I can't figure out this framelet transformation



Chasing Vanity
Sep 20, 2020
This is from another thread on here.

10F1F211 32EE 46AF 8A3B D67581253222

Is that even the same dude? His eyes and nose look different. And look at his belly button. Did some faggot put together photos of two different people or is this real?

Looks alot bigger on the right, but it might also be because you can't see half his legs.
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Look at the nipples, ears, hairline

obviously the same guy

His neck also got alot wider that's why he looks different in the face
Look at the nipples, ears, hairline

obviously the same guy

His neck also got alot wider that's why he looks different in the face

that's an insane transformation in terms of (perceived) size if it's actually the same guy. distance from which the photos were taken might play a role, but still.
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Okay, this is epic
Roids work for normies and Chadlites. Not a surprise.
Roids work for normies and Chadlites. Not a surprise.

he looks natty. but it still doesn't really make sense to me when you imagine that amount of muscle increase on the left photo.
he looks natty. but it still doesn't really make sense to me when you imagine that amount of muscle increase on the left photo.
Looks like 15-20 lbs difference. Not much tbh. Different camera distance also makes a big change.
What don’t you understand? He went to the gym and became bigger. Mind blown.
Delts, traps, and lats change perception of frame a lot. If you look narrow, these are what you should aim to build most.
He's not a framelet, he just didn't train his lats. This is what happens when you train your chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and literally every other body part except for your lats. The reason why guys neglect their lats is because they need to do weighted chin ups and barbell rows to train them and those 2 exercises aren't popular enough amongst gym bros so they don't do them and end up looking very narrow. Nobody is condemned to have small lats, his lats look the same on the right picture as in the left picture.

It's not that he has wide hips, but he has weak lats so it looks that way but really, if he were to get to a 100 lb weighted chin up, he would achieve a look that is very wide. There is no such thing as a framelet, your frame is dependent on your height, it's impossible for 2 guys of the same height to have a massive difference in muscular potential, the only difference between the 2 will be the muscle insertion points and the shape of the muscles, especially the six pack and the chest (some guys have round pecs while others have square pecs, it's purely a genetic thing).
He's not a framelet, he just didn't train his lats. This is what happens when you train your chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and literally every other body part except for your lats. The reason why guys neglect their lats is because they need to do weighted chin ups and barbell rows to train them and those 2 exercises aren't popular enough amongst gym bros so they don't do them and end up looking very narrow. Nobody is condemned to have small lats, his lats look the same on the right picture as in the left picture.

It's not that he has wide hips, but he has weak lats so it looks that way but really, if he were to get to a 100 lb weighted chin up, he would achieve a look that is very wide. There is no such thing as a framelet, your frame is dependent on your height, it's impossible for 2 guys of the same height to have a massive difference in muscular potential, the only difference between the 2 will be the muscle insertion points and the shape of the muscles, especially the six pack and the chest (some guys have round pecs while others have square pecs, it's purely a genetic thing).

Frame is not dependant on height (although it is correlated) Wrist size is probably the best indicator, but also race/phenotype plays a big role.
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Frame is not dependant on height (although it is correlated) Wrist size is probably the best indicator, but also race/phenotype plays a big role.
This is false. My cousin, who is a 5 foot 6 manlet was very muscular at his peak although he has very small wrists. Like I said before, the only difference between 2 guys of the same height are their starting point, some start more muscular, while others start more skinny. I started at 138 lbs at a weight of 6 foot 4 and now at 170 lbs I still look skinny, that is because I need to be at least 200 lbs if I just want to look like I lift, the taller you are, the bigger your frame is, and the bigger your frame is, the more weight you need to gain to fill it enough to look good.
This is false. My cousin, who is a 5 foot 6 manlet was very muscular at his peak although he has very small wrists. Like I said before, the only difference between 2 guys of the same height are their starting point, some start more muscular, while others start more skinny. I started at 138 lbs at a weight of 6 foot 4 and now at 170 lbs I still look skinny, that is because I need to be at least 200 lbs if I just want to look like I lift, the taller you are, the bigger your frame is, and the bigger your frame is, the more weight you need to gain to fill it enough to look good.

When I say frame I'm talking about BONE. shoulder width, ribcage, hips, ankes etc. Muscle mass is not frame. Muscle mass comes down to genetics and testosterone lvls.
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When I say frame I'm talking about BONE. shoulder width, ribcage, hips, ankes etc. Muscle mass is not frame. Muscle mass comes down to genetics and testosterone lvls.
Yes of course that is true, I wasn't denying that but it's impossible to have wide hips when you are a man, even if your testosterone levels are low, because as men, our bone structure is different from women, so the reason why some guys look narrow is not because they have bad shoulder width or wide hips but because they lack muscle mass in their lats. You should see how many guys do chin ups in my gym, it almost never happens and when it does happen, they are cheating by using their legs instead of using only their lats. Guys do lots of lat pulldowns though but they aren't nearly as effective. They avoid weighted chin ups because they can't even do 8 bodyweight chin ups but if they were to get really strong at strict pendlay rows, then they would be able to do enough body weight chin ups to start doing them weighted. And then they would have big lats. Of course some guys will look wider than other but to say that some are condemned to look narrow is not only dumb but goes against basic scientific information about human (male) anatomy and how the body works.
Yes of course that is true, I wasn't denying that but it's impossible to have wide hips when you are a man, even if your testosterone levels are low, because as men, our bone structure is different from women, so the reason why some guys look narrow is not because they have bad shoulder width or wide hips but because they lack muscle mass in their lats. You should see how many guys do chin ups in my gym, it almost never happens and when it does happen, they are cheating by using their legs instead of using only their lats. Guys do lots of lat pulldowns though but they aren't nearly as effective. They avoid weighted chin ups because they can't even do 8 bodyweight chin ups but if they were to get really strong at strict pendlay rows, then they would be able to do enough body weight chin ups to start doing them weighted. And then they would have big lats. Of course some guys will look wider than other but to say that some are condemned to look narrow is not only dumb but goes against basic scientific information about human (male) anatomy and how the body works.

Images 2

Impossible to have wide hips as a man? Men do have estrogen too you know. Guy on the left has a bad frame (narrow shoulder and wide hips) even tho he is taller and has more muscle mass than brad pitt he looks 10x worse being of his bones
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View attachment 689338

Impossible to have wide hips as a man? Men do have estrogen too you know. Guy on the left has a bad frame (narrow shoulder and wide hips) even tho he is taller and has more muscle mass than brad pitt he looks 10x worse being of his bones
Yes but that is only a small detail. Women don't actually care about small details like that. The only people who care about this are the guys who are obsessed with pro bodybuilding or the judges who rate pro bodybuilders on stage. Women don't care how wide your hips are or what your shoulder to hip ratio is, the only thing they care about (in your body) is how muscular and how ripped you actually are. On that photo, Brad Pitt has a better six pack than Ryan Gosling but smaller muscles, he is leaner but less muscular. So women would prefer the guy on the left, because although he is less lean and doesn't have perfect proportions, he is more muscular.

Still don't believe me, then you should check those videos as proof. Hollywood actors don't have perfect proportions for bodybuilding, but women are still impressed by their physiques, of course the face matters a lot though and most of those guys are very good looking and not average, but even average men can benefit from such a physique, but of course that wasn't our debate anyways:

Yes but that is only a small detail. Women don't actually care about small details like that. The only people who care about this are the guys who are obsessed with pro bodybuilding or the judges who rate pro bodybuilders on stage. Women don't care how wide your hips are or what your shoulder to hip ratio is, the only thing they care about (in your body) is how muscular and how ripped you actually are. On that photo, Brad Pitt has a better six pack than Ryan Gosling but smaller muscles, he is leaner but less muscular. So women would prefer the guy on the left, because although he is less lean and doesn't have perfect proportions, he is more muscular.

Still don't believe me, then you should check those videos as proof. Hollywood actors don't have perfect proportions for bodybuilding, but women are still impressed by their physiques, of course the face matters a lot though and most of those guys are very good looking and not average, but even average men can benefit from such a physique, but of course that wasn't our debate anyways:


Women do care about shoulder width (clavicle bone length) but yes I agree as long as your frame is average muscle mass and leaness is just as important as frame (I won't say more important tho)
What don’t you understand? He went to the gym and became bigger. Mind blown.

because it looks like he got bigger bones, with that frame you'd imagine he'd end up looking more like this guy when putting on muscle


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