I explain why the Blackpill ( looks are everything ) is 100% correct. Please Read Bluepillers

Deleted member 2632

Deleted member 2632

Jul 30, 2019
Guys I just had a great idea of explaining the Blackpill

The Blackpill = Food

Our weakness for good looks ( and women ) is very similar to our weakness for tasty foods, and eating food in general

Due to our biological wiring, we love to eat food, especially foods that are bad for us, even though WE ALL KNOW broccoli is better for us than a LARGE PIZZA

We know that oatmeal is a better choice than burger and fries, yet WE ALL still eat the burger and fries

We ALL KNOW that eating too much food makes you fat, YET SO MANY FATASSES exist


Because no matter what science or logic tells us, that biological urge to eat food when its available is hard coded into us, and so is our taste buds. We want to eat tasty foods, and eat more calories than we need EVEN THOUGH THERE IS NO LONG TERM BENEFIT FOR DOING THIS. Only short term pleasure, health problems and shorter lifespans be damned

And yes you may know a guy who NEVER eats bad foods, and only eats when he needs to, but he is the 00000.1%

You see the desire to eat food ( even tho you dont need to ), especially tasty food, is not a switch you turn off, it is always there, waiting to pray on your weakness. You may ignore the desire today, tomorrow, a month, a year, but yet it stays creeping up on you and one day you break down and eat the bad, tasty food and eat far more calories than you will burn in 3 days.

Well imagine girls going for Chads, THEY KNOW CHAD is a piece of shit who will cheat on them, beat them, run off when she gets pregnant, but the DESIRE is there and so strong. The same can be said for MGTOW men who supposedly " ignore these hoes bro ", and lastly PEOPLE JUDGING PEOPLE ON HOW THEY LOOK

Just like the tasty food being bad for your health, you will never see the tall, handsome drug addict man as a complete loser, like you would the short bald man with a successful career but is a virgin

Things like money, careers, good personalitys, these are somewhat new ideas for our reptile brains, wanting to eat sugar and be with women, and liking people for their superior genetics, it is coded into us from WAY further back then we can even imagine

No matter how high your prescription of blackpills are you will ALWAYS want to be with a woman, and ALWAYS judge people based on how they look, you can be aware of this phenomenon happening but your reptile brain will catch you slipping, it will sneak up on you when you are not aware
  • +1
Reactions: the next o'pry, GetThatBread, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 3 others
Exactly. That's the weird thing about the blackpill, being fully aware of it yet unable to escape its chains.
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  • +1
Reactions: SA7, subhuman_god13, jordanbarrettisgod and 2 others
That doesn't change the fact that literally everyone gets laid regardless of their looks. Looks are very important, yes, but do you expect people to believe that every single parent of the 7 billion people in the world is a "chad"? Go for a walk outside and you'll see that even "subhumans" are dating.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, jordanbarrettisgod, Zeta ascended and 3 others
Just show them @mughawtyz on Instagram and go to the comments.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
That doesn't change the fact that literally everyone gets laid regardless of their looks. Looks are very important, yes, but do you expect people to believe that every single parent of the 7 billion people in the world is a "chad"? Go for a walk outside and you'll see that even "subhumans" are dating.

You have much to learn GREYCEL, you are an untrained Luke Skywalker and I am Master Yoda

You are still uneducated of the nature of women, single mothers, prostitutes, men that rape women, women that cheat on their husbands and have babies with another man and claim it is the husbands, woman that settle but cant forget Chad from their youth
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: I'mme, Zeta ascended, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 2 others
You have much to learn GREYCEL, you are an untrained Luke Skywalker and I am Master Yoda

You are still uneducated of the nature of women, single mothers, prostitutes, men that rape women, women that cheat on their husbands and have babies with another man and claim it is the husbands, woman that settle but cant forget Chad from their youth
I am literally 19, what do you mean by greycel.
Jfl at believing women in their 30's and 40's married and with kids are obsessed about the "chad from their youth". You are coping and living in a delusion world
I am literally 19, what do you mean by greycel.
Jfl at believing women in their 30's and 40's married and with kids are obsessed about the "chad from their youth". You are coping and living in a delusion world

You might want to read this

Hard science mogs your anecdotal evidence
  • JFL
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Post thread
Be the best version of yourself. Self-improvement, style, fitness, surgery, and more.
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Lately I've been having intense hatred and hunger for violence. Anyone else?
  • +1
Reactions: Michael and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Based link back at it again. But you're a bluecel though.
Lately I've been having intense hatred and hunger for violence. Anyone else?
Happens soletimes mate ngl
You might want to read this

Hard science mogs your anecdotal evidence
Science? It takes one female and one man to make another human being. Are you claiming that some people are born with 2 mothers or 2 fathers? What a joke.
It's over for you.
I agree largly with your post. Looks is by a long way/shot most important in dating.

But why the added hate/insult on MGTOW dudes?? I kinda like these guys, because they don't fuck up the sexual market place like blue pillers (orbiters) and even many red pillers (trying to impress the ladies with wealth/success/etc.) do. At least, the MGTOW have a bit more sense in to not do these things, I assume.
Well imagine girls going for Chads, THEY KNOW CHAD is a piece of shit who will cheat on them, beat them, run off when she gets pregnant, but the DESIRE is there and so strong.

The same can be said for MGTOW men who supposedly " ignore these hoes bro ",
  • +1
Reactions: I'mme
Science? It takes one female and one man to make another human being. Are you claiming that some people are born with 2 mothers or 2 fathers? What a joke.
It's over for you.

" Silly inkwell, it takes a man AND a woman to make a baby. Its not like ONE man can impregnate multiple women and then another man will come to raise his bastard child. Do you really think men with more than 1 baby momma exist ?? Just LOL "
I agree largly with your post. Looks is by a long way/shot most important in dating.

But why the added hate/insult on MGTOW dudes?? I kinda like these guys, because they don't fuck up the sexual market place like blue pillers (orbiters) and even many red pillers (trying to impress the ladies with wealth/success/etc.) do. At least, the MGTOW have a bit more sense in to not do these things, I assume.

No hate on MGTOW here bro, just saying alot of them do cope and I feel like they are one blowjob away from being bluepilled

But if there are true blackpilled MGTOW hey I am all for it


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