I can't believe everyone out there mogs me to oblivion.



It’s Hamudi
May 1, 2023
I don't see any other options except roping tbh, because the cards I was dealt with were all fucking useless.
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Reactions: greywind, humanoidsub7, Art of Pattinson and 1 other person
moneymaxx to take over the world and enslave stacies nigga
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Art of Pattinson and Nick.Harte
Never consider suicide, unless you have some disease that makes it so your bones are crumbling or something and every second of living is like intense body pain
You probably live in a privileged country, get
money and focus on other things in your life
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Reactions: greywind, humanoidsub7 and Nick.Harte
I don't see any other options except roping tbh, because the cards I was dealt with were all fucking useless.
Trust me, you’ll just end up failing and end up in a worse spot, trying again, failing, etc. I slit my throat, wrists and ODed, still here brocel. Roping is a waste of effort with our sub5 luck.
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  • Woah
Reactions: dark.max, greywind, Art of Pattinson and 1 other person
money and focus on other things in your life
I don't have the motivation to moneymaxx brocel and I'm already a 23 yr old KHHV.
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Trust me, you’ll just end up failing and end up in a worse spot, trying again, failing, etc. I slit my throat, wrists and ODed, still here brocel. Roping is a waste of effort with our sub5 luck
I know about the sub5 luck buddy boyo, but I'm slowly giving up on everything in this life.Might escortmaxx before roping.
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Reactions: deadstock, Kaari and humanoidsub7
Trust me, you’ll just end up failing and end up in a worse spot, trying again, failing, etc. I slit my throat, wrists and ODed, still here brocel. Roping is a waste of effort with our sub5 luck.
why did you fail so many times?
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Reactions: Kaari
Never consider suicide, unless you have some disease that makes it so your bones are crumbling or something and every second of living is like intense body pain
You probably live in a privileged country, get
money and focus on other things in your life
why do you say that?
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
do you really get mogged by everyone?
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I don't have the motivation to moneymaxx brocel and I'm already a 23 yr old KHHV.
23 is way too young to end your life anyways, imagine seeing on your grave you lived only that amount of time
Brother i know sometimes life is hard but you need to understand that you have so much things you can do in this life, you can play games, go explore the world, eat tasty foods. So many experience that are crucial to life and that you can enjoy. You can be unattractive to women and still enjoy living.
Dont let people here convince you your life is not worth, it is worth to life. You could be the biggest truecel and ill still think you can make something out of yourself before you die.
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Reactions: humanoidsub7
23 is way too young to end your life anyways, imagine seeing on your grave you lived only that amount of time
Brother i know sometimes life is hard but you need to understand that you have so much things you can do in this life, you can play games, go explore the world, eat tasty foods. So many experience that are crucial to life and that you can enjoy. You can be unattractive to women and still enjoy living.
Dont let people here convince you your life is not worth, it is worth to life. You could be the biggest truecel and ill still think you can make something out of yourself before you die.
you know man you're a real brother
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  • JFL
Reactions: Art of Pattinson and Nick.Harte
why do you say that?
Because you only have one life and killing yourself is a pussy move. I am truecel and very ugly, but that doesnt change the fact i can enjoy life in ways i can, once you die, you will never live again, so why ending it that early at 23yo? Just live and do what you can.
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Reactions: omnilegent and humanoidsub7
do you really get mogged by everyone?
Yes and this is beyond humiliating ngl. I still het PTSD from all the moggings I've received over the years.
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Reactions: Art of Pattinson and Kaari
Because you only have one life and killing yourself is a pussy move. I am truecel and very ugly, but that doesnt change the fact i can enjoy life in ways i can, once you die, you will never live again, so why ending it that early at 23yo? Just live and do what you can.
so is 17 too young too? :fuk:
I'm thinking on shooting myself unironically
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
the idea of suicide is liberating, but its retarded. its literally over, you dont live twice

if your life is so bad, just take drugs to make you feel good and pay some whores. pussy is just a whole

u can always get into crime btw
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Reactions: Art of Pattinson, Nick.Harte and humanoidsub7
so is 17 too young too? :fuk:
I'm thinking on shooting myself unironically
Dont kill yourself, i know how you look like and i totally believe you have potential to be happy. I dont think you should consider such things at only 17. I am 18 and I totally understand what you think, i also wanted to end my life but once i understood that life is not only being a chad, i realized killing myself would be wasting my unique chance.
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Reactions: Nick.Harte and humanoidsub7
but i like to think about roping btw
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  • Love it
Reactions: Art of Pattinson and Nick.Harte
Dont kill yourself, i know how you look like and i totally believe you have potential to be happy. I dont think you should consider such things at only 17. I am 18 and I totally understand what you think, i also wanted to end my life but once i understood that life is not only being a chad, i realized killing myself would be wasting my unique chance.
thank you man, i needed to hear that
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
Don't do it because that bitch pushed you to the edge.
it's curious that i ignore the fact she's completely obsessed with me even after getting fucked, as well as the other girls i dated that could never get over me lmao

but even then, i hate feeling lonely. I don't want to be lonely anymore.
thank you man, i needed to hear that
I wish you the best, you clearly have the luck of having a functionning body, take advantage of the things you have and realize that you can find happiness in the small things in life. Having friends and talking to them, playing games, eating. All of these experiences are worth living and your body can do all of these.
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Reactions: humanoidsub7
i hate feeling lonely. I don't want to be lonely anymore
I also hate the feeling of loneliness and not having someone by my side at night. Fuck, this life is one hell of a joke. Some of us were brought here to suffer, while others get every fucking thing we fantasize about.
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U probably mog me bro
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Some of us were brought here to suffer, while others get every fucking thing we fantasize about.
i think that's what breaks my soul.

i just wish something good happens before year ends, otherwhise idk. im really bipolar and my mood is constantly changing.
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If I kill myself and I don't reincarnate being very tall, rich, with a long penis and looking like my avi I'm coming back.
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
I don't see any other options except roping tbh, because the cards I was dealt with were all fucking useless.
Im following the way of Adonis i can fix my frame(alr fixed tbh) and face, height is a problem tho gonna figure something out for that
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Reactions: Nick.Harte
honestly i could never rope, just cause i find a lot of joy in life out of women/having freinds

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