learning. That, and it's nice to know what techniques people would use to find me. Doing some lookups of my own email/phone numbers and seeing what I can find is a good way to figure out how much of my stuff is out there on the clearnet.

While government and corporate entities already have a nigh-inconcivalble amount of data on everyone, I'm much more concerned about the individual. I'm not going E.R anytime soon so I care less what I type online.

I was gonna doxx a guy once for being a pedo but my only lead was an extremely obscured photo of him without any EXIF data.
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Reactions: It'snotover
what if ur oneitis is ur looksmatch u cant get cos hypergamy
No such thing as hypergamy she just mogs you.
99.9% of couples are looksmatched, outliers are noticeable immediately (wouldn’t be the case if couples weren’t looksmatched)

Average man heavily overrates his own attractiveness (proven)
Etc etc
No such thing as hypergamy she just mogs you.
99.9% of couples are looksmatched, outliers are noticeable immediately (wouldn’t be the case if couples weren’t looksmatched)

Average man heavily overrates his own attractiveness (proven)
Etc etc
wanna see?
No such thing as hypergamy she just mogs you.
99.9% of couples are looksmatched, outliers are noticeable immediately (wouldn’t be the case if couples weren’t looksmatched)

Average man heavily overrates his own attractiveness (proven)
Etc etc
I seen your post about dick and experience
Can you go balls deep with 8x6? You are 8.5 bp and 8 nbp right? Correct me if I’m wrong
>Several greycels asking for a guide on stalking people

I don't like where this is going. I'll tag you anyway.
It just seems like a usefull skill to possess which you can only find arround here.
i dont even have a target in mind, i just think it is better to know than not to know.
  • JFL
Reactions: bishōnenmaxxer
if you know someone's e-mail address don't hesitate to run it through Have I Been Pwned to see if they have accounts registered on other sites on that address. it only shows accounts that have been compromised (= appear in a data breach) though.

If you're trying to watch someone's stories without them knowing it's you make an alt account that looks like a porn bot instead of an account with no avi and random letters as the username (too obvious).

Most normies have no idea the photos they're posting online can reveal their address easily. Even if they're not showing their surroundings/what they see through their home's window.

The way it works is usually you use time of day information to pinpoint longitude/latitude based on any obviously identifying objects to get a rough area and then hit up rental sites to find anything with matching room shape, size, configuration and fixtures.
Lighting is used to cull data and find the timezone and probable longlat which then makes the pool of potential locations searchable.
Fixtures are used to identify building era, as is structure which identify building class.

If they leave any identifying packaging it's over. Books, containers, food. Even something as simple as a McDonalds breakfast wrapper or box or a product with a barcode on it or other serial number can out someone's location.
Even if you can't read the code, or the object, the specific clustering of number-groups (eg, 700s vs 600s) can tell you a lot about how things work and from there, distribution chains can be reverse-engineered to figure out where something was probably brought.

99% of doxxing happens through public records kept of transactional changes.

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group. Everything I have posted here is purely satire and will be treated as such in a court of law. I have committed no crimes and am an innocent bystander.
Pimeyes —> incredibly powerful tool that allows you to find a person thanks to their AI face recognition software.

(Another reason to never post your face online publicly if you’re paranoid)

whatsmyname(.)app —> find somebody’s other online accounts with a list of their known usernames

There are other services I forgot about
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