I am ugly but have 2 girls interested in me and fighting for my attention at work.



Jun 30, 2022
My brain does not understand it, I refuse to believe my personality is that good. It must be a psyop.
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damn bro did you zygosmash and apply lipolab to loose buccal fat? @zeto
Bildschirmfoto 2024 09 07 um 154520
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You're not ugly, you are just a victim of the male gaze.
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You're not ugly, you are just a victim of the male gaze.
Bro I have been delusional many times before. But today was so obvious, like she literally kept hinting that she wants me to stay with her and was getting shy talking to me lmaoooo. And the other one is already claimed by me
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You said that because you want other incels to feed your ego and lowkey give you compliments by saying
'Oh bro you are a chad '
The thing is you are probably a narcy and autistic who is mtn irl.
My brain does not understand it, I refuse to believe my personality is that good. It must be a psyop.
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You said that because you want other incels to feed your ego and lowkey give you compliments by saying
'Oh bro you are a chad '
The thing is you are probably a narcy and autistic who is mtn irl.
I genuinely don't care about what indians think about me, I am genuinely an ltn and I know that for sure.
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I genuinely don't care about what indians think about me, I am genuinely an ltn and I know that for sure.
Good for you then make sure to use that opportunity if foids are interested in you
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It will be because you spend so much time with them/ near them. It’s why a lot of couples meet from working together. Girl probs got a crush and dont notice ur flaws as much
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It will be because you spend so much time with them/ near them. It’s why a lot of couples meet from working together. Girl probs got a crush and dont notice ur flaws as much
Must be the regular showers :soy:
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Bro I have been delusional many times before. But today was so obvious, like she literally kept hinting that she wants me to stay with her and was getting shy talking to me lmaoooo. And the other one is already claimed by me
Which one is better-looking in your opinion? How is this fight between females making you feel? Chad? :ogre:
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It will be because you spend so much time with them/ near them. It’s why a lot of couples meet from working together. Girl probs got a crush and dont notice ur flaws as much
Proximitypill @Whatever
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Proximitypill @Whatever

Yup. First of all @Geoff2024 stop labeling yourself with shit like LTN or whatever. And this is how you meet girls, you put yourself around them somehow and see who comes forward and gives you attention. These are the girls you can have. If you really are LTN then that’s not gonna cut it in online dating and other “shopping” ways, you really need to be meeting them in person and making the most of your opportunities and not shooting yourself in the foot with stupid PSL lingo.

Meeting girls through proximity can kinda cancel out any flaws you have, and it means the girl will take a different approach towards you if she knows she’s gonna see you again. If she’s on the fence about your looks right away then seeing you repeatedly can push her over the edge because you begin to look familiar to her, familiar = attractive. And if you’re non-NT or different in someway then the solution is her getting more time to figure you out, I’m non-NT and different myself, trust me on this.

Work is one of the most legit ways of meeting girls. I met my first girl working at a restaurant, and also a friend group who I started going to parties with and that was when it really began for me. I had plenty of other opportunities when I worked jobs like that, in fact just about every job I worked from 17-22 there was always at least one coworker who was interested. And I also worked some public facing jobs on and off until 2021 and I would get IOIs and such that at least made me feel validated. I’m not saying this to brag, because now, nothing, my job kinda hides me from the world and I have absolutely no way of meeting girls that’s not the sorry ass apps which I don’t wanna do for many reasons. I’m so desperate to be meeting girls in person again that I’m seriously considering getting a weekend job as a bartender or something even though I don’t have the energy nor time for it, it’s legit the only way that I can think of.
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Yup. First of all @Geoff2024 stop labeling yourself with shit like LTN or whatever. And this is how you meet girls, you put yourself around them somehow and see who comes forward and gives you attention. These are the girls you can have. If you really are LTN then that’s not gonna cut it in online dating and other “shopping” ways, you really need to be meeting them in person and making the most of your opportunities and not shooting yourself in the foot with stupid PSL lingo.

Meeting girls through proximity can kinda cancel out any flaws you have, and it means the girl will take a different approach towards you if she knows she’s gonna see you again. If she’s on the fence about your looks right away then seeing you repeatedly can push her over the edge because you begin to look familiar to her, familiar = attractive. And if you’re non-NT or different in someway then the solution is her getting more time to figure you out, I’m non-NT and different myself, trust me on this.

Work is one of the most legit ways of meeting girls. I met my first girl working at a restaurant, and also a friend group who I started going to parties with and that was when it really began for me. I had plenty of other opportunities when I worked jobs like that, in fact just about every job I worked from 17-22 there was always at least one coworker who liked me. And I also worked some public facing jobs on and off until 2021 and I would get IOIs and such that at least made me feel validated. I’m not saying this to brag, because now, nothing, my job kinda hides me from the world and I have absolutely no way of meeting girls that’s not the sorry ass apps which I don’t wanna do for many reasons. I’m so desperate to be meeting girls in person again that I’m seriously considering getting a weekend job as a bartender or something even though I don’t have the energy nor time for it, it’s legit the only way that I can think of.
Work really is the only realistic and probably the best way to get a decent foid these days for people who are older and past university/college. And it's good because of the reasons you listed, flaws/etc can be overcome by simply being in proximity of foids, they overlook that shit. I've asked all my cousins who are wagies (i'm not and haven ever had a job hence incel JFL) and they all say most couples meet through work, the curry ones anyway, the white ones just hook up with each other repeatedly. Another thread by @HarrierDuBois caught my attention aswell, lower quality min wage jobs = only around lower quality foids so you need to get an education and into higher quality and higher paying jobs which will lead to meeting HQ foids. What do you think?
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2 possible slays go for it brah :love:
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My brain does not understand it, I refuse to believe my personality is that good. It must be a psyop.
Over for u bro GOVERMENTcells know what ur up to.
Work really is the only realistic and probably the best way to get a decent foid these days for people who are older and past university/college. And it's good because of the reasons you listed, flaws/etc can be overcome by simply being in proximity of foids, they overlook that shit.

For the vast majority of guys, I don’t see any other way, and even guys who are good looking and charismatic are much better off meeting girls in person than online. There are certain users here who I 100% trust are attractive and have fucked hot girls and even they have said that they do better in real life.

The best way to meet girls is through social circle, but getting into a social circle where you’re going to parties and group outings where HTB+ girls are at is not easy. You need some kind of in, I got that in in college and from my first girl and that friend group but have never had it since. The world is so segregated and attractive girls are such a small minority that socialmaxing and proximitymaxing are 100% mandatory.
Yup. First of all @Geoff2024 stop labeling yourself with shit like LTN or whatever. And this is how you meet girls, you put yourself around them somehow and see who comes forward and gives you attention. These are the girls you can have. If you really are LTN then that’s not gonna cut it in online dating and other “shopping” ways, you really need to be meeting them in person and making the most of your opportunities and not shooting yourself in the foot with stupid PSL lingo.

Meeting girls through proximity can kinda cancel out any flaws you have, and it means the girl will take a different approach towards you if she knows she’s gonna see you again. If she’s on the fence about your looks right away then seeing you repeatedly can push her over the edge because you begin to look familiar to her, familiar = attractive. And if you’re non-NT or different in someway then the solution is her getting more time to figure you out, I’m non-NT and different myself, trust me on this.

Work is one of the most legit ways of meeting girls. I met my first girl working at a restaurant, and also a friend group who I started going to parties with and that was when it really began for me. I had plenty of other opportunities when I worked jobs like that, in fact just about every job I worked from 17-22 there was always at least one coworker who was interested. And I also worked some public facing jobs on and off until 2021 and I would get IOIs and such that at least made me feel validated. I’m not saying this to brag, because now, nothing, my job kinda hides me from the world and I have absolutely no way of meeting girls that’s not the sorry ass apps which I don’t wanna do for many reasons. I’m so desperate to be meeting girls in person again that I’m seriously considering getting a weekend job as a bartender or something even though I don’t have the energy nor time for it, it’s legit the only way that I can think of.
First of all, I did read every molecule. I agree with everything you said. Also you don't see such a constructive comment every day on .org, this kinda shocked me man hahaha. But yes, I have just been putting myself out there and improving my life in every possible way simultaneously. And to be fair, you don't want the kind of girls that are frequently on dating apps, bcz they are for the streets, so I would rather meet the girl of my dreams organically rather than on a Jewish made dating app
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My brain does not understand it, I refuse to believe my personality is that good. It must be a psyop.
u mog me to death. never had a girl interested in me. pls be grateful you have such a privileged existence that a subhuman like myself could only dream of.
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For the vast majority of guys, I don’t see any other way, and even guys who are good looking and charismatic are much better off meeting girls in person than online. There are certain users here who I 100% trust are attractive and have fucked hot girls and even they have said that they do better in real life.

The best way to meet girls is through social circle, but getting into a social circle where you’re going to parties and group outings where HTB+ girls are at is not easy. You need some kind of in, I got that in in college and from my first girl and that friend group but have never had it since. The world is so segregated and attractive girls are such a small minority that socialmaxing and proximitymaxing are 100% mandatory.
Work really is the only realistic and probably the best way to get a decent foid these days for people who are older and past university/college. And it's good because of the reasons you listed, flaws/etc can be overcome by simply being in proximity of foids, they overlook that shit. I've asked all my cousins who are wagies (i'm not and haven ever had a job hence incel JFL) and they all say most couples meet through work, the curry ones anyway, the white ones just hook up with each other repeatedly. Another thread by @HarrierDuBois caught my attention aswell, lower quality min wage jobs = only around lower quality foids so you need to get an education and into higher quality and higher paying jobs which will lead to meeting HQ foids. What do you think?
The high iq niggas decided to pull up late at night
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u mog me to death. never had a girl interested in me. pls be grateful you have such a privileged existence that a subhuman like myself could only dream of.
I suffered a lot for the past 21 years this is the first time I get such a w
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Sold your soul to Satan
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Work really is the only realistic and probably the best way to get a decent foid these days for people who are older and past university/college. And it's good because of the reasons you listed, flaws/etc can be overcome by simply being in proximity of foids, they overlook that shit. I've asked all my cousins who are wagies (i'm not and haven ever had a job hence incel JFL) and they all say most couples meet through work, the curry ones anyway, the white ones just hook up with each other repeatedly. Another thread by @HarrierDuBois caught my attention aswell, lower quality min wage jobs = only around lower quality foids so you need to get an education and into higher quality and higher paying jobs which will lead to meeting HQ foids. What do you think?

I just now saw the edited part of this post. I’m pretty sure I read that post, I remember a post by him talking about how working a low sentience job can be hard on high sentience people. I agreed with it on a very surface level but I myself am a sky high sentience person working a stereotypically low sentience job and actually no, I get along with people great, probably way better than if I was working in an office or something. My only complaint with it is that I don't meet any women. Also there are differences between countries, he lives in Sweden where the educational system does a much better job of directing young people into careers that are a good fit for them, the US does not, the UK I imagine would be somewhere in between. I have cousins in Sweden, I know the difference. Muh get good grades, I always knew I never had a chance at a normal education and career for a myriad of reasons including financial, so I went into the trades instead.

Meeting girls at work is gonna be different depending on age and career status. Working low quality minimum wage jobs like restaurant or retail, actually that's the best way to do it before a certain age (and I believe age is just a number, you're as old as your hairline, etc.) or point in life. The last time I was meeting girls at all through work was in 2021 when I worked this delivery job, I remember this one girl at this place I delivered stuff to and how she stared at me, I told myself if they send me back there enough I'll try to get her number or something but of course they didn't send me there and I hated that job and quit anyways. I've been in plenty of restaurants or grocery stores where the girls working there were all really cute. Restaurants definitely have a hookup culture, it's mostly younger and unprofessional people so they're not ready to meet their future spouse, but that's not what was gonna happen when I was 20 anyways. Part of my ascension plan is to move to a better area and see where a cool place to bartend on the weekends, like I have got to do this while I still look young, I got told yesterday again that I look 20s, I have to put it to use ASAFP.

Where I live now, the most attractive women I've seen were working at a bank, my yoga teacher, also I've been hospitalized several times and the average nurse in her 20s is easily HTB+. I imagine working in medicine would be a double edged sword. On the one hand you are surrounded by top quality (at least as for looks, health, intelligence) women, hospitals are one of the only workplaces that can offer that. But in more professional environments, I don't know if people fuck and date each other, that's where you're running into stuff like workplace sexual harassment and clauses in employment contracts saying you can't have relations with coworkers. But I don't know how much people actually stick to those rules, my guess is that they don't. I know couples including one curry guy (Pakistani parents) who married this pretty blonde woman who met in medical school. By this point in life physical attraction matters less and especially high status people like doctors want to go through life with someone who's also like a business partner.

My sister works for an engineering firm and she refused to date any of her coworkers, she met her fiance on Hinge. My brother's girlfriend is a nurse, she was still a student when they met, they met on Hinge too. My brother is very NT and has a great social life, he meets girls through proximity all the time and I wouldn't resort to the apps if I was in his position, but he was looking for wifey material and has specific qualifiers for it, and this is when some people will blow off proximity and go shopping on Hinge instead. Meeting girls through proximity does require that you go with the flow, go with what girls are into you and go with whether they want just a fuck buddy or something more committed. That's a stage in life that most people have grown out of by their mid to late 20s but it was cut short for me when I dropped out of college and I feel like I need to pick up where I left off.
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They want just your attention for their own ego, they dont want you. Im not rough or anything, this is just the truth bro. Women r filthy whores
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