Hypergamy will not be eugenics like people think


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Do people really even look better today?
I've seen many memes that suggest that by 2040, everyone will be taller and more good-looking. However, I believe this claim is incorrect. In fact, people today may be less attractive than at any point in the last century. While nutrition can have a positive impact on height, the difference in height between now and the past, such as during World War II, is minimal average american soldiers were 5'8-9. Moreover, factors such as mouth breathing and toxic environments may have contributed to a decline in physical appearance. I have noticed that yearbooks from the 1980s feature many better-looking people than what I observe today. While this is not entirely genetic and mostly a result of environmental factors, it is true that people in the past looked better in almost every way.


Hypergamy does not = procreation or natural selection

The numbers here are almost unprecedented. There have been many time periods where over half of men did not procreate men died in wars much more and were always more disposable. But women who made it to adulthood almost all had children. Spinstress's as they were called in the past were social pariahs and made up a very low percent of unmarried childless women the vast majority of them were infertile it was said that 80% of women born throughout history had kids as opposed to 40% of men. This not taking in account women who died before they were of age if you add that it was more like 90%.

If women sleep with high value chads but do not have kids from it then it really means nothing. Women chasing chads expect to get chad to commit in a LTR with them birth control abortion and other sexual contraceptives allow women to avoid the consequences of sleeping with these men outside a marriage. Women are using up there most fertile years chasing men who will never commit and since they have cucked nature itself with birth control they also do not bare any children from this behavior. By the time women have no easy access to Chads they have already lost most of their youth beauty and fertility is down the drain. In an ironic twist of fate you often find the biggest Whores ending up with betacuck(former incels) at 30 because they have lost all other options. This is largely dysgenic in itself but on the other half most women just stay bitter and die alone with no kids an even worse fate.

Why the West's situation is far worse then China, Japan, Korean and the rest of Asia...

I've already explained above how hypergamy or dating up does not equal procreating with higher quality men since many have kids with cucked men. But the West is different then Asia with the fact that it still has millions of migrants and low IQ people having children. Asia's situation is not good either but they will not suffer as much. The birth rates in the West are much lower then you think when you take into account how many kids being born are from 1st gen migrants. So not only is it a birth rate issue the West has an issue with displacement too.

In the US a 8% of children born yearly were from "undocumented immigrants" the average birth rate being 3-4 kids per woman depending on the study.
This also applies to people on welfare who have more kids then the national average meaning someone who makes no taxable income is able to have more kids then someone making a middle class income or higher. The average person on welfare is around 85-90 IQ. The state in the US also pays single mothers more money per kid they have.

What people fail to take into consideration here is that the lowest 20-30% of women are having multiple kids younger. You see trailer trash families with 8 kids. And migrants in Europe or America come from cultures with insanely high birth rates. A sorority girl is the last kind of girl you will find having a kid at 19 with Chad lmao she will get an abortion for her "career".

Made this because a lot of people act like hypergamy in its current form are the end all be all of human natural selection. Natural selection is not the fittest but the most adaptive since we have gotten rid of all natural deaths for the most part then there is no curve for survival. Sexual selection does not apply when you are talking about people who will have kids with anyone or anything. Disregard for consequences and impulsiveness are the only things that promote birth rates in such a sterile hypergamous society where marriage and controlled family creation is a thing of the past. Sorry to break everyones bubble but the future is not tall chads and stacies its this.
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Zoomers mog my generation that's for sure
only in the face, and height
Looksmaxers arguing over which genes are better... Meanwhile Britain 2023

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Average German looksmaxer 2030 asking if they are white passing
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It would be best if we made birth control illegal. It's never good to fuck with evolution. If women are afraid of pregnancy they shouldn't have sex. And if the guy is good for a fuck but not good enough for a child, then they shouldn't sleep together. No birt control would promote monogamy again and create more stable societies, where women don't sleep around and make men stressed. Ban it!

It's either no birth control or sterilization. If you are too dumb get sterilised, nothing in between like a pill that stops it shortly
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Reactions: chadpreetsingh, Gargantuan, Deleted member 26859 and 4 others
It would be best if we made birth control illegal. It's never good to fuck with evolution. If women are afraid of pregnancy they shouldn't have sex. And if the guy is good for a fuck but not good enough for a child, then they shouldn't sleep together. No birt control would promote monogamy again and create more stable societies, where women don't sleep around and make men stressed. Ban it!

It's either no birth control or sterilization. If you are too dumb get sterilised.
Single worst thing to happen to society in a long time
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  • +1
Reactions: chadpreetsingh, Danish_Retard and ThatGuythattype
One of the better posts I've seen in a while.

I'd also like to add on 2 points

1. Women who do have kids tend to have them when they are older. This gives rise to all kinds of janky ass prenatal issues and the babies get born less than ideal.

2. While rampant hypergamy can largely remove lousy men from the gene pool, there is almost no way to remove subhuman women.
To make things worse, subhuman women tend to mate with guys with poor genetics (save for those who managed to get Chad seed)
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repped for high effort,will read it over later and try to give a response(y)
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high iq conclusion
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Reactions: Deleted member 11126
One of the better posts I've seen in a while.

I'd also like to add on 2 points

1. Women who do have kids tend to have them when they are older. This gives rise to all kinds of janky ass prenatal issues and the babies get born less than ideal.

2. While rampant hypergamy can largely remove lousy men from the gene pool, there is almost no way to remove subhuman women.
To make things worse, subhuman women tend to mate with guys with poor genetics (save for those who managed to get Chad seed)
If there was no birth control subhuman women would get impregnated by chad outside the marriage with a looser guy, which is good for all of us. But other than that, really retarded women should get sterilised.
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Reactions: aspiringexcel, Deleted member 11126 and Brus Wane
One of the better posts I've seen in a while.

I'd also like to add on 2 points

1. Women who do have kids tend to have them when they are older. This gives rise to all kinds of janky ass prenatal issues and the babies get born less than ideal.

2. While rampant hypergamy can largely remove lousy men from the gene pool, there is almost no way to remove subhuman women.
To make things worse, subhuman women tend to mate with guys with poor genetics (save for those who managed to get Chad seed)
1. Agreed.

2. Yeah that is true and tons of ugly women have like 10 kids I see them in trailer parks all the time. Also plenty of lousy men make it through every redditor at 35 gets a roastie gf. Betas do procreate quite a bit and they do it with 40 year old women so the kid has double autism
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Reactions: Jova, Danish_Retard, aspiringexcel and 1 other person
so the kid has double autism
Never fking began for that poor bastard. And more than likely if it's a foid she'll breed with other subpar men just a couple of points above her.
If there was no birth control subhuman women would get impregnated by chad outside the marriage with a looser guy, which is good for all of us.
Wait hows that good (or bad for that matter) for us?
But other than that, really retarded women should get sterilised.
Yeah subhumans should not be fucking producing more copies of themselves. They only waste space but the elites need them to prop up the economy and shit so yeah.
  • +1
Reactions: ThatGuythattype and Deleted member 11126
If there was no birth control subhuman women would get impregnated by chad outside the marriage with a looser guy, which is good for all of us. But other than that, really retarded women should get sterilised.
Well I also think in the past women who did this would be killed. Adultery was a serious crime. But birth control ban would make sex once again a more meaningful thing and it would bring back marriages in the West also we would need to change the laws back to how they were. If a woman cheated in the past she would at best be disowned and homeless.

The reason we are all here today is because society had zero tolerance for women cheating any man who tolerated it died off. This is why the thought of being cucked is so anger inducing. Building a society around cuckoldry is a bad idea too
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and PURE ARYAN GENETICS
Very high IQ post, well done
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high IQ thread thank you, also good to mention there was a study done that women prefer men with lower IQs and even sub 80 iq people will manage to get more women than a high IQ person iirc from a study I read
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Reactions: Deleted member 11126
But birth control ban would make sex once again a more meaningful thing and it would bring back marriages in the West also we would need to change the laws back to how they were.
I thought of that but it's most likely cope tbh.

First there's the whole thing about how are we gonna go about banning it? 95% of women and at least 50-60% of men (let's be real here most men are sorry ass simps) are gonna want to keep the status quo because muh wimins rites and my soggy knee.

Secondly, let's say it does get banned. Abortion, the pill, creams and even condoms.
Women will still be having jobs and shit. Equal or better opportunities than men on average (see women outdoing men in college and non manual labour workforce).
They'll still be Chad only or straight up fuck Chad and be a single mom.
In fact, in such a scenario I predict most of the top 40-50% of foids will get their tubes tied somehow. Can't let crotch goblins get in the way of their career.
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and aspiringexcel
Do people really even look better today?
I've seen many memes that suggest that by 2040, everyone will be taller and more good-looking. However, I believe this claim is incorrect. In fact, people today may be less attractive than at any point in the last century. While nutrition can have a positive impact on height, the difference in height between now and the past, such as during World War II, is minimal average american soldiers were 5'8-9. Moreover, factors such as mouth breathing and toxic environments may have contributed to a decline in physical appearance. I have noticed that yearbooks from the 1980s feature many better-looking people than what I observe today. While this is not entirely genetic and mostly a result of environmental factors, it is true that people in the past looked better in almost every way.


Hypergamy does not = procreation or natural selection
View attachment 2200645

The numbers here are almost unprecedented. There have been many time periods where over half of men did not procreate men died in wars much more and were always more disposable. But women who made it to adulthood almost all had children. Spinstress's as they were called in the past were social pariahs and made up a very low percent of unmarried childless women the vast majority of them were infertile it was said that 80% of women born throughout history had kids as opposed to 40% of men. This not taking in account women who died before they were of age if you add that it was more like 90%.

If women sleep with high value chads but do not have kids from it then it really means nothing. Women chasing chads expect to get chad to commit in a LTR with them birth control abortion and other sexual contraceptives allow women to avoid the consequences of sleeping with these men outside a marriage. Women are using up there most fertile years chasing men who will never commit and since they have cucked nature itself with birth control they also do not bare any children from this behavior. By the time women have no easy access to Chads they have already lost most of their youth beauty and fertility is down the drain. In an ironic twist of fate you often find the biggest Whores ending up with betacuck(former incels) at 30 because they have lost all other options. This is largely dysgenic in itself but on the other half most women just stay bitter and die alone with no kids an even worse fate.

Why the West's situation is far worse then China, Japan, Korean and the rest of Asia...
View attachment 2200646

I've already explained above how hypergamy or dating up does not equal procreating with higher quality men since many have kids with cucked men. But the West is different then Asia with the fact that it still has millions of migrants and low IQ people having children. Asia's situation is not good either but they will not suffer as much. The birth rates in the West are much lower then you think when you take into account how many kids being born are from 1st gen migrants. So not only is it a birth rate issue the West has an issue with displacement too.

In the US a 8% of children born yearly were from "undocumented immigrants" the average birth rate being 3-4 kids per woman depending on the study.
This also applies to people on welfare who have more kids then the national average meaning someone who makes no taxable income is able to have more kids then someone making a middle class income or higher. The average person on welfare is around 85-90 IQ. The state in the US also pays single mothers more money per kid they have.

What people fail to take into consideration here is that the lowest 20-30% of women are having multiple kids younger. You see trailer trash families with 8 kids. And migrants in Europe or America come from cultures with insanely high birth rates. A sorority girl is the last kind of girl you will find having a kid at 19 with Chad lmao she will get an abortion for her "career".

Made this because a lot of people act like hypergamy in its current form are the end all be all of human natural selection. Natural selection is not the fittest but the most adaptive since we have gotten rid of all natural deaths for the most part then there is no curve for survival. Sexual selection does not apply when you are talking about people who will have kids with anyone or anything. Disregard for consequences and impulsiveness are the only things that promote birth rates in such a sterile hypergamous society where marriage and controlled family creation is a thing of the past. Sorry to break everyones bubble but the future is not tall chads and stacies its this.
Its over for the west. Our birth rates are 100% lower than south korea if you dont count the immigrants.

Im in the slumbs if southeastern europe rn and holy shit theres a bunch of immigrants.

At least gooks are homogeneous and spreading their culture and shit while a fucking curry is leading the UK. UKs birth rates are basically suppirted by curries having 6 kids
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Its over for the west. Our birth rates are 100% lower than south korea if you dont count the immigrants.

Im in the slumbs if southeastern europe rn and holy shit theres a bunch of immigrants.

At least gooks are homogeneous and spreading their culture and shit while a fucking curry is leading the UK. UKs birth rates are basically suppirted by curries having 6 kids
Over for everyone tbqh

Over for indigenous European people that's for sure... but never over for Europe - as long as your new generation of migrant niggers and curries can keep the show going.

Not 100% over for Korea Japan & China but they'd better act now before it's too late.
If their birth rate debacle goes on for the next 5-10 years without even the slightest improvement yeah it's fucking over. Get packed, go home, the jig is up. Kpop, hentai and nearly overtaking Burgercels was fun while it lasted.

I predict they'd first try to take in overseas Gooks / Nips / Chinks living in USA Brazil Singapore or wherever (to keep the race pure) and then maybe out of desperation slowly let a few foreigners in.

All in all yeah back to my point it's pretty much over for everyone the way things are going.

But the world should just brace itself for a smaller population.

Once the old geezers all die and there's no need to care for aging population, I think everyone will benefit from not having so many damn humans on earth (see Malthus theory).

I might be coping here but less people means
lower property prices
higher demand for labour = higher pay
higher standard of living
more egalitarian society

:feelsautistic: same resources but less fuckers sharing it :feelsautistic:
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Its over for the west. Our birth rates are 100% lower than south korea if you dont count the immigrants.

Im in the slumbs if southeastern europe rn and holy shit theres a bunch of immigrants.

At least gooks are homogeneous and spreading their culture and shit while a fucking curry is leading the UK. UKs birth rates are basically suppirted by curries having 6 kids
Yeah I am trying to do the math for the US if you take out immigrants and people on welfare/government assistance(basically people who don't pay any taxes) Americans have as low of a birth rate as China.

Asia's situation isn't ideal but they will still be Asian by in 30 years the same (cannot) be said by Europeans or Americans. In America productive people aren't breeding and we have the government sanctioning unproductive people its quite literally "dysgenics" displacing the productive with the unproductive.
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Yeah I am trying to do the math for the US if you take out immigrants and people on welfare/government assistance(basically people who don't pay any taxes) Americans have as low of a birth rate as China.

Asia's situation isn't ideal but they will still be Asian by in 30 years the same (cannot) be said by Europeans or Americans. In America productive people aren't breeding and we have the government sanctioning unproductive people its quite literally "dysgenics" displacing the productive with the unproductive.
Europeans have the lowest birth rates if you take out the immigrants

The reason gooks are so smart (besides raw fishmaxxing with omega 3) is because of how homogeneous they are. While the UK is getting worse and worse because of curries and the USA basically worships blacks and their degenerate culture.

Its already over for europe
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Tldr; girls settle with cucks.
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Looksmaxers arguing over which genes are better... Meanwhile Britain 2023

Then when you step out into civilization in any first world country and see FAT OOFY DOOFY theory in play at every bend and street corner.
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Women are using up there most fertile years chasing men who will never commit and since they have cucked nature itself with birth control they also do not bare any children from this behavior
This is the main point tbh, woman are sleeping with better genetics men but not actually having kids with them because of birth control and how being a single mother is terrible
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