Hypergamy is good for the species



Sep 26, 2018
I have heard this cope a dozen times but it is indeed one of the dumbest things ever spoken. It would not be so obvious if uttered ten thousand years ago, but it is not a well thought out idea to think in 2019.

Let's entertain the idea of extreme hypergamy completely taking over. Superior genes would in fact have a higher chance of survival so our evolution would be sped up but only slightly. Factors like genetic recombination would still be here, inferior female genes would still get passed and the existence of disabilities would not disappear. Our improvements would be slow and take thousands of years. Also given the fact women prefer men of inferior to average intellect we would not improve in every way. This would all come at a cost of a total break down of civilization and the coming of a new dark age.

Now let's entertain an idea of an advanced enlightened meritocratic but monogamous society. Within a few decades we would be able to enhance everyone's genes by genetic engineering. Within a century or two everyone would be a 6ft+ 150 IQ chad.

So can anyone explain me again how is hypergamy good for humanity? Why has every civilization that made it into the 20th century been somewhat or totally monogamous? Western women don't even have kids anymore. The average white female fertility rate is like 1.4. I mean this can not lead to anything good.
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20191103 053334

Fuck hypergamy
I wanna rape this foid ngl
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  • JFL
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When did attractiveness becomes synonymous with intelligence? LMAO
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curry mentioning his rape fantasies -- nothing to see here, within expectations.
Who are you? Literally no one asked you to make an account on this forum.
Who are you? Literally no one asked you to make an account on this forum.

Someone who mogs your curry arse in all facets of life.
  • Ugh..
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