I cant fake being bad boy or NT even with sleeve + rtt + buzzcut ( ' he looks so Angelic')



Aug 17, 2018
Im 30 oldcel, i started going to.some boxing lessons.
Foids were talking about zodiac signs and other stupid things, they were asking people what Is their Sign exc

Whats your sign?
Me : gemini

Her : but usually gemini are bad...you look so Angelic ( not a compliment, its Just the traduction...lets say She told me.i.look innocent or nice guy ).

Another girl : usually they are extroverted too

Her : from the Little I know him ( its like 5 times we do lesson together) he isnt extroverted at all ahah
bro u need to raise a bad boy, you're 30 years old.

Stop doing this cringe shit go maryr a bitch and have kids or something tf you doing all this shit for at 30
  • JFL
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Im 30 oldcel, i started going to.some boxing lessons.
Foids were talking about zodiac signs and other stupid things, they were asking people what Is their Sign exc

Whats your sign?
Me : gemini
Fuck off. Just ignore the jbs asking u for zodiacs sign. my nigga
Im 30 oldcel, i started going to.some boxing lessons.
Foids were talking about zodiac signs and other stupid things, they were asking people what Is their Sign exc

Whats your sign?
Me : gemini

Her : but usually gemini are bad...you look so Angelic ( not a compliment, its Just the traduction...lets say She told me.i.look innocent or nice guy ).

Another girl : usually they are extroverted too

Her : from the Little I know him ( its like 5 times we do lesson together) he isnt extroverted at all ahah
Youre a grown man and you care about what jbs tell you.. no words
don't try to be something you are not.
brother you are 30 find any ugly black woman with wide shoulders in 5'10+ range and raise your kid to be an nba player you alr failed at being a chad at least get rich
  • JFL
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Move into a retirement home and slay grannies, it was over at least 5 years ago for you
  • So Sad
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Looking "angelic" or high trust is actually a great trait to have unless it's because u look like a stupid nerd.

Case in point: you have jbs asking you your zodiac when they would simply keep away of you were a low trust bad boy sub-htn.
  • +1
Reactions: mogstars
Looking "angelic" or high trust is actually a great trait to have unless it's because u look like a stupid nerd.

Case in point: you have jbs asking you your zodiac when they would simply keep away of you were a low trust bad boy sub-htn.
being high trust is a bad thing at least from personal expirience usualy girl like low trust faces
The only thing that fixes my introverted self is drugs I honestly don’t think you can fix being non nt, you just have to cope with it
The only thing that fixes my introverted self is drugs I honestly don’t think you can fix being non nt, you just have to cope with it
Which drugs?
brother you are 30 find any ugly black woman with wide shoulders in 5'10+ range and raise your kid to be an nba player you alr failed at being a chad at least get rich
Caged. 5’10 is not enough btw jfl. Minimum 6’3 foid if u want ur son to even have a chance at a D1 league
being high trust is a bad thing at least from personal expirience usualy girl like low trust faces
low trust maybe good if you're socially adept and have game (as normie)

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