How to un-skinny fat yourself


Deleted member 2587

Jul 26, 2019
It’s literally a living hell being a skinnyfatcel. It’s impossible to fix this issue. I have no idea what to do. I tried going to the gym but it’s too boring and time consuming. Should I just aushwitzmaxx?
Has anyone successfully beaten this disease?
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Reactions: SHARK
roids or normal route - weightlifting n cardio w/ light deficit
and no if you auschwitzmaxx then youll become a stick. which girls find the most unattractive
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Reactions: randomguy1235, Deleted member 3323, Slob and 1 other person
inject. and if you are too lazy to go to the gym, honestly you dont deserve better
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Reactions: Deleted member 7506
i have the same issue:

skinnyfat + gyno
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2426
inject. and if you are too lazy to go to the gym, honestly you dont deserve better
It’s not lazyiness. I personally find the gym very BORING. I tried for months to enjoy it I just can’t. The people who workout are also subhuman
It’s not lazyiness. I personally find the gym very BORING. I tried for months to enjoy it I just can’t. The people who workout are also subhuman
Do calisthenics then
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787 and Deleted member 2019
It’s not lazyiness. I personally find the gym very BORING. I tried for months to enjoy it I just can’t. The people who workout are also subhuman
Thats how life works sometimes, you want something and have to do something you don't want. If you think ist boring do weightlifting with a barbell, that's way better but also way more time consuming as it's extremely technical and you have to stretch+do mobility work + hone your skill with someone who's knowledgable
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Reactions: Deleted member 2019, IWantToMax and Mayorga
It’s literally a living hell being a skinnyfatcel. It’s impossible to fix this issue. I have no idea what to do. I tried going to the gym but it’s too boring and time consuming. Should I just aushwitzmaxx?
Has anyone successfully beaten this disease?
Just join a gym dude, I get no joy from working out either but it's just one of those things you gotta do

Guide to exit skinnyfat mode:
-Join a gym
-Follow an easy beginners program, I think kinobody has a good one
-Eat at maintenance or very slightly above maintenance calories

by exploiting the newbie effect you should be able to make gains fast enough to lower your bodyfat % while gaining muscle.
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Reactions: Deleted member 7506, Deleted member 2019 and Mayorga
Skinny fat just means you have no muscle you troglodyte.
Bulk and lift for a year, you will gain muscle and it will look like you lost fat.
Then cut 1kg/week untill you have little fat left.
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Skinny fat is loose skin so you need to bulk up to fill out your frame
i've been following itsover guide
I hope it works, he seems legit
i've been following itsover guide
I hope it works, he seems legit
Cutting and going to the gym
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Reactions: WannaBeA6
Bulk and build size, then cut down
i heard that you absolutely need to be low BF first to inject
My friend is on his first cycle, almost 2 weeks in on 500mg test/wk and 30mg dbol/day and he has not needed any AI. He's about 25% bf.

I know it's real too cause I've used it before and he's up 15+ lbs and getting stronger fast.

Also look at all the powerlifters and strongman. Fat as fuck but juiced to the gills.
> It’s impossible to fix this issue
> I tried going to the gym but it’s too boring and time consuming

Dude you're just too lazy to fix it.
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Reactions: Gaia262, Deleted member 2019 and Mayorga
It's very hard. I'm kinda skinny fat, too. I think injecting should solve it, tbh, but hair....
Unless you're 27+ years old and are strongly pressured by time (which might make roiding more sensible), you have no excuse not to dedicate a couple of years to see where you can get (as a natty) and then tweak stuff if you're unhappy with the results.
i heard that you absolutely need to be low BF first to inject
Define low bodyfat. IMHO that's a misconception however if you inject doses that are supraphysiological you run a higher Risk of running into Estrogen mediated sideeffects since fat tissue is full of aromatase
If you try auschwitzmaxing, post results. I think it's the best route because from there you can bulk.
stop eating like shit.

vegestables mother fucka, and protein too
If you try auschwitzmaxing, post results. I think it's the best route because from there you can bulk.
I decided to workout+eat high protein while cutting
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It’s not lazyiness. I personally find the gym very BORING. I tried for months to enjoy it I just can’t. The people who workout are also subhuman
do a dopamine fast for a week no music no internet none of the shiez u will enjoy it
nigga just go to the gym, literally avoiding the solution.
Who the hell bumps these almost a year old threads?

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