how to sustain a long term relationship??



Feb 20, 2023
every thread i read talks about how shes gonna leave you for someone better. i just read a thread saying that even with NBA player SMV you are still prone to getting cucked. how the fuck do i sustain an ltr in the modern world?? is it even possible?
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baby trap and divorce rape, over for betabuxcels.
if ur gonna find a problem to every solution why dont u js kill urself to get rid of any chance of being hurt?
if ur gonna find a problem to every solution why dont u js kill urself to get rid of any chance of being hurt?
the ultimate solution
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Not possible. You're basically responsible for her emotions 24/7.

Here's some brainstorming tho:

1. 15 hours of quality time a week
2. Make her cum multiple times everytime you have sex
3. Go on vacation with her for 7 days twice a year
4. Go on an official date once every two weeks. Pay for it the majority of the time.
5. Continue to looksmaxx
6. Encourage her to put her Insta on private
7. Make sure she deletes her dating apps

And more...
As you can see, this is almost IMPOSSIBLE to pull off. There's just too much that can go wrong.
You can see why those entrepreneur/self improvement outlets say you should avoid getting settled down too early. It means you'll have no time to focus on side hustles or even to maintain/improve your own looks (most ppl leave a LTR more subhuman than they came in).
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2. Make her cum multiple times everytime you have sex
even sex is going to get stale after 2-3 years. how do these 40-45 year olds pull off good happy marriages for 10-15 years when she couldve just left for chad anytime?
Ltr is cope.
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every thread i read talks about how shes gonna leave you for someone better. i just read a thread saying that even with NBA player SMV you are still prone to getting cucked. how the fuck do i sustain an ltr in the modern world?? is it even possible?
why would you want to make your life extra miserable
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even sex is going to get stale after 2-3 years. how do these 40-45 year olds pull off good happy marriages for 10-15 years when she couldve just left for chad anytime?
They stay for the kids and the financial security of having two incomes
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You can't in 2023.
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you cant bro ive tried its impossible
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no it doesnt, women benefit more from divorces

cant she just divorce, take the kids, take half income and get child support every month?
u know what im being srs when i say this nigga just kys
if u think every woman will js divorce take kids and get child support then js die alone like what?
whats the point of asking such a question and then shooting down every single opinion given? js believe urself and die alone u bum ass nigga
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cant she just divorce, take the kids, take half income and get child support every month?
yes that's the most likely scenario. over 50% of marriages end in divorce
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be good looking tbh thats it
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just be the 1st theory comes to mind... but i´m kinda skeptical of its credibility, apparently virgin girls are way less hypergamous than non virgin ones but idk
and also some dark triad maxxing coupled with simp behaviour occasionally can help
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every thread i read talks about how shes gonna leave you for someone better. i just read a thread saying that even with NBA player SMV you are still prone to getting cucked. how the fuck do i sustain an ltr in the modern world?? is it even possible?
Look like pic related or smth.
786B7C06 5334 43C0 824D 57C7AAFD8DA7
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I’m happy for you but I meant answer OP’s question
For a normal modern girl, it's impossible

The girl has to be high quality, if she's not, it wont work. No exceptions.

Unless you have a unicorn tier girl, there's no way to sustain a relationship long term.

And that's just step one. There's too much to go into tbh I cba to type it out.

In short, she has to perceive you as mogging her in every way. She has to perceive you as her superior. And only then will she submit to you. To achieve this image in her mind is hard as fuck and you have to be on your A game 99% of the time otherwise she will not respect you and you will most likely get cucked.

The amount of work that goes into this is fucking brutal so she better be worth it
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Look like pic related or smth.
View attachment 2107446
GL Chads get cheated on all the time

In a relationship a girl becomes accustomed to your looks, especially if you live together. Being good looking is the minimum.

Behavior is so much more important when you're in a LTR
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Being good looking is a prerequisite. Most relationships fail because the guy acts like a weak pussy so she eventually loses interest and cheats (most HTNs' girlfriends are easy pickings after a 1-2 year relationship). The girl should be HQNP and then you just need luck. There are obviously some exceptions but usually the only relationships that will actually last is marriage through beta-buxx since she needs to stay married for the money or she just doesn't care anymore since she fucked enough Chads in her prime.
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last is marriage through beta-buxx since she needs to stay married for the money or she just doesn't care anymore since she fucked enough Chads in her prime.
Divorce these days are more financially lucrative than marriage.

There is a reason why 80% of divorces are filed by women
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Divorce these days are more financially lucrative than marriage.

There is a reason why 80% of divorces are filed by women
I'm literally worried this is what my mum will pull. She will basically be able to liquidize assets and spend it on some nice purses or something jfl; maybe take Chad on a few dates. The idea of love and conquering muh obstacles is important and the only thing keeping most marriages together .
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I'm literally worried this is what my mum will pull.
Seriously. Is your dad a good husband or not?
She will basically be able to liquidize assets and spend it on some nice purses or something jfl; maybe take Chad on a few dates. The idea of love and conquering muh obstacles is important and the only thing keeping most marriages together .
Was she a whore before she got with your Dad or not?
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face: PSL 6.66

height: 6'6.6

skull: 24in

bideltoid: 24in

cock: 8x6

voice: 75hz
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Seriously. Is your dad a good husband or not?

Was she a whore before she got with your Dad or not?
Won’t say too much but she had a boyfriend for a really long time in a shithole and then came to UK and she acts like a slut in general. I’m pretty sure she’s cheating on my dad and she goes clubbing and shit regularly. My dad is a good man but fell for the women love nice guys meme so I wish the best for him.
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Won’t say too much but she had a boyfriend for a really long time in a shithole and then came to UK and she acts like a slut in general.
Are you not white?
I’m pretty sure she’s cheating on my dad and she goes clubbing and shit regularly. My dad is a good man but fell for the women love nice guys meme so I wish the best for him.
Has you ever confronted her about this? It's a pretty serious thing. If my mother did that i would severe all my relations with her.
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Are you not white?

Has you ever confronted her about this? It's a pretty serious thing. If my mother did that i would severe all my relations with her.
I’m white and I just don’t see it going well. She’s mentally ill (especially narcy) and my dad’s a pretty lonely guy. I already don’t bother treating her well and I don’t see her as a mother anymore. When she tries to treat me like she’s a parent I just ignore her and sometimes put her down. My mum and dad get along sometimes and I guess that’s enough until shit gets worse but idk really.
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I’m white and I just don’t see it going well.
Your mother was from EE?
She’s mentally ill (especially narcy) and my dad’s a pretty lonely guy. I already don’t bother treating her well and I don’t see her as a mother anymore. When she tries to treat me like she’s a parent I just ignore her and sometimes put her down. My mum and dad get along sometimes and I guess that’s enough until shit gets worse but idk really.
That's really sad. Having a bad mother is possibly the worst thing for a guy. Almost as bad as getting cucked. I really feel for you.
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Complete and utter crap from 90% of posts ITT, you can see immidiately that they are written by incels with very little social and real life experience.
Woman are serial monogamists and are too high inhib to cheat.
And yes, everyone except incels is having normal dating life. "Blackpill" etc exists in your heads only.
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You can't, you have to carry the black pill knowledge for the rest of your life and expect disappointment
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Complete and utter crap from 90% of posts ITT, you can see immidiately that they are written by incels with very little social and real life experience.
Woman are serial monogamists and are too high inhib to cheat.
And yes, everyone except incels is having normal dating life. "Blackpill" etc exists in your heads only.
Speak for yourself. They may not cheat but they definitely stop caring about their boyfriends and will cheat if Chad approaches her with the promise of ltr. Not like you would know this though.
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Speak for yourself. They may not cheat but they definitely stop caring about their boyfriends and will cheat if Chad approaches her with the promise of ltr. Not like you would know this though.
You realize that nobody would be in reletionships and society would stop functioning if that was the case, right?
You people are hilarious.
Just imagine ordinary normies talking among themselves :
"Hey Jack watch out for that Chad with gonial angle around the corner, he might cuck you".
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You realize that nobody would be in reletionships and society would stop functioning if that was the case, right?
Most good looking guys don’t approach women with boyfriends for sex due to social programming and the ones that do usually end up fucking.
"Hey Jack watch out for that Chad with gonial angle around the corner, he might cuck you".
I didn’t say this. What would normies know about anything when it comes to female nature? I question why guys like you are even on forums like this when you are just going to deny reality like most other guys. I’m guessing the nt thing didn’t work out for you and you are just coping that it will eventually, or more likely you are just too much of a pussy to try it out.
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You realize that nobody would be in reletionships and society would stop functioning if that was the case, right?
You people are hilarious.
Just imagine ordinary normies talking among themselves :
"Hey Jack watch out for that Chad with gonial angle around the corner, he might cuck you".
you are delusional af, most marriages nowadays end in divorces which highly benefit the women. its not about chad taking your gf its about her divorcing you , taking the kids, half your money and you having to pay child support for the rest of your life. moreover, women have become low inhib to divorce because of the "yass gurl you dont need men" propaganda.
every thread i read talks about how shes gonna leave you for someone better. i just read a thread saying that even with NBA player SMV you are still prone to getting cucked. how the fuck do i sustain an ltr in the modern world?? is it even possible?
By using the principles of game theory. Make sure that her staying with you is the winning strategy and do not let her get significant advantages over you.

One thing you can do is by staying out of the west. Divorce is so beneficial and there are enough options that it is often the winning strategy for women.
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you are delusional af, most marriages nowadays end in divorces which highly benefit the women. its not about chad taking your gf its about her divorcing you , taking the kids, half your money and you having to pay child support for the rest of your life. moreover, women have become low inhib to divorce because of the "yass gurl you dont need men" propaganda.
Most marriages don't end in divorce. You are delusional.
yes that's the most likely scenario. over 50% of marriages end in divorce
This is absolutely false and is a myth perpetuated because there was an upward trend in divorce rates in the 1970s. Researchers concluded that if this trend continues then the divorce rate will be 50%. And ever since then, the media sensationalizes, misquotes, and falsely reports this as an actual fact and consequently, since most people are lazy or just plain dumb, they believe this lie and pass it along as a valid statistic. How about I actually show you some peer reviewed data that proves you otherwise? Of course, since you probably don’t read, you’re not going to read this anyways but the data is there. It’s not my fault you choose to be ignorant.

Divorce rates have actually been decreasing and are lowest among lower age groups while they are highest among 50+ individuals.

Of course, if you wish to argue this then you’re welcome to provide some solid data to back up your claim. The data I provided comes directly from the Census bureau; so it is quite reliable.

Source 1:

Source 2:
you are delusional af, most marriages nowadays end in divorces which highly benefit the women. its not about chad taking your gf its about her divorcing you , taking the kids, half your money and you having to pay child support for the rest of your life. moreover, women have become low inhib to divorce because of the "yass gurl you dont need men" propaganda.
See my post above.
even sex is going to get stale after 2-3 years. how do these 40-45 year olds pull off good happy marriages for 10-15 years when she couldve just left for chad anytime?
Because contrary to what you may believe, not every woman wants or cares about Chad, destabilizing her marriage and life, and risking everything. The blackpill does have truth to it and you absolutely should maximize your looks and physical attractiveness but I swear, some users on this site have unfathomable amounts of selection bias. I’m just a mid tier curry who is 5 ft 6 and I’ve slept with several high tier Beckie’s as well as Stacy lites. In fact, I’ve been in multiple, long term relationships with good looking women. No they weren’t Stacie’s but they weren’t LTB either. I was never cheated on and the relationship ended because I wanted someone more educated and ambitious; not because they left for Chad. The TikTok thots and Instahoes you see who only go for Chad are still a minority of the total women out there. It seems like it’s a massive number of them simply because they are most likely to have the strongest online presence and of course, negative, shocking news is ALWAYS going to be more popular than reporting just boring all success stories.

I swear, you all need to learn some critical thinking skills. Stop basing your conclusions and assumptions based on what you hear or see online. Research the data from multiple sources; actually question the validity of things without blindly believing it. The fact of the matter is that reality falls somewhere between the blue pill and the black pill. There is no absolute truth.
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