I am descending hard


Deleted member 5927

In 1.5 months my hair is all falling out, my collagen went to shit, my face turned red, and slight acne returning. I literally look like shit now.

may god return my hair and allow tretinoin to work for me.

also, does tretinoin give god tier collagen like isotretinoin does? My skin was so fucking good on isotretinoin it’s retarded

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84F2553A 5603 4156 88A3 EBB06CDAA0D8

please god make the hairloss stop
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
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this is guy is going through stages rn
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How much hair are you losing
For sure. At first I didn’t want it to be true. But I skipped the anger stage, I don’t have anyone to blame and I HAD to take accutane my acne got so bad, so I never once felt angry. Skipped to bargaining because I thought it was male pattern balding. It’s just telogen effluvium and now I’m sort of in a mix of depression and acceptance but I haven’t achieved happiness yet and I won’t unless I get my hair back.
How much hair are you losing
I don’t even count because there’s no point since there’s nothing I can do to stop it. But it’s definitely a lot. I shower and every night I HAVE to shampoo because my sebum production is absolutely ridiculous and my hair is greasy after 12 hours after washing it. So I wash it every night since quitting accutane (didn’t wash it but once a week whilst on accutane), and I’ll get like maybe 4 hairs minimum stuck to my hands every time I run my hands through. And they fall out all day long too. I just don’t even fuck with it anymore I know it’s telogen effluvium, I can only pray and beg that my hair will recover back to normal.
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Is that a before and after? Look very bloated in the 2nd pic
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Is that a before and after? Look very bloated in the 2nd pic
Yep I’m really bloated at the moment. I most likely have high estrogen which causes water retention. Nothing seems to work for me in regards to fighting water retention, I think it’s a hormonal issue which means it’s out of my control. It’s not worth taking an AI for because that has bad sides of its own. I’m going to get rid of the bloat by intermittent fasting for the moment.
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just compare your photos with the same lighting.
you will probably erase all your folds (nasolabial, infraorbital) and wrinkles if you point an electric torch against your face
  • +1
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just compare your photos with the same lighting.
you will probably erase all your folds (nasolabial, infraorbital) and wrinkles if you point an electric torch against your face
No my skin really had gotten a shit ton worse. Like accutane gives you really, really insane collagen and when you hop off it sort of slowly disappears. It just shows my acne scars more, my large pores, wrinkles, discoloration, and bloat way more with shitty collagen and acne on my skin.
give it some more time & you'll be eating cum to maintain your natty status
  • JFL
Reactions: Acnno and pizza
I’m really scared now. I just read that tretinoin can potentially cause hair loss just the same as a side effect because of hypervitaminosis A just the same as accutane. So I’m thinking my hair could continue to fall out due to retin A since it’s vitamin A. I really need clear skin and hair both.
  • Woah
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Jfl you had one chance to slay for your whole life and you blew it
I’m really scared now. I just read that tretinoin can potentially cause hair loss just the same as a side effect because of hypervitaminosis A just the same as accutane. So I’m thinking my hair could continue to fall out due to retin A since it’s vitamin A. I really need clear skin and hair both.
only oral tret does
I don’t even count because there’s no point since there’s nothing I can do to stop it. But it’s definitely a lot. I shower and every night I HAVE to shampoo because my sebum production is absolutely ridiculous and my hair is greasy after 12 hours after washing it. So I wash it every night since quitting accutane (didn’t wash it but once a week whilst on accutane), and I’ll get like maybe 4 hairs minimum stuck to my hands every time I run my hands through. And they fall out all day long too. I just don’t even fuck with it anymore I know it’s telogen effluvium, I can only pray and beg that my hair will recover back to normal.
Bro could you actually test this with a simple hair catcher so that you can stop having the classic hairloss personality (it’s an actual thing from psychology literature). I think that would actually help your mental health. And ij the process, if it was telogen effluvuim (high chance because you crashed your weight), speed up the process through lower stress. I’m not sure about accutane side effects so bear with me. By the way link:

only oral tret does
I’ve been reading anecdotally online that tretinoin has caused hairloss in a bunch of people who report that it’s because of the vitamin A in the cream. I’m currently suffering from an overdose of vitamin A at the moment, which caused my hairloss, so I’m thinking it would be in my best interest to stay off any vitamin A products or foods until my hairloss stops, then maybe try and continue with tretinoin.
Bro could you actually test this with a simple hair catcher so that you can stop having the classic hairloss personality (it’s an actual thing from psychology literature). I think that would actually help your mental health. And ij the process, if it was telogen effluvuim (high chance because you crashed your weight), speed up the process through lower stress. I’m not sure about accutane side effects so bear with me. By the way link:

I bought a hair catcher in the beginning. At first I was losing about 40 hairs every shower, none of them miniaturized. At a certain point I realized it was telogen effluvium and just stopped counting because it’s pointless. It’s not male pattern balding I would be losing this many hairs, and the hairs would all be miniaturized. Also I have every symptom of telogen effluvium, and it started 4.5 months after I started accutane, a symptom of telogen effluvium, and high doses of vitamin A are known to cause telogen effluvium.
  • +1
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In 1.5 months my hair is all falling out, my collagen went to shit, my face turned red, and slight acne returning. I literally look like shit now.

may god return my hair and allow tretinoin to work for me.

also, does tretinoin give god tier collagen like isotretinoin does? My skin was so fucking good on isotretinoin it’s retarded

View attachment 1060372
View attachment 1060376
please god make the hairloss stop
Still HTN to Chadlite, mogs average guy that slays his ltr once a month. Get out there while you still can srs
Still HTN to Chadlite, mogs average guy that slays his ltr once a month. Get out there while you still can srs
I personally am unhappy with being anything other than my best. Like I just look at myself in the mirror and am not happy. My hair is falling out and I first want to make it stop. I think I need to quit tretinoin unfortunately just because the UNKNOWNING of whether or not I’m contributing to my oral vitamin A overdose by applying vitamin A topically scares me. I don’t want to go bald.
Jfl you had one chance to slay for your whole life and you blew it
I didn’t blow it. It’s a long story but I talked to as many girls and did as much with them as you literally could in my situation. I’m in the military in a male dominated career field and still managed to talk to like 5 different girls, literally there’s only like 10 here and they are hard to even track down. I did pretty fucking decent honestly. I lost everything but virgin status so there’s that.
give it some more time & you'll be eating cum to maintain your natty status
  • JFL
Reactions: Lux and ShowerMaxxing
I personally am unhappy with being anything other than my best. Like I just look at myself in the mirror and am not happy. My hair is falling out and I first want to make it stop. I think I need to quit tretinoin unfortunately just because the UNKNOWNING of whether or not I’m contributing to my oral vitamin A overdose by applying vitamin A topically scares me. I don’t want to go bald.
"Just shave it and grow a beard bro"
Images 8

You're a perfectionist by the sounds of it, just do what you can to maintain or improve. If all fails, slay while it's still on your head and the skins still acne free. How many slays do you have so far?
"Just shave it and grow a beard bro"
View attachment 1060926
You're a perfectionist by the sounds of it, just do what you can to maintain or improve. If all fails, slay while it's still on your head and the skins still acne free. How many slays do you have so far?
0 slays dawg I’m unfortunate enough to be in the military in the middle of fucking nowhere in a small rural town with only old people.
@ShowerMaxxing you also have to understand this hairloss isn’t supposed to be permanent, it’s supposed to be just temporary shedding caused by too much vitamin A. I don’t want to make it keep shedding by using tretinoin, a topical form of vitamin A. So theoretically I could try and wait it out and see if this shedding ever does end (while my acne gets worse and worse) without using tretinoin, then try and use that shit if my hair ever stops falling out.
  • +1
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0 slays dawg I’m unfortunate enough to be in the military in the middle of fucking nowhere in a small rural town with only old people.
When do you get to go home? i.e for holidays and such. I know guys much less attractive than you that are at double digit slays, legit LTN to MTN, short to avg height, poor students. They slay from Tinder and Clubbing. If you get free from military anytime soon you should definitely socialmaxx and maybe even work as a bouncer for easy clubslays because 6ft 4. It's not over just yet bro, the Norwoodreaper hasnt got his plane tickets because Covid.

When do you get to go home? i.e for holidays and such. I know guys much less attractive than you that are at double digit slays, legit LTN to MTN, short to avg height, poor students. They slay from Tinder and Clubbing. If you get free from military anytime soon you should definitely socialmaxx and maybe even work as a bouncer for easy clubslays because 6ft 4. It's not over just yet bro, the Norwoodreaper hasnt got his plane tickets because Covid.
Thank you for this motivation brother. It’s not even affecting my hairline. It’s just diffuse thinning everywhere, even my eyebrows. It’s the equivalent of chemotherapy hair loss, but caused by hypervitaminosis A, essentially vitamin A poisoning from accutane. I quit that shit 1 month ago and just started using tret, so I’m going to stop using tret unfortunately, I think it would really help my skin but I’m quitting it hopefully for another 2 months to see if my hairloss stops, then I’ll hop back on tret and see if that can save my skin and hair both. Thank you for the motivation. I need it in times like this.
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Thank you for this motivation brother. It’s not even affecting my hairline. It’s just diffuse thinning everywhere, even my eyebrows. It’s the equivalent of chemotherapy hair loss, but caused by hypervitaminosis A, essentially vitamin A poisoning from accutane. I quit that shit 1 month ago and just started using tret, so I’m going to stop using tret unfortunately, I think it would really help my skin but I’m quitting it hopefully for another 2 months to see if my hairloss stops, then I’ll hop back on tret and see if that can save my skin and hair both. Thank you for the motivation. I need it in times like this.
Nobody hair(so funny ik) is a professional. I know that most practitioners are bluepilled and will give you cope creams and medicines for shekels but seriously look into finding a good dermo and hair doctor? when you get back from service. Dont just experiment on your own terms find people who know and have seen this happen before. Best of luck brother😘
I bought a hair catcher in the beginning. At first I was losing about 40 hairs every shower, none of them miniaturized. At a certain point I realized it was telogen effluvium and just stopped counting because it’s pointless. It’s not male pattern balding I would be losing this many hairs, and the hairs would all be miniaturized. Also I have every symptom of telogen effluvium, and it started 4.5 months after I started accutane, a symptom of telogen effluvium, and high doses of vitamin A are known to cause telogen effluvium.
Oky bro, so I’m guessing you don’t have to be worried about this anymore. Just look for regrowth (you can see that by pulling your hair back to see the little hairs popping out). I had telogen effluvium during periods of intense weightloss (like 15 kgs in 3 months), during stress (career change), I’ve had inflammation related hairloss (seborrheic dermatitis - where chronically inflammed areas tend to lose no. Of hair follicles). At the same time, I seem to have lost some hair due to MPB in the whole time. Don’t worry about this shit bro, get some meditation in, go punch some bags in the weight room let it all out and get some stress supplements in. That’s all. Then come back and reassess to see if you need to get on fin if you have MPB on your mother’s side.
Oky bro, so I’m guessing you don’t have to be worried about this anymore. Just look for regrowth (you can see that by pulling your hair back to see the little hairs popping out). I had telogen effluvium during periods of intense weightloss (like 15 kgs in 3 months), during stress (career change), I’ve had inflammation related hairloss (seborrheic dermatitis - where chronically inflammed areas tend to lose no. Of hair follicles). At the same time, I seem to have lost some hair due to MPB in the whole time. Don’t worry about this shit bro, get some meditation in, go punch some bags in the weight room let it all out and get some stress supplements in. That’s all. Then come back and reassess to see if you need to get on fin if you have MPB on your mother’s side.
Thank you brother. I just whipped out the weight vest, took some caffiene, I’m going to slam the fuck out of a workout. I’ve trained myself not to stress too much because I’m already doing everything possible. I’m going to vitamin A detox and hope that my hairloss stops over the next few months, then continue tretinoin. Brutal shit I can already see the tretinoin doing good work for my skin but I have to hop off just because it’s vitamin A.

Again, thank you bro.
BD77335E C894 4550 BC5F 0F0093C45BC1
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Nobody hair(so funny ik) is a professional. I know that most practitioners are bluepilled and will give you cope creams and medicines for shekels but seriously look into finding a good dermo and hair doctor? when you get back from service. Dont just experiment on your own terms find people who know and have seen this happen before. Best of luck brother😘
It’s hella hard for me to get to a dermatologist since I’m in the middle of nowhere, short on money, and don’t have time between classes. I’m just saying fuck it, I’ve already done all my internet research, it’s really rare shit I’m dealing with, and I already know there’s zero solutions. The only fucking hair stimulant is minoxidil and I already know all about that and it won’t help me in any ways I want. It won’t stop my telogen effluvium. The only thing that can is time and vitamin A detox, which I’m doing now.

fuck it I’m gonna be the best version of myself possible, I have to be, it’s my only option.
Thank you brother. I just whipped out the weight vest, took some caffiene, I’m going to slam the fuck out of a workout. I’ve trained myself not to stress too much because I’m already doing everything possible. I’m going to vitamin A detox and hope that my hairloss stops over the next few months, then continue tretinoin. Brutal shit I can already see the tretinoin doing good work for my skin but I have to hop off just because it’s vitamin A.

Again, thank you bro.
View attachment 1061073
Hell yh lets get it
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it’s over I can literally see from your pics that you are NW3+
Your problem isn't your hair, You have a tiny skull, big nose and small mouth. Your nose is almost the same size as your mouth. Infact you have too much hair, don't ever have a fringe, you need to show your foreheard to give the illusion of a bigger skull. stick with these haircuts.

Your problem isn't your hair, You have a tiny skull, big nose and small mouth. Your nose is almost the same size as your mouth. Infact you have too much hair, don't ever have a fringe, you need to show your foreheard to give the illusion of a bigger skull. stick with these haircuts.

Dude I know. It’s more than my face shape. The purpose of hair is to fraud a good face shape, and fraud a good skull shape. My issue is I have a really shitty forehead too. My hairline isn’t at all receded, it’s just my vertical jaw height in comparison to my forehead makes my forehead look huge, so I wear bangs and it looks better. Trust me, I’ve worn all types of hairstyles and tried wearing it up over the years, wearing lots of hair with bangs is definitely the way to go for me.
There is something with your head m8

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