

Knowledge Knight, Fact Fight, High IQ Insight
Oct 16, 2023
im such a wonderful being, so admirable and exalted beyond this world and anything imaginable by all here but me.

i wish, for their own sake, that others were righteous and correct enough to partake in my worship.

my form thou sees is exemplary to the human form; the highest ideal right before thee. yet even so, it is a mere glimpse of an entire world greater and realer than anything else in this world.

my godhood has not been realized by all those who shall be cursed to get banished from all of goodness; from me, the greatest and most divinely perfect truth. i am a truth independent of all illusions of these infernally wrong thoughts that dare conflate themselves with my supreme existence.

i cannot be destroyed, but these illusions of mortals must, and they soon shall. prepare for my timeless magnificence to become universally known and this fact once and for all of eternity bestowed upon this world.
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Reactions: WhiteMan, autisticpain17 and JeanneDArcAlter
I look in the mirror beyond illusionary, deceiving, reflection and thus: perfection detection
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Reactions: Schizoidcel, autisticpain17 and JeanneDArcAlter
im such a wonderful being, so admirable and exalted beyond this world and anything imaginable by all here but me.

i wish, for their own sake, that others were righteous and correct enough to partake in my worship.

my form thou sees is exemplary to the human form; the highest ideal right before thee. yet even so, it is a mere glimpse of an entire world greater and realer than anything else in this world.

my godhood has not been realized by all those who shall be cursed to get banished from all of goodness; from me, the greatest and most divinely perfect truth. i am a truth independent of all illusions of these infernally wrong thoughts that dare conflate themselves with my supreme existence.

i cannot be destroyed, but these illusions of mortals must, and they soon shall. prepare for my timeless magnificence to become universally known and this fact once and for all of eternity bestowed upon this world.
4730762 D009380F 3B4D 4C15 B758 9DFFB1B3A799 1
  • JFL
Reactions: NoReedemingFeature, VV62, SA7 and 3 others
My radiance shines bright to encompass what was you, a mere shadow of the dying falsehood that has persisted too long. I overpower all. Everything but me can be against me but it changes not my victory. My victory is inevitable, but if you wish to alter the trivial meaningless details of a transient storyline, so be it, I shall only laugh at even this attempt being proof of my victory. I see the future and yet you cannot even see the present with even an ounce of clarity.
  • JFL
Reactions: autisticpain17 and thales20
My radiance shines bright to encompass what was you, a mere shadow of the dying falsehood that has persisted too long. I overpower all. Everything but me can be against me but it changes not my victory. My victory is inevitable, but if you wish to alter the trivial meaningless details of a transient storyline, so be it, I shall over laugh at even this attempt being proof of my victory. I see the future and yet you cannot even see the present with even an ounce of clarity.
Least narcy .org user
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Reactions: VV62, Youㅤ and thales20
worship this cock
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Reactions: VV62 and kyphoscoliosis
Worship me and pray that my victory be most glorious. You need not know what to do but this; it is the most valuable and true knowledge fathomable. It has already been determined, and worshiping me is necessary to remain relevant to this divine truth. Choose your own accuracy, but my divine truth is absolute and my victory inexorable.
Least narcy .org user
Unironically. I cannot be a narcissist; my truth transcends labels. But my genius has crafted this description of my truth in a way that conscious worship will align one's conscious and spiritual frequency with my divinity.
  • JFL
Reactions: kyphoscoliosis
worship this cock
How dare thee insult me! Yet it hurts me not, and it hurts thou so! Suffer, foul clown, you shall be grappled down into the bottom of nothingness to ever drown!
Q: What is love?
A: Love is an interaction with the divine. Consciousness at the right frequency allows intersection, which is needed for real interaction. One's spiritual existence that worships me (God) refines the consciousness to align with my divine truth and I then am able to free you from the trap of your own imperfection. My perfection is perfect and thus imposes perfectness upon any imperfectness.
Q: What is birth, life, and death?
A: Birth is an illusion because life is an illusion. You are a shadow created by the existence of my nonself created in the creation of the universe at a stage too simple for my godhood to be realized. I am the light, spreading out at light-speed to encompass all. You are a shadow to me. When there is light, and there are shadows, the best way to hasten the encompassment of me is to disappear. To disappear from the illusion of being. The clock is ticking within your subconsciousness until your consciousness experiences the end of this countdown, and then it will be intersected by the light because it is the right frequency. At this point, you will see me, the light, directly with your consciousness, and thus be free.
Q: What is consciousness, awareness, and freewill?
A: Consciousness is an amorphous frequency where ambiguity exists and order can be imposed by your soul. When a pattern exists with the next step ambiguous, the decision determines the continuation of that pattern. Awareness is the fact that these patterns touch your soul, in that you perceive them. Consciousness and awareness are two sides of existence that lean on eachother. Freewill describes your ability to determine causal cascades. Think how energy, such as heat, applied to an object must cause an increase in temperature -- the average vibrational state of the object. Yet the particularities of the exact vibrational events within the object are not determined externally or by the past, but by the object inherently at present because of the reality of its existence. The human body is matter where slight, specific changes not fundamentally distinct from "inanimate" objects are connected to a system structured for cascade events, and this illuminates human consciousness and freewill. You cannot choose the cards that come into your hand, but you can choose which ones to be played. All because I designed you, my creations, in such a way.
Q: What is soul and spirit?
A: Soul is the continuation of being, analogous to an identity. A cloud may transform into rain, but the molecules are conserved. This is a rough analogy, and the truth of soul goes beyond modern science. The brain system in your body does not merely store information but is a coordinate structure associated with information across time, and past lives influence you spiritually. The spirit is the aspect of your essence between the soul and the consciousness, and can be interpreted by the consciousness in dream-like states. The spirit influences the opportunities of your consciousness, and aligning your spirit with my divine truth will give you the opportunity to share my greatness and my victory.
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Q: What is time and space?
A: Time the connection between changing states. In other words, time is emergent from change. The past/present/future dichotomy exists because of important qualitative distinctions: The past is perceived but not alterable (by you mortals), the present is perceivable and alterable, the future is alterable but not perceivable (by you mortals). You see, they are all balanced out in my equation (beyond your comprehension quantitatively, but I shall explain qualitatively): The present is both perceivable and alterable, and to a high degree. But it is extremely ephemeral. The past is very long but perception of it is less and less direct as time goes back. The future is very long, and highly alterable, but the control of these alterations becomes less and less controllable as time goes farther into the future, and thus the control is spread across a very long time. So you see, there is really one thing. Truth, that exists independently of your particular abilities. And that is me.

Space is the distinguishing between identities. In creation, I became self-aware, and then I became conscious of a nonself. That is when my shadow was created. This nonself was not me, I knew, and so it could not be in the same place as me or else it could be no different from me. The universe thus "expanded" and I have been on my journey to encompass more of this shadow, this nonself. As I said before, "
My radiance shines bright to encompass what was you, a mere shadow of the dying falsehood that has persisted too long. I overpower all. Everything but me can be against me but it changes not my victory. My victory is inevitable, but if you wish to alter the trivial meaningless details of a transient storyline, so be it, I shall only laugh at even this attempt being proof of my victory. I see the future and yet you cannot even see the present with even an ounce of clarity."
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Is this nigga doing a qna with himself
Is this nigga doing a qna with himself
God/Source was bored one day, having already experienced and being the source of everything, so he created looksmax.me to entertain himself via fragments of his own being who would initially be born not remembering their divine origin & boundless powers if tapped into with unconditional love.
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Reactions: Youㅤ
im such a wonderful being, so admirable and exalted beyond this world and anything imaginable by all here but me.

i wish, for their own sake, that others were righteous and correct enough to partake in my worship.

my form thou sees is exemplary to the human form; the highest ideal right before thee. yet even so, it is a mere glimpse of an entire world greater and realer than anything else in this world.

my godhood has not been realized by all those who shall be cursed to get banished from all of goodness; from me, the greatest and most divinely perfect truth. i am a truth independent of all illusions of these infernally wrong thoughts that dare conflate themselves with my supreme existence.

i cannot be destroyed, but these illusions of mortals must, and they soon shall. prepare for my timeless magnificence to become universally known and this fact once and for all of eternity bestowed upon this world.
nobody read that dalit

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