I don't see any solidarity among incels as a group.

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
Something I've noticed after being on psl forums for years is that incels have 0 solidarity and a sense of brotherhood among ourselves. I remember on lookism.net how incels would dox each other hoping to destroy the other user all to earn some favours and nudes from foid users. The entire forum went to shit once women were allowed there. It was a complete shit show. We aren't much better than the normies that we so despise. We call each other brocels but still stab behind each other's backs. I don't see the strong conviction and commitment to ideals that I have seen among other groups of men like a political parties etc. Most of you arent even firm in your believes.There will never be an incel revolution. No incel is your friend. Remember this.
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  • JFL
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yeah because ugly face = shit personality

physiognomy is right

ultimate black pill is that women can sense your vibe from a glance :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
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That's just because incels are men. You don't see solidarity among men as a group, and that's by male nature.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Brootal, GunDevilHybrid, Darkeningstar and 7 others
Bro takes this shit seriously jfl
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Being incel is THE WORST THING that can happen to you. Why would you need solidarity? The only thing that can help an incel is death.
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i only have fellowship with other mulattos

the black man has kept us down far too long!
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  • WTF
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most people here aren't even blackpilled
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That's just because incels are men. You don't see solidarity among men as a group, and that's by male nature.
kill all men :feelshah:
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20240714 224251

I mean Bangladeshi Niggas like these call Indians who look the same as him Pajeet. Self awareness is lacking.
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  • JFL
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That's just because incels are men. You don't see solidarity among men as a group, and that's by male nature.
Yes it's male nature but we've seen many men overcome their individual greed ro come together and do something big but there needs to stronger driving forces than being a low status virgin to push men to the extreme.
  • Woah
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Yes it's male nature but we've seen many men overcome their individual greed ro come together and do something big but there needs to stronger driving forces than being a low status virgin to push men to the extreme.
What the fuck are incels supposed to do?
yeah because ugly face = shit personality

physiognomy is right

ultimate black pill is that women can sense your vibe from a glance :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Makes sense
I always notice that people behave the same way they look
  • JFL
Reactions: Imretarded?
Makes sense
I always notice that people behave the same way they look

what a trust worthy face
IMG 6261
im sure he hasn't killed people
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no foid for your face
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Edward Richtofen

Call of duty zombies playable character. He's got some zinger lines
this is observed even in games, he is unrealistically ugly and killed a lot of people
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the only solidarity i have is with me and my gang

if i had my way in this world i would be like stalin and execute 90% of you dumbasses :feelsez:
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What an incel has to do is simply vote to anything against feminism and advert other normies when they're getting played by women so they maybe change their minds a bit. The more people stop believing in the stupid idea of love, the better.
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Because inceldom is a state of hopelessness rather than an ideology
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Men by Nature are divisive and share strong distrust for each other ,isn't just an Incel issue either even
among Redpillers and MGTOWs you see this in the Manosphere constantly where a bunch of Men will be
on Panels having a discussion and a Woman jumps on and derails the entire conversation causing the Men
to argue and start a dick measuring contest roasting each other

One of the biggest reasons I believe for why Men distrust each other is due to having self awareness of where
they stand in the Dating Market for example most Incels and Redpillers/MGTOW are not exactly top tier men
which then causes them to reflect and affirm to themselves that fighting tooth and nail for women's attention
is basically the only way they can have a chance at Dating compared to chad who can be leisure and wait for
women to show him interest
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That's what people thought about the communist revolution.
Next thing you had are the severed heads of the tsar familly and other peoples enemies.
Everything is possible, under the right circumstances.
Thing is, modern day people have way too comfortable lives.
There are two conditions that would need to happen in order for incel revolution to happen:
1. Something which would bring down the standard and conformism levels in society, and put too much presure on sex deprived young men. More pressure than they can hold
2. Rebellion leader, an incel Robin Hood, charismatic person that would lead incels to victory
@MoggerGaston @Greypiller
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  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep, WeiWei and Darkeningstar
That's what people thought about the communist revolution.
Next thing you had are the severed heads of the tsar familly and other peoples enemies.
Everything is possible, under the right circumstances.
Thing is, modern day people have way too comfortable lives.
There are two conditions that would need to happen in order for incel revolution to happen:
1. Something which would bring down the standard and conformism levels in society, and put too much presure on sex deprived young men. More pressure than they can hold
2. Rebellion leader, an incel Robin Hood, charismatic person that would lead incels to victory
@MoggerGaston @Greypiller

Just banning Porn and Onlyfans alone i think will spark an Incel Revolution within a matter of weeks

One of the reasons I am for banning Porn
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Incels should not be treated differently from 'normies' because they are mostly failed normies. Even someone who is neurodiverse is not so different from the norm in some contexts why should someone who does not fuck be?

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