I am leaving this site forever and I have mixed feelings about finding it.

Deleted member 5204

Deleted member 5204

It's not over, it never even started... THE SQUARE
Feb 11, 2020
First of all I would like to honestly apologize to anyone here that I made fun and or bullied, and or have been racist towards. Everything that I have said which is to be taken negative is nothing more than me playing around. I am sorry if I ever made you feel bad.

Ever since the day I discovered this wretched website, my quality of life has went downhill, to the point of where I see women as nothing more than holes, devils in disguise. The blackpill has taken over me, my perspective on things around me have changed dramatically, to the point where I feel ashamed to even go outside, let alone speak to people.

My behavior on things have taken a dramatic change, no longer do I feel the need to acquire position in studies, and or make friends, for I felt that all of that stuff is useless, when your looks dictate how your life will be.

This was by far the most shocking thing, to realize that I woke up one day and I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt disgusted. I felt disgusted to note, that the racepill is the most powerful blackpill out of all, and being a half-paki half-north african abomination breed has severe decreases on the life that I will live, for however long it takes till I pass away in peace.

There's not all negatives, I AM happy too that I found this website. I discovered the forbidden fruit on how to make my life easier, more better, and figuring out how women really are like deep down. That are all things that I am happy to discover about, for it shows the truth within the truth on what is life exactly, and why better looking people tend to be more successful, treated better, and feel better about themselves.

This was extremely hard to take in at first, as I noted in my daily life of living in a place like australia where I am surrounded by tall, good looking people. Aside from the immigrants, the whites are the ones that take control everything, and in relationships everyone wants a white person with colored eyes, being tall and handsome. This genuinely made me consider rolling the dice and contemplating suicide, for which it has taken over and I will never be the same person again.

I have written down every single thing on google keep notes on what I need to do, to get, to follow a plan of hard work and rough roads to ascend and be someone that I can be proud of.

It is not what I would consider over, for life is still worth living. I am glad to be at the very least, average, I have a somewhat good base, my height isn't that bad (5'10 now) at my age (15). I know I can do this. But as what people say, the best way to looksmax, is to leave looksmax and do what you must do.

This is my goodbye, to a forum where I felt like I was acknowledged by people, and that I discovered by the helps of others on what makes a life better, for face is all.

Goodbye everyone. I won't sugarcoat it and say that I will miss all of you, for I've already forgotten many. But, I will thank all of you kindly, for letting me see what the world is like, and how to ensure you won't ever be treated the same way once you ascend.

I will now ask the mods @Aesthetic @Lorsss @BigBiceps @Sergeant @Dude420 @jefferson to permanently ban me, to make sure that I will NEVER come back to this website. It is going to be hard, to leave this website for good and not lurk about. I have plans to randomly change the password of this account, then block this website for good to make sure I can never lurk again.

These are the people I would like to say my most sincere goodbyes to, as they were the ones that helped me by far


Goodbye everyone. It was nice knowing all of you.
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Reactions: AscendingHero, Chadeep, SubhumanCurrycel and 22 others
Didn't u post this few days ago?

Not enough alerts?
First of all I would like to honestly apologize to anyone here that I made fun and or bullied, and or have been racist towards. Everything that I have said which is to be taken negative is nothing more than me playing around. I am sorry if I ever made you feel bad.

Ever since the day I discovered this wretched website, my quality of life has went downhill, to the point of where I see women as nothing more than holes, devils in disguise. The blackpill has taken over me, my perspective on things around me have changed dramatically, to the point where I feel ashamed to even go outside, let alone speak to people.

My behavior on things have taken a dramatic change, no longer do I feel the need to acquire position in studies, and or make friends, for I felt that all of that stuff is useless, when your looks dictate how your life will be.

This was by far the most shocking thing, to realize that I woke up one day and I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt disgusted. I felt disgusted to note, that the racepill is the most powerful blackpill out of all, and being a half-paki half-north african abomination breed has severe decreases on the life that I will live, for however long it takes till I pass away in peace.

There's not all negatives, I AM happy too that I found this website. I discovered the forbidden fruit on how to make my life easier, more better, and figuring out how women really are like deep down. That are all things that I am happy to discover about, for it shows the truth within the truth on what is life exactly, and why better looking people tend to be more successful, treated better, and feel better about themselves.

This was extremely hard to take in at first, as I noted in my daily life of living in a place like australia where I am surrounded by tall, good looking people. Aside from the immigrants, the whites are the ones that take control everything, and in relationships everyone wants a white person with colored eyes, being tall and handsome. This genuinely made me consider rolling the dice and contemplating suicide, for which it has taken over and I will never be the same person again.

I have written down every single thing on google keep notes on what I need to do, to get, to follow a plan of hard work and rough roads to ascend and be someone that I can be proud of.

It is not what I would consider over, for life is still worth living. I am glad to be at the very least, average, I have a somewhat good base, my height isn't that bad (5'10 now) at my age (15). I know I can do this. But as what people say, the best way to looksmax, is to leave looksmax and do what you must do.

This is my goodbye, to a forum where I felt like I was acknowledged by people, and that I discovered by the helps of others on what makes a life better, for face is all.

Goodbye everyone. I won't sugarcoat it and say that I will miss all of you, for I've already forgotten many. But, I will thank all of you kindly, for letting me see what the world is like, and how to ensure you won't ever be treated the same way once you ascend.

I will now ask the mods @Aesthetic @Lorsss @BigBiceps @Sergeant @Dude420 @jefferson to permanently ban me, to make sure that I will NEVER come back to this website. It is going to be hard, to leave this website for good and not lurk about. I have plans to randomly change the password of this account, then block this website for good to make sure I can never lurk again.

These are the people I would like to say my most sincere goodbyes to, as they were the ones that helped me by far


Goodbye everyone. It was nice knowing all of you.
Respect bro didn't read but ur a good poster and kid wish you the best
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel, Deleted member 5802, Spartacus1- and 2 others
imagine actually reading this

IMAGINE writing this
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4563, Deleted member 5912 and Deleted member 6128
Not a word
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4563
Im glad to hear you're moving on king, I wish you nothing but the best in your forward plans
  • +1
Reactions: SubhumanCurrycel, Kade and Deleted member 5802
Only read like 3 words but gave a like for the effort and to wish you well. Peace brother
Ah wtf I’m green now?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3526 and Deleted member 5802
See you tomorrow...

But for real, you can make it Barrettmaxxing King
I hope you find peace. I’m not leaving this forum until the quarantine is gone and when I leave, I will never come back.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6310
Read every single word. And yes the racepill did destroy me too man. I’m also a mixbreed abomination, and you are only 15 and have your whole life ahead of you. You shouldn’t be here as a youngling, you are still growing and have potential to alter your looks and destiny if have a good base like you said. I will be leaving too but after lockdown is done or when the gym opens

best of luck
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Greeicy
Sorry to say this but you'll definitely lurk here after a week at most.
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Reactions: HighIQcel
Fuck you for not tagging me
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Reactions: Deleted member 5912, forwardgrowth and Deleted member 3526
First of all I would like to honestly apologize to anyone here that I made fun and or bullied, and or have been racist towards. Everything that I have said which is to be taken negative is nothing more than me playing around. I am sorry if I ever made you feel bad.
its too late man im replying with rope on neck
How can your life quality go down just because you're posting on an incel forum full of trolls and mentally deranged ethnics?
I hope see u tomorrow theory applies in your case, the site would not be the same without my fellow catmaxxed king.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: forwardgrowth and Deleted member 2227
Sad to hear, hard to bear. Unknown stranger, i wish you the best. goodby and see you tomorrow
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4310, Deleted member 4563, Deleted member 3526 and 4 others
this forum is the best place on the clearnet. youll come back
Looks shall make u free buddy boyo
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5143
I wasn't tagged = no fucks given

Also you made fun of my midface so rot in hell now
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4310, Deleted member 4563 and curryslayerordeath
I hope you find peace. I’m not leaving this forum until the quarantine is gone and when I leave, I will never come back.
Same when I go back to school I’m done with this incel bullshit
goddamn this nigga is mentally weak as fuck
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4563 and Deleted member 2227
How can your life quality go down just because you're posting on an incel forum full of trolls and mentally deranged ethnics?
I'm pretty sure that's a symptom of a low-quality life rather than a cause.
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227, stuckneworleans, Deleted member 2597 and 1 other person
I'm pretty sure that's a symptom of a low-quality life rather than a cause.
Lol the nature of this forum in particular doesnt imply you've got a low quality life if your posting rate is nothing crazy and your reasons for joining were other than being incel / not getting laid.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2227
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Reactions: Htobrother and Deleted member 2227
You are yet to see life, worthless cretin
I feel you, i'll never become a normal person again.

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