I apologize for my JBW threads



Ascended mulatto
Apr 2, 2024
So I’ve been ranting about how an average white dude has a better SMV than htn ethnics, and I’d like to apologize to my fellow white men who are struggling and who I treated of autistic incels with victim mentality.

The truth is majority of white men can’t have the pick of the litter and are often used as betabux by ugly or average looking Asian chicks, or used for attention by attention whores.

Most Stacies date their own race ( most Arab baddies date Arab guys, same for Asian and Black women ) and I see a lot of White Stacies getting blacked either openly ( ltr ) or behind closed doors.

I spent too much time on this white supremacist website that I lost touch with reality. I also feel bad for the pressure put upon my fellow non-Chad white people to be beta male providers, whereas no such thing is pushed upon black dudes whose stereotypes are more about having a great time without any ulterior ( financial ) motive.

Quality of women > Quantity of women, and for that reason the quantity of women available for BWC isn’t as interesting for the average white dude who often time is most exposed to getting played than other races of men. Good luck to all my brothers regardless of your background, we will eventually ascend completely and fuck Stacies for a living.
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