i dont belive ppl actually go on nofap streaks tbh



May 18, 2024
i can go 3-4 days no problem but on the 5th day onwards the urges are too strong and its unbearable and i always break my streak maybe thats the problem of watching porn 3 times a week since 15-16 consisteltly,if thats how it is the whole time then theres no way people are going 4+weeks and not jerking off 1 time,does anybody know when the urges stop they must get lower after a week? if there was a pill to have no sex drive when you could chose i would take it in a heart beat
I went for like 28 days one time. Guess I'm just the superior being
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Nigga has bad willpower so he thinks nobody can stop stroking their willy 😭
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did your sex drive lower after 1 week?
Well I remember I had alot of 1 week restarts lol. Idk man I don't do it anymore there is no point unless ur trying to sexmaxx
I must be on God mode as I've gone 13 years no fap. I'm sure there are people that embellish but overall it's fairly easy especially if you stay aqay from porn, thirst traps, etc. I deleted all my social media accounts as they were littered with big booty 304's. There's 0 logic in stroking it as each ejaculation drains your life force aka seed aka life and brings you closer to physical death. If it's not for baby making then it's pure degeneracy and a waste of time and life. I treat this like I do drugs, smoking and alcohol as I stopped all those for over 15 years. I do not get the FOMO emotions at all.
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Your first month will be very bad anyway, brother. After that you will prosper.
I must be on God mode as I've gone 13 years no fap. I'm sure there are people that embellish but overall it's fairly easy especially if you stay aqay from porn, thirst traps, etc. I deleted all my social media accounts as they were littered with big booty 304's. There's 0 logic in stroking it as each ejaculation drains your life force aka seed aka life and brings you closer to physical death. If it's not for baby making then it's pure degeneracy and a waste of time and life. I treat this like I do drugs, smoking and alcohol as I stopped all those for over 15 years. I do not get the FOMO emotions at all.
With respect to your privacy

What does your daily life look like, generally and how old are you. I'm mirin.
I must be on God mode as I've gone 13 years no fap. I'm sure there are people that embellish but overall it's fairly easy especially if you stay aqay from porn, thirst traps, etc. I deleted all my social media accounts as they were littered with big booty 304's. There's 0 logic in stroking it as each ejaculation drains your life force aka seed aka life and brings you closer to physical death. If it's not for baby making then it's pure degeneracy and a waste of time and life. I treat this like I do drugs, smoking and alcohol as I stopped all those for over 15 years. I do not get the FOMO emotions at all.
i aggre with what you said but 0 ChANCE your on a 13 year streak haaaaaa,bro thats crazy you must be like a superhuman
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I created a one year challenge on here a couple years ago. To master sexual energy is a major accomplishment as this is a maority of men's major qeakness. Many of the greatest men had their biggest fall from grace due to sexual degeneracy (including King Solomon himself). If you're going to partake in this act it should at least be with a girl. Doing it with your hand is pretty sad and a form of being a cuck IMO.
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i can go 3-4 days no problem but on the 5th day onwards the urges are too strong and its unbearable and i always break my streak maybe thats the problem of watching porn 3 times a week since 15-16 consisteltly,if thats how it is the whole time then theres no way people are going 4+weeks and not jerking off 1 time,does anybody know when the urges stop they must get lower after a week? if there was a pill to have no sex drive when you could chose i would take it in a heart beat
Tbh,i went on a 2 month streak.The urges stopped about a 1.5 week after and then after 2 months after seeing some random chinese porn urges came back and they were strong asf
The first month is already very troublesome and then you start to prosper,

If you can finish the first few months, you will never want to do it after that.

my advice on quitting is to quit by reducing

If you masturbate 10 times a day, 7 days a week, reduce it to 5.

You can take a cold shower, make ice compresses on your testicles.
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I created a one year challenge on here a couple years ago. To master sexual energy is a major accomplishment as this is a maority of men's major qeakness. Many of the greatest men had their biggest fall from grace due to sexual degeneracy (including King Solomon himself). If you're going to partake in this act it should at least be with a girl. Doing it with your hand is pretty sad and a form of being a cuck IMO.
this is soo true,i do the most pathetic shit when aroused it feels soo good at the time but the feeling lasts 10 mins then i guinely feel terrible/tired for 2-3 hours after full of regret each time its like im trapped in a loop
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The first month is already very troublesome and then you start to prosper,

If you can finish the first few months, you will never want to do it after that.

my advice on quitting is to quit by reducing

If you masturbate 10 times a day, 7 days a week, reduce it to 5.

You can take a cold shower, make ice compresses on your testicles.
this gives me hope i just need to last a month then i can go on a super long streak,i just gotta be prepared now from day 5 onwards,no twitter nothing
I went for 1 month afrer that i just dont see sense in nofap
i aggre with what you said but 0 ChANCE your on a 13 year streak haaaaaa,bro thats crazy you must be like a superhuman
No I'm not on a 13 year streak currently. That qas the first 13 years of my life before losing my V card. I started my no fap and sexual transmutation journey 7 years ago. The longest I've gone is 2 years. My worst year was 3 years ago as I got in a loop of doing it once a qeek for most the year. Then I got back on track after starting the no fap challenge on here. I notice a major difference in my sexual transmutation / qigong practices as being ineffective when masturbating even if just once a month. Practicing this qigong and meditation/visualization helps me stay on track. Deleting social media as saved me for sure. Also, I'm in the sticks so there's not many girls at all so I have 0 temptation. Ghandi practiced sleeping with underaged girls but not touching them as a qay to tempt himself. I'll call that creepy God mode. I am not on Ghandi's level nor do I desire to be.

Some of the benefits I've noticed:
1.) Vastly improved memory and processing speed
2.) Easier to put on muscle
3.) Thicker and fuller erections (Sometimes makes this process more difficult qhich is qhy I practice sexual transmutation frist thing every morning). It's not superhuman it's just a habit that becomes second nature like breathing
4.) More focus
5.) Increased drive into my purpose
6.) Increase in energy
7.) Darker, Fuller and thicker hair. My hair was thinning out and turning slightly grey on the sides but I managed to reverse it even though I didn't know that was a possibility.
8.) Improved skin quality

Overall, I just look at masturbation as I do smoking, drinking, and drugs. I don't really see it as an accomplishment more as a way of life at this point. The real accomplishments is how I've channel this energy and put it into my off grid house/land
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bu bana umut veriyor, sadece bir ay dayanmam gerekiyor, sonra süper uzun bir seriye devam edebilirim, şimdi 5. günden itibaren hazırlıklı olmam gerekiyor, twitter yok hiçbir şey yok
You're right, mate, I trust you. You can do this.

Look, mate, it's all about you. You can stay off pornhub if you want, but you're still gonna get horny when you see some bitch twerking on Instagram.

It's all in your mind.

I hope you understood what I was saying.
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You're right, mate, I trust you. You can do this.

Look, mate, it's all about you. You can stay off pornhub if you want, but you're still gonna get horny when you see some bitch twerking on Instagram.

It's all in your mind.

I hope you understood what I was saying.
i understand you bro
Once you start its easy to keep it running
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this is soo true,i do the most pathetic shit when aroused it feels soo good at the time but the feeling lasts 10 mins then i guinely feel terrible/tired for 2-3 hours after full of regret each time its like im trapped in a loop
I got the same feeling doing this with women I didn't intend on being with for life but the feeling of guilt qas exponentially stronger and I did feel a soul level connection with each female. So body count does affect a man also but not half as much as it does to girls.

I would like to start a family and see how it feels to partake in this act for the purpose of baby making but IDK if I could ever trust a qoman in our current fallen state. I have considered joining the Amish since they have 99% success rates and their females are youthful virgins that are strict Christians outside of society with no internet. If there's any possible chance of a successful marriage I believe it's with an Amish virgin girl.

I suppose starting a daily morning and maybe a night routine similar to qigong/meditation. Either deleting or heavily modifying your social media accounts and have an practice of anytime you feel an urge you do something that immediately calms you down (cold shower, your grandma naked, insects, etc. Qhatever it takes.
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I got the same feeling doing this with women I didn't intend on being with for life but the feeling of guilt qas exponentially stronger and I did feel a soul level connection with each female. So body count does affect a man also but not half as much as it does to girls.

I would like to start a family and see how it feels to partake in this act for the purpose of baby making but IDK if I could ever trust a qoman in our current fallen state. I have considered joining the Amish since they have 99% success rates and their females are youthful virgins that are strict Christians outside of society with no internet. If there's any possible chance of a successful marriage I believe it's with an Amish virgin girl.

I suppose starting a daily morning and maybe a night routine similar to qigong/meditation. Either deleting or heavily modifying your social media accounts and have an practice of anytime you feel an urge you do something that immediately calms you down (cold shower, your grandma naked, insects, etc. Qhatever it takes.
i appreciate this advice alot,im gonna restart my streak tommorow and take it way more serious
this is soo true,i do the most pathetic shit when aroused it feels soo good at the time but the feeling lasts 10 mins then i guinely feel terrible/tired for 2-3 hours after full of regret each time its like im trapped in a loop
I got the same feeling doing this with women I didn't intend on being with for life but the feeling of guilt qas exponentially stronger and I did feel a soul level connection with each female. So body count does affect a man also but not half as much as it does to girls.

I would like to start a family and see how it feels to partake in this act for the purpose of baby making but IDK if I could ever trust a qoman in our current fallen state. I have considered joining the Amish since they have 99% success rates and their females are youthful virgins that are strict Christians outside of society with no internet. If there's any possible chance of a successful marriage I believe it's with an Amish virgin girl.

I suppose starting a daily morning and maybe a night routine similar to qigong/meditation. Either deleting or heavily modifying your social media accounts and have an practice of anytime you feel an urge you do something that immediately calms you down (cold shower, your grandma naked, insects, etc. Qhatever it takes.
Once you start its easy to keep it running
There's a certain point you hit qhere it's no longer a struggle and that point is different for everyone. It appears around a month or 2 is that point. Eventually you stop counting the days.
Once you start its easy to keep it running
There's a certain point you hit qhere it's no longer a struggle and that point is different for everyone. It appears around a month or 2 is that point. Eventually you stop counting the days.
  • +1
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Nigga has bad willpower so he thinks nobody can stop stroking their willy 😭
fr lmao "thats the problem of watching porn 3 times a week since 15-16" bro there are people that have been watching that shit for hours a day since single digit ages and still quit
fr lmao "thats the problem of watching porn 3 times a week since 15-16" bro there are people that have been watching that shit for hours a day since single digit ages and still quit
I been failing lately

I was really about to go stroke, then I was like

"What the fuck no" out loud

Then opened my phone and saw this, would be brutal if I looked after stroking 🤣🤣
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fr lmao "thats the problem of watching porn 3 times a week since 15-16" bro there are people that have been watching that shit for hours a day since single digit ages and still quit
yes they may quit porn but not jerking off which is still just as bad thats the point,none of these ppl your talking about actuall quit jerking off...
yes they may quit porn but not jerking off which is still just as bad thats the point,none of these ppl your talking about actuall quit jerking off...
jerking off without porn is not necessarily bad if done once a week or less, its only a problem if a) you do it more frequently or b) its your only source of sexual gratification
I been failing lately

I was really about to go stroke, then I was like

"What the fuck no" out loud

Then opened my phone and saw this, would be brutal if I looked after stroking 🤣🤣
lmfao ive had the same thing happen before literally about to type in some shit and then audibly saying hell nah usually followed by some push ups or something :lul::lul:

its even easier for me rn tho cuz im on a mandatory nofap streak cuz of my circumcision, i physically cant jerk off :lul:

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