“Hypergamy doesnt exist” (High IQcels GTFIH)



Pump and dump=law
Nov 25, 2023

I am too lazy to read this someone give their input
I am too lazy to read this someone give their input
dude, basically makes the comparison between:
1. What women WANT / PREFER and SAY.
2. What happens in reality, what BEHAVIOR and REAL OUTCOMES are.

Conclusion. Women end up with dudes, that are kinda equal to them.

If someone asks me, what I want. I will also say maybe, I want a giga stacy gf whom is a millionaire supermodel. And than, there is the reality of life, what one can attract/get.
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Makes sense tbh, women will play around with chad then settle with a beta provider whos closer to her looks, dual mating strategy
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I am too lazy to read this someone give their input

if hypergamy was fake id be cuddling with my oneitis rn
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Hypergamy is real
It's just that women only go for high value men who watch hamza.
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dude, basically makes the comparison between:
1. What women WANT / PREFER and SAY.
2. What happens in reality, what BEHAVIOR and REAL OUTCOMES are.

Conclusion. Women end up with dudes, that are kinda equal to them.

If someone asks me, what I want. I will also say maybe, I want a giga stacy gf whom is a millionaire supermodel. And than, there is the reality of life, what one can attract/get.
He also states that women will date an ugly guy if his status equates to that of her looks, however looks is the biggest status symbol (cant fraud genes) and its a fact that now over 50% of relationships are formed on dating apps leading to superficial “looks only” interactions, isolating looks as the only one determining factor. if status was more important to women then dating apps wouldnt be increasing number of relationships formed
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women will play around with chad then settle with a beta provider whos closer to her looks, dual mating strategy
It's 2 different kinds of market places. Maybe not even a startegy women have, but a consequence of the environment.

1. Marketplace for casual uncommited sex.
Alot more men than women,
and more often do men want compared to women, have uncommited sex with a new/random person.
Due to this high demand from men, and lower supply from women. Women hold in this casual sex marketplace ALOT more power and value than men; and so a normie chick can get sex from Chad.

2. Marketplace for commited long(er) term relationships.
The amount of men whom want this, is probably around equal, the amount of women whom want this.
Due to the equal supply and demand, this marketplace is rather balanced and fair. So, a normie woman can't get Chad to commit, but she can get another nromie dude to commit

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dude, basically makes the comparison between:
1. What women WANT / PREFER and SAY.
2. What happens in reality, what BEHAVIOR and REAL OUTCOMES are.

Conclusion. Women end up with dudes, that are kinda equal to them.

If someone asks me, what I want. I will also say maybe, I want a giga stacy gf whom is a millionaire supermodel. And than, there is the reality of life, what one can attract/get.
Makes sense tbh, women will play around with chad then settle with a beta provider whos closer to her looks, dual mating strategy
If you gave every foid the chance to settle down with Chad instead of her future oofy doofy bf she’d take it instantly, the guy who wrote this Reddit post reminds me of Destiny, just a bluepiller who thinks that he already has everything on lock even tho he’s blissfully unaware of how naive he is
He also states that women will date an ugly guy if his status equates to that of her looks,
I agree. regularly a person can compensate with other great/good qualities to level his/her value for a LTR, to an equal level of someone a bit better looking but lacking comparative in other ways. That happens irl.
however looks is the biggest status symbol (cant fraud genes)
true. it also needs alot of other moggs, to compensate for lesser looks.
and its a fact that now over 50% of relationships are formed on dating apps leading to superficial “looks only” interactions,
yeah, dating apps are kinda designed imo for the hookup culture and dating. Hence it is a place, that mostly resembels the "casual uncommited sex" marketplace. And not the "long term relationships" marketplace. Even when someone is looking for a LTR. Obviously, plenety dudes looking for random sex, try to play asif they are in the LTR-marketplace. And alot of women looking for LTR, try to play it cool asif they are open for some casual sex stuff and swiping asif they are in casual sex marketplace isntead of the LTR marketplace (trying to convince a dude better looking than her to commit maybe).
if status was more important to women then dating apps wouldnt be increasing number of relationships formed
i don't see the correlation, on why using dating apps means women find status less important than looks. I agree with that, but it's not due to the existance of dating apps. Still, status helps, and when meeting with somone over time more often, their status will get known.
Status, imo, on how much it matters. is giga non-liniar.
very low status, lets say bottom 10% = will hurt your datingvalue plenty/alot (even when good looking).
below average to above average status (25 percenatile to 85 percentile) = it's all the same, matters little for your value.
top 10% status = still doesn't mean jack shit (compared to the average status person)
top 5% status = stil doesn't mean jack shit (compared to the average status person)
top 1% status = it starts to help significantly
top 0.0001% status = you can run on statusgame alone maybe.

Point being.
very low status, will; hurt your dating value alot. very high status, will massively increase your dating value. Everything in between, imo, means jack shit.
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If you gave every foid the chance to settle down with Chad instead of her future oofy doofy bf she’d take it instantly, the guy who wrote this Reddit post reminds me of Destiny, just a bluepiller who thinks that he already has everything on lock even tho he’s blissfully unaware of how naive he is
100% agree. These women wanted to settle down with Chad(s). But that failed. Chad wasn't interested in that.
it's always fun, hearing a woman, trying to wait it out with a Chad for him to commit. With never happens, lols.

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Blackpill deboonked

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100% agree. These women wanted to settle down with Chad(s). But that failed. Chad wasn't interested in that.
it's always fun, hearing a woman, trying to wait it out with a Chad for him to commit. With never happens, lols.

Foids at the end of the day desire romance and intimacy with Chad, but Chad knows his value so he only wants one of those things with them, this is why bitches end up getting pumped and dumped so much

Foids are also stupid too which explains shit like this
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Foids at the end of the day desire romance and intimacy with Chad, but Chad knows his value so he only wants one of those things with them, this is why bitches end up getting pumped and dumped so much

Foids are also stupid too which explains shit like this

True that.
To add, most guys are even to stupid or whatever to know what is going. Espcailly those dudes thinking it's ALL about game/rizz/talk, trying to copy the beheavior of these Chads. lols. Instead of just seeing, that it's the looks matter (or ocasssionally the status matter, when a dude is actually famous)

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