How to tell if you're actually NT [fool proof test]



Confirmed Chad
Feb 19, 2019
1 on 1 convos VS group convos are two COMPLETELY different ball games, surprised this isnt talked about here.

Redpill: most aspies are very good at 1 on 1 conversation because they like talking about themselves, but in group convos, aspies/incels usually shut down and remain quiet cuz they have no idea what to do or say.

Can you fit in well in a social situation like this?

if you struggle in group convos, its time to become NT srs
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what nt mean
you exactly explained my situation, im super good at 1 on 1, i became aspie in group
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Yeah because I don't have to try. People ask me questions and orbit me and I just sit there and relax
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im nt i just have social anxiety
nt is talkative and social.
idk how you can be nt and have social anxiety at the same time
ogre then.
easier said than done.

I would go as far as claiming that this is genetic.


a lot of people say "having X is a death sentence" or "its over if you have X" but in reality, autism is one of the few actual death sentences, theres basically nothing you can do, your brain grew wrong
Yeah because I don't have to try. People ask me questions and orbit me and I just sit there and relax
slayer tbh
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nt is talkative and social.
idk how you can be nt and have social anxiety at the same time
not everyone is talkative and social lol. i know for sure im not autistic i just have anxiety
Or a nigga just doesn’t wanna talk about dumb shit like how somebodies favorite color is red
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Yeah. I'm a diagnosed aspie and I'm not good at group convos. I also hate chatrooms because they're basically the same thing.
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So true. Just sit and act chill don’t force conversation you will sound autistic
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Lefort 3 > NTmaxx tbh

lets not fool ourselves
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I cannot fucking talk one on one with people for shit, I need at least 3 people in the conversation
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most aspies are very good at 1 on 1 conversation because they like talking about themselves, but in group convos, aspies/incels usually shut down and remain quiet cuz they have no idea what to do or say.
Not my experience whatsoever. 1 on 1 convos are hard af, I run out of things to say and feel pressured. From experience, the ideal # of people in the group is 3 to 5. Feels like less pressure to talk, and more ability to simply "comment" on something someone else said, which is how I tend to keep conversations flowing. Making controversial statements and getting into arguments with 2 or 3 other people is one of the best pleasures in the world.
Not my experience whatsoever. 1 on 1 convos are hard af, I run out of things to say and feel pressured. From experience, the ideal # of people in the group is 3 to 5. Feels like less pressure to talk, and more ability to simply "comment" on something someone else said, which is how I tend to keep conversations flowing. Making controversial statements and getting into arguments with 2 or 3 other people is one of the best pleasures in the world.
getting into an argument you're 100% in is the best feeling ever, i try not to cause i feel bad making people feel dumb, kind of a likeable person but if someone with a big ego shows up oh boy its juicy
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usually when social hierarchy appeared i will instantly hate being in the group especially when i feel i'm at the bottom
you can feel the social hierarchy when more people are interact in a group
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101 is my weakness. My autism is more likely to stay hidden in group convos because I'm low inhib. Also, people feel pressured to laugh at my jokes even when they don't get it.
getting into an argument you're 100% in is the best feeling ever, i try not to cause i feel bad making people feel dumb, kind of a likeable person but if someone with a big ego shows up oh boy its juicy
It's the "flow state", where your mind is in between your premeditated order and the chaos of what others say. Tbh I only tend to make others feel dumb when they're legitimately not listening to the arguments, like when they hold beliefs out of association rather than their own personal judgement.

The aspie method: find little deviations from rational thinking and trap your opponent.
7eWpkx c 400x400
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It's the "flow state", where your mind is in between your premeditated order and the chaos of what others say. Tbh I only tend to make others feel dumb when they're legitimately not listening to the arguments, like when they hold beliefs out of association rather than their own personal judgement.

The aspie method: find little deviations from rational thinking and trap your opponent.
View attachment 22676
the easiest method is when i start arguing and i know im right, then i just come up with this ''ok then, lets make a bet infront of everyone, if you're right you take my phone, and vice verse'' they usual ly say naah bla bla so im like ''if u knew you were right you would take the bet, but u know you're wrong so you lose anyway' and then switch subject
i start arguing and i know im right
I never go into it with that mentality, if we're arguing ideas or social issues. I debated a family member on black pill ideas, mostly relating to male hierarchies, excluding emphasis on looks, and I listened to every point they made. A common thing people do is, they use anomalies to prove patterns rather than looking at the bulk of what happens irl. For ex, if you say "Women love men who are successful and better than themselves, and they don't settle for him if they have access to someone better", they might say "That's not true, look at me and my friend, we're married to so and so who are both poorer than us". For some people, that constitutes logic and evidence. Trick is to walk them through the argument slowly so they can't skip a crucial point.
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I never go into it with that mentality, if we're arguing ideas or social issues. I debated a family member on black pill ideas, mostly relating to male hierarchies, excluding emphasis on looks, and I listened to every point they made. A common thing people do is, they use anomalies to prove patterns rather than looking at the bulk of what happens irl. For ex, if you say "Women love men who are successful and better than themselves, and they don't settle for him if they have access to someone better", they might say "That's not true, look at me and my friend, we're married to so and so who are both poorer than us". For some people, that constitutes logic and evidence. Trick is to walk them through the argument slowly so they can't skip a crucial point.
im talking about arguments between normies with big egos, if its a proper argument between me and someone who is there to have a proper one instead of just argue, i actually go through what they say and do the same thing you did there, but when it's a bunch of fucktards i go the betting route just to shut them up
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I can't hang around fucktards too long without going crazy
should do that if you wanna become nt tbh, its funny watching other people say stupid shit, and thin kthey're right

Leftmost man has interest in the rightmost girl, but she's an introvert and is not interested in him or the group in general. Look at their legs, the girl is pointing outside of the circle and when she fake laughs at whatever is being said she looks down and away from everyone else. She is definitely an introvert. The guy might have an interest in her because of his legs, but he's holding something and has another girl touching him so its 50/50. If that thing he is holding is what I think it might be then maybe he just wants her to smoke but she's not having it. Anyway rotating your entire body isn't something you can just do naturally in a conversation, so I know she is introverted as she must've signaled avoidance from the start of the encounter. If this guy wanted to fuck her (which he probably does) then its cruel rejection. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: If you get any reactions like this from a girl its OVER with that girl. Even if she is reacting to a group that you partake in. If you were good looking enough then the girl would be interested and would smoke without hesitation or fake laughing and her entire body would already be facing you.
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should do that if you wanna become nt tbh, its funny watching other people say stupid shit, and thin kthey're right
Dude the average person is so mind-numbingly dumb. Like I'm talking with a different species
View attachment 22678
Leftmost man has interest in the rightmost girl, but she's an introvert and is not interested in him or the group in general. Look at their legs, the girl is pointing outside of the circle and when she fake laughs at whatever is being said she looks down and away from everyone else. She is definitely an introvert. The guy might have an interest in her because of his legs, but he's holding something and has another girl touching him so its 50/50. If that thing he is holding is what I think it might be then maybe he just wants her to smoke but she's not having it. Anyway rotating your entire body isn't something you can just do naturally in a conversation, so I know she is introverted anyway as she must've signaled avoidance from the start of the encounter. If this guy wanted to fuck her (which he probably does) then its cruel rejection. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill: If you get any reactions like this from a girl its OVER with that girl. Even if she is reacting to a group that you partake in. If you were good looking enough then the girl would be interested and would smoke without hesitation or fake laughing and her entire body would already be facing you.
looks like the rightmost guy is holding her lower back so
by not being on this site in the first place
Can you fit in well in a social situation like this?

>Yoo, wazzup guys
>Chad, long time no see, breh
>Tony, what's good my man
>Oh, how did these sexy senjoritas get in my basement smh

<Did u just objectify women, bro? t. Chad
<Yeah, show these women some respect jfl t. Tony

>Yo, chill out guys, it was a joke
>Nvm; wa-wanna watch some Nintendo and chill pizza?

<OMG, are you always this lame lol t. Becky
<Haha, I could totally like Netflix and chill RN ngl t. Stacy

>Alrighty then, what movies do yo usua...
<Hey, be a champ and go get us some pizza, buddy t. Chad
>Oh, okay, I'll be back in about 30 mins don't start the movie without me!

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>Yoo, wazzup guys
>Chad, long time no see, breh
>Tony, what's good my man
>Oh, how did these sexy senjoritas get in my basement smh

<Did u just objectify women, bro? t. Chad
<Yeah, show these women some respect jfl t. Tony

>Nvm then; wa-wanna watch some Nintendo and chill pizza?

i hate normies.
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