I cant win.



autogynephilia and proud whore (I like BULLS)
May 28, 2023
Wathever things I do I have nothing in return,It doesnt matter if Its perceived as good or bad,not even if Its effort that would "pay off",wich will be something not realated to the things I care,wich aré: my short height,my ugly face and my small cock,the fruits of effort aré like that spanish phrase:"la venganza es un plato que se sirve frio",or:"revenge Is a dish served cold", wich means that revenge always happens too late to be tasted,like the "pay off" of effort.

Straight to the point,no amount of works,hobbies,personality,enterteinament,boobs,philosophy,etc can increases my cocks leght and girth,all can be reduced to my cocks leght and girth. All seems like a distraction of my overall uglyness (height and dick included).

Literally I cant win nothing worthy,because the things actually women and me value aré the things I cant change or win.

I've always thought that phrase meant revenge was served in the worst moment possible when you expected it the less
  • Hmm...
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