I am Beginning to Doubt that Mewing Helped Me | Was Mewing a Cope?



Jan 26, 2021
I have been mewing since 13-years-old.
I thought that as I noticed my jaw and appearance improve that it was in part due to mewing.
That I had actually achieved something by learning how to mew.

Prior to mewing my oral posture was what you'd call decent; my mouth would be closed, I would breathe from my nose and my tongue would be in contact with the roof of my mouth (only it would just be the front portion and it wouldn't be with much force).

Mewing fixes imperfections caused by mouth breathing and poor oral posture--but if your oral posture and breathing was never terrible to begin with, then wouldn't it do nothing?

When I began to think this I looked at my side profile and pictures of my mewing results. I put them under the microscope and really looked at them. I didn't want to believe that I had wasted my time, so I guess I was looking for something, any proof that the effort I put into mewing was worth it.

And I did find improvements to my jaw and overall appearance.


I realized that the improvements could be easily written off as other looksmaxxes I'd done.

Increase in jaw width? Chewing.

Better eye area? Ice hooding + squintmaxxing

More angularity? Leanmaxxing

I began to think that maybe I'd been coping with mewing. And then today, the final nail in the coffin; I saw a picture of my dad.

Not just any picture. I saw a picture of him when he was young.
When he was in his teens.

And I realized something; he had the same bone structure as me.
Sure there were some slight differences, but the jaw positioning, ramus height, forward protrusion--all of it was almost the exact same!

I put our pictures side by side and I realized the only real difference was that I had more chin projection and slightly higher gonial angle.

But still! I had to have accomplished something by mewing, right? I didn't just waste my effort and time, did i?

I feel like mewing was all for naught!
I feel like all of my "mewing progress" can just be written off as "puberty,"
looking at pictures of my dad when he was young it seems like my current appearance was pretty much written in the stars, or rather written in my genetics :blackpill:

My biggest cope was just destroyed today.
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all puberty
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all puberty
I feel like such an idiot. My jaw improves whilst I am 14 and I think that it had anything to do with my tongue positioning jfl. Me and my dad's jaws are almost 1:1 identical! I've never been "genetics" pilled this much in my whole life.

I am literally looking at my face's source material when I see pictures of my dad when he's young.
It's insane!

On the bright side he's not bad looking. He has some features which I am pretty much banking on such as a wide chin, browridge and prominent and straight nasal bridge.
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The problem is your maxilla is now so used to mewing that if you stop it will fall downward and be like a lefort -1
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Prior to mewing my oral posture was what you'd call decent; my mouth would be closed, I would breathe from my nose and my tongue would be in contact with the roof of my mouth (only it would just be the front portion and it wouldn't be with much force).
So prior to mewing you were mewing?
but if your oral posture and breathing was never terrible to begin with, then wouldn't it do nothing?
It would allow your face to continue growing in the proper trajectory and maintain it there.
I feel like mewing was all for naught!
To the contrary, it did everything it was meant to do for you!
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So ice hooding is legit?
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So prior to mewing you were mewing?

It would allow your face to continue growing in the proper trajectory and maintain it there.

To the contrary, it did everything it was meant to do for you!
But it hasn't made me giga-chad :chad:
It's just made me not look deformed and decent.

This is fucking disapointing. Though in hindsight I guess that's all I should've expected from a technique meant to correct teeth.
But it hasn't made me giga-chad :chad:
It's just made me not look deformed and decent.

This is fucking disapointing. Though in hindsight I guess that's all I should've expected from a technique meant to correct teeth.
It was never meant to. Who cares about having incredible jaw mass? Healthy development, that's where it's at. That's priceless. That's enough to get you practically anywhere you want in life. And if you're young, you will still continue growing into your face for years to come. It'll only get better. I'm 28 and I'm still getting better looking each year.
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I feel like such an idiot. My jaw improves whilst I am 14 and I think that it had anything to do with my tongue positioning jfl. Me and my dad's jaws are almost 1:1 identical! I've never been "genetics" pilled this much in my whole life.

I am literally looking at my face's source material when I see pictures of my dad when he's young.
It's insane!

On the bright side he's not bad looking. He has some features which I am pretty much banking on such as a wide chin, browridge and prominent and straight nasal bridge.
the problem with these before and afters you're seeing is that theyre either
1. done during developmental years, i.e ages 13-16
2. pictured under different lighting
3. flat out photoshopped
4. pictured under different bodyfat percentages
5. pictured under different postures, i.e the person intentionally looks down and recoils their head in the before, then tilts their head up and sticks it forward in the after

you wouldnt believe how many larpers and gaslighters there are in this shitstain of a community. i used to think that there was no reason for these people to lie, but they just do.

meanwhile these are the true results of 1.5 years of mewing:

source: https://the-great-work.org/community/main-forum/im-not-sure-if-mewing-works-anymore/

it does absolutely fucking nothing. all you need to do is not mouth breathe and not have shit posture (these are actually proven to have an effect on skull development, unlike mewing). that's it.
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Reactions: Looks234, ( ( ( d[-_-]b ) ) ) and Lawton88
the problem with these before and afters you're seeing is that theyre either
1. done during developmental years, i.e ages 13-16
2. pictured under different lighting
3. flat out photoshopped
4. pictured under different bodyfat percentages
5. pictured under different postures, i.e the person intentionally looks down and recoils their head in the before, then tilts their head up and sticks it forward in the after

you wouldnt believe how many larpers and gaslighters there are in this shitstain of a community. i used to think that there was no reason for these people to lie, but they just do.

meanwhile these are the true results of 1.5 years of mewing:
View attachment 1169178
source: https://the-great-work.org/community/main-forum/im-not-sure-if-mewing-works-anymore/

it does absolutely fucking nothing. all you need to do is not mouth breathe and not have shit posture (these are actually proven to have an effect on skull development, unlike mewing). that's it.
Aka beard frauding
in other news, circles have no sides
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mewing helped me ngl, but I already started with a wide palate with straight teeth no bite issues but a downward grown face because I swallowed correctly but didn't nose breathe. John Mew even said himself teeth together causes upswing, tongue just widens the palatal arch.
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I have been mewing since 13-years-old.
I thought that as I noticed my jaw and appearance improve that it was in part due to mewing.
That I had actually achieved something by learning how to mew.

Prior to mewing my oral posture was what you'd call decent; my mouth would be closed, I would breathe from my nose and my tongue would be in contact with the roof of my mouth (only it would just be the front portion and it wouldn't be with much force).

Mewing fixes imperfections caused by mouth breathing and poor oral posture--but if your oral posture and breathing was never terrible to begin with, then wouldn't it do nothing?

When I began to think this I looked at my side profile and pictures of my mewing results. I put them under the microscope and really looked at them. I didn't want to believe that I had wasted my time, so I guess I was looking for something, any proof that the effort I put into mewing was worth it.

And I did find improvements to my jaw and overall appearance.


I realized that the improvements could be easily written off as other looksmaxxes I'd done.

Increase in jaw width? Chewing.

Better eye area? Ice hooding + squintmaxxing

More angularity? Leanmaxxing

I began to think that maybe I'd been coping with mewing. And then today, the final nail in the coffin; I saw a picture of my dad.

Not just any picture. I saw a picture of him when he was young.
When he was in his teens.

And I realized something; he had the same bone structure as me.
Sure there were some slight differences, but the jaw positioning, ramus height, forward protrusion--all of it was almost the exact same!

I put our pictures side by side and I realized the only real difference was that I had more chin projection and slightly higher gonial angle.

But still! I had to have accomplished something by mewing, right? I didn't just waste my effort and time, did i?

I feel like mewing was all for naught!
I feel like all of my "mewing progress" can just be written off as "puberty,"
looking at pictures of my dad when he was young it seems like my current appearance was pretty much written in the stars, or rather written in my genetics :blackpill:

My biggest cope was just destroyed today.
Ive said this a billion times - mewing is just facial posture correction. It is the equivalent of being taller after fixing your back posture. That probably answers your question most accurately.
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