How to treat that cock sucker Stacy



Nov 7, 2019
I'm not going into depth with this. To be honest if you don't get what I'm about to tell you... You need a damn brain transplant. See Eppley for that shit.


Unless you are a true 7-8 PSL you can't expect bones to carry Stacy your way. You need an edge. Do what no one else does, treat her like a person.... Stacy let me look through her phone. You know what I saw. A bunch of blatantly fake fucks trying to "just be friends" and "be nice" and showered her with compliments.

You wanna know why they like the "asshole" its because he treats her like a FUCKING person. In Stacie's heavily over validated world she is surrounded by a sausage fest of fake men. That becomes her norm and the "asshole" puts her in check. You know how annoying fake women are..... being a fake man is the most emasculating thing a "man" can do.

I'm not saying be a true asshole. If shes behind you, hold the fucking door. If she drops her shit help her out. That's not a simp that's being a fucking man. Anyone who calls you a simp for that is a jealous pussy who doesn't understand human nature. A simp is the fucker who double texts begging for her validation and not living in abundance. Treat her like you'd treat a bro.
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  • Hmm...
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Why did you even waste your time in writing this cope.
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Go tell that to 5'2 balding indian janitor
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this is dating advice from like an early 2000s romcom
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Read coach Corey Wayne and date a lot of women. Practice, practice, practice
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OP is absolutely right though. Observe the dudes that hot girls choose to hang around. Not all of them are good looking and you guys are lying if you argue otherwise. But they treat her almost like one of the boys at times and that’s what girls want. They’re so used to being put on a pedestal by simps and nice guys that when you break from that mold you automatically disassociate yourselves from them and gain respect in her eyes.

You gotta roast girls, joke around with them, and call them out for dumb shit. Talk to them like you don’t give a fuck and you’re not trying to win their approval. And then make sure when you do say something nice about them it’s genuine and deserved, and since it doesn’t come as often, you’ll come off as more real than all the dudes who shower her with praise to try to get laid.

I’m not saying it’s going to allow some 2 PSL dude to have sex with the stacy of his choosing, but it absolutely has gives you an edge and it’s helped me a lot with girls.
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lol i always hold the door for stacy's and i NEVER engage with foids first, EVER, because I'm high inhib. I usually get a blank gaze up to my face and very rarely a "thank you". I mean, i don't even know if this is a Stacy problem, I think it's just WASPy kids that didn't learn their manners, a lot of guys don't say thanks either.

my people are guido italians, they're the salt of the earth, they'll always say "thank you brotha" after you hold the door for them.

i can't really generalize too much, most of the stacy's that have acknowledged my beta door holding have been WASP blondes.
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I am a good person but I am also a asshole (ie being honest 95% of the time).

Turned out women loved the asshole even though all their friends did not understand why.

Just be attractive and masculine (ie really yourself) bro.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, DrOtaku and Chadeep
OP is absolutely right though. Observe the dudes that hot girls choose to hang around. Not all of them are good looking and you guys are lying if you argue otherwise. But they treat her almost like one of the boys at times and that’s what girls want. They’re so used to being put on a pedestal by simps and nice guys that when you break from that mold you automatically disassociate yourselves from them and gain respect in her eyes.

You gotta roast girls, joke around with them, and call them out for dumb shit. Talk to them like you don’t give a fuck and you’re not trying to win their approval. And then make sure when you do say something nice about them it’s genuine and deserved, and since it doesn’t come as often, you’ll come off as more real than all the dudes who shower her with praise to try to get laid.

I’m not saying it’s going to allow some 2 PSL dude to have sex with the stacy of his choosing, but it absolutely has gives you an edge and it’s helped me a lot with girls.
here's the problem, i've become so socially awkward and recluse that I can't even do that with men. im not sure what happened to me when i turned 17, people don't like weirdo humor i guess. but you're right, i saw this fat curry doing that with a stacy a few months ago and she seemed to be enjoying herself.
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Go tell that to 5'2 balding indian janitor
Tell him what.. that you need to be 7-8 psl for a stacy to only want you for your body... they know that principle better than anyone.
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here's the problem, i've become so socially awkward and recluse that I can't even do that with men. im not sure what happened to me when i turned 17, people don't like weirdo humor i guess. but you're right, i saw this fat curry doing that with a stacy a few months ago and she seemed to be enjoying herself.
For me it took learning that trying to be liked by everyone in social situations makes you a boring person. Don’t be afraid to speak up, joke around, or bring someone else down a peg. You gotta get out of your comfort zone if you’re not used to it and keep putting yourself in those kinds of situations until you get it. I used to be so agreeable and nice and all it did was lead to nobody respecting me. You have to say what’s on your mind, loosen up, and have fun in conversations.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, janoycresva and DrOtaku
Tell him what.. that you need to be 7-8 psl for a stacy to only want you for your body... they know that principle better than anyone.
Look man, I've treated women the way you say for all my life. Not straight up simping like you mentioned or extreme social isolation, I was just about right. Did that lead me anywhere? Nope, I'm still a KHHV who's gonna graduate from high school in some time.
So all I'm saying, is that this won't lead you anywhere as a sub5 male.
Looks > everything
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For me it took learning that trying to be liked by everyone in social situations makes you a boring person. Don’t be afraid to speak up, joke around, or bring someone else down a peg. You gotta get out of your comfort zone if you’re not used to it and keep putting yourself in those kinds of situations until you get it. I used to be so agreeable and nice and all it did was lead to nobody respecting me. You have to say what’s on your mind, loosen up, and have fun in conversations.

this is solid advice, that's probably what i stopped doing, before, i would act like a homosexual italian mob boss and it would make people laugh. i had friends but also a lot of haters. when the acne hit me, i became so awkward that i would just agree to everything and never speak my mind. I GOTTA GET MY CONFIDENCE BACK.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Morpheus
this is solid advice, that's probably what i stopped doing, before, i would act like a homosexual italian mob boss and it would make people laugh. i had friends but also a lot of haters. when the acne hit me, i became so awkward that i would just agree to everything and never speak my mind. I GOTTA GET MY CONFIDENCE BACK.
Exactly man if you have ZERO people who don’t like you you’re probably doing something wrong. At that point you’re irrelevant, too agreeable, and you don’t stick out.
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Just work on your personality bro
Chad can show up to her with flowers she would love it, an inel on the other hand...
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Just work on your personality bro
Chad can show up to her with flowers she would love it, an inel on the other hand...
Jeff Bezos can blow 99% of his wealth at the strip club and still have enough left over for him and his family and multiple future generations of his to live very lavishly. You and I would be fucked if we blew 99% of our wealth. Does that comparison make you suddenly think conserving money is pointless because we can’t get away with what Bezos can? Of course not.

The all or nothing mindset is poisonous. It’s dumb comparing yourself to Chad and complaining that Chad can get away with this or that in order to justify a behavior. Focus on what you can do to improve and be more appealing to girls.
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OP is a idiot
Stacy wants money or chad nothing else shes just mad normal average guys are hitting on her instead of the top chad or buisness man
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I'm not going into depth with this. To be honest if you don't get what I'm about to tell you... You need a damn brain transplant. See Eppley for that shit.


Unless you are a true 7-8 PSL you can't expect bones to carry Stacy your way. You need an edge. Do what no one else does, treat her like a person.... Stacy let me look through her phone. You know what I saw. A bunch of blatantly fake fucks trying to "just be friends" and "be nice" and showered her with compliments.

You wanna know why they like the "asshole" its because he treats her like a FUCKING person. In Stacie's heavily over validated world she is surrounded by a sausage fest of fake men. That becomes her norm and the "asshole" puts her in check. You know how annoying fake women are..... being a fake man is the most emasculating thing a "man" can do.

I'm not saying be a true asshole. If shes behind you, hold the fucking door. If she drops her shit help her out. That's not a simp that's being a fucking man. Anyone who calls you a simp for that is a jealous pussy who doesn't understand human nature. A simp is the fucker who double texts begging for her validation and not living in abundance. Treat her like you'd treat a bro.

water is wet
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