I feel bad because i shouted on my mother in the evening tbh


Deleted member 1588

Apr 25, 2019
And had a huge fight with her tbh.
I just told her that if she allowed me to join gym when i was 16 i would be more built as puberty helps in growth and muscle mass.
She said she was worried about me stunting my growth but i said gym does not affect height.
I dont know i was feeling rage in the evening today that i shouted on her called her
worthless and she should die becuase she did not care about my nutrition did not made me breakfast and never gave me any pocket money all this rage i do not know from wherw did it come.
I still am mad at her for never feeding me enough just used to gossip all the damn time with other people.
Brahs what should i do should i apologize to her or what?
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Just apologize, you can’t stay mad forever.
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Quarrels me
Yeah apologize
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Yes, there is no point in arguing with family
But if she had just cared about me.more in my childhood i would have been more.masculine tbh and would have a good frame like my father.
Instead i got average frame i hate for this only tbh
Quarrels me
Rit i am ded srs bro
Yeah apologize
Yeah brah she started crying nd shit saying she thought it would be better for.me not.to join at that age.
I mean how ridiculous is that my dad who is 5.4 and she is 5.2 has a bigger frame than me wtf yet i am four inches taller than him.
Fucking genetics or maybe i was stunted in childhood
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she did not care about my nutrition did not made me breakfast and never gave me any pocket money all this rage i do not know from wherw did it come.
I still am mad at her for never feeding me enough
that sounds oddly familiar
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But if she had just cared about me.more in my childhood i would have been more.masculine tbh and would have a good frame like my father.
Instead i got average frame i hate for this only tbh
Alot of factors outside lifestyle influence those things both my parents have bigger hands and wrist than me, my brother who is 14 is a little taller than me and my dad has a bigger frame than me for some reason.
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that sounds oddly familiar
I am mad at her for this shit only i was just a dumb 16 year fucktard who thought mommy knows best fuck that shit if only i could go back in time..
Aaaaa i hate myself for not standing upto her now i got to look into steriods and sarms if i die at 40 or 50 due to side effects i dont care.
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But if she had just cared about me.more in my childhood i would have been more.masculine tbh and would have a good frame like my father.
Instead i got average frame i hate for this only tbh
Apologize to your mother by telling her how despite you being right about the nutrition matter you shouldn't have acted aggressive to her because that wont fix nothing.
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Alot of factors outside lifestyle influence those things both my parents have bigger hands and wrist than me, my brother who is 14 is a little taller than me and my dad has a bigger frame than me for some reason.
Yeah but i do not know if i was starved or not and this is thing which is fucking me up if i was not starved then it is my draw of genes but if i was starved i will never ever forget her till last breath tbh ngl
Holy shit, you’re obviously gonna apologize sooner or later, so you might as well do it right now.
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Apologize to your mother by telling her how despite you being right about the nutrition matter you shouldn't have acted aggressive to her because that wont fix nothing.
Yeah i will apologize to her in the morning right now it is 4.00 am here in India and i am not able to sleep fuck this and the rage inside me is thinking what if what if i had a bigger frame
Holy shit, you’re obviously gonna apologize sooner or later, so you might as well do it right now.
Right now she is sleeping i will apologize to her when she wakes in two hours or so but i will still not be able to forgive her tbh
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apologize bro
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apologize bro
Yeah bro i am not able to sleep tonight because of this shit it is 4 am right now here and i mad at myself for shouting at her and her crying ffs fuck this shit
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cuck if u say sorry ngl. u said what u said and there's truth to it, right? apologizing is for cucks who can't take responsibility for their actions, so they fall back and gargle soylent
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cuck if u say sorry ngl. u said what u said and there's truth to it, right? apologizing is for cucks who can't take responsibility for their actions, so they fall back and gargle soylent
Yeah bro but whats the point about bringing something up from the past you cant change it anyways also she is old and still cares for me a lot but i was just having a bad day and she asked why have i not eayten food.
Then i went on my rant saying why do you care now when the time was of caring during my growing years you completely negelected me and made me into a beta soyboy and similar shit then she started crying and went to her room
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Yeah bro but whats the point about bringing something up from the past you cant change it anyways also she is old and still cares for me a lot but i was just having a bad day and she asked why have i not eayten food.
Then i went on my rant saying why do you care now when the time was of caring during my growing years you completely negelected me and made me into a beta soyboy and similar shit then she started crying and went to her room
Made you a beta soyboy? Did she starve you? Did she not give you food? You do realise frame is genetic and eating more food wouldn’t give u a bigger frame. Also you can workout now its not the end of the world.
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Maybe best to sincerely apologise at this point, man.
Made you a beta soyboy? Did she starve you? Did she not give you food? You do realise frame is genetic and eating more food wouldn’t give u a bigger frame. Also you can workout now its not the end of the world.
Bro she did not care for me in my teenage years man and i used to go 6 or 7 hours without eating anything and she was lazy also i do not know if i was staved or not tbh.
But the thing is my father is 5.4"ft and she is 5.2"ft and i am 5.8"ft tall yet i have a smaller frame than my father who is 4 inches shirter than me how ridiculous is that.
I also have small hands then them both maybe i took after my grandmother who was a tiny woman 4.10"ft and yeah hoping natty gymcelling will give me a broder frame if not then fuck it i am.jumping on mk677 or steriods.
And i apologized to her today
Maybe best to sincerely apologise at this point, man.
bro i apologised to her in the morning because i felt bad what i said to her
Bro she did not care for me in my teenage years man and i used to go 6 or 7 hours without eating anything and she was lazy also i do not know if i was staved or not tbh.
But the thing is my father is 5.4"ft and she is 5.2"ft and i am 5.8"ft tall yet i have a smaller frame than my father who is 4 inches shirter than me how ridiculous is that.
I also have small hands then them both maybe i took after my grandmother who was a tiny woman 4.10"ft and yeah hoping natty gymcelling will give me a broder frame if not then fuck it i am.jumping on mk677 or steriods.
And i apologized to her today

bro i apologised to her in the morning because i felt bad what i said to her
With those height genetics I’m surprised ur 5’8
cuck if u say sorry ngl. u said what u said and there's truth to it, right? apologizing is for cucks who can't take responsibility for their actions, so they fall back and gargle soylent
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With those height genetics I’m surprised ur 5’8
ngl 5.8"ft is pretty decent here in India brah above average.
My face is also above average for a indian brahs rated me 6 to 6.5 in the pms.
But only if i had a bigfer frame tbh ngl i would feel completely satisfied dont know how how the fuck can i be so tall in comparison to my parents yet have small hands than my tiny mother.
Fucking genetics
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if ur mom doesnt make u breakfast its ABSOLUTELY OVER


i couldn't cope with that tbh rope immediately

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Gym is cope, just apologize to your mom...
makeup sex would fix things
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if ur mom doesnt make u breakfast its ABSOLUTELY OVER
I never had breakfast on a regular basis when I was younger and now as well.
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Jfl if youre not fighting with mom 24/7 in Balkan
Legit. There's constant yelling, shouting etc I've punched a hole in every door, window, broken several things while arguing with my mom lol
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Excuses boyo.i did home workouts and Muay Thai for years now i have got a beastly frame.
But if she had just cared about me.more in my childhood i would have been more.masculine tbh and would have a good frame like my father.
Instead i got average frame i hate for this only tbh

Rit i am ded srs bro

Yeah brah she started crying nd shit saying she thought it would be better for.me not.to join at that age.
I mean how ridiculous is that my dad who is 5.4 and she is 5.2 has a bigger frame than me wtf yet i am four inches taller than him.
Fucking genetics or maybe i was stunted in childhood
Do you heightmog at 5'8 in india? I'm going there in a couple of weeks and if I don't mog everyone I will kms.
Excuses boyo.i did home workouts and Muay Thai for years now i have got a beastly frame.
Is that Uraka?
There is nothing bigger than the rage of blackpilled truecels
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There is nothing bigger than the rage of blackpilled truecels
You mean blackpilled in general? I saw pics of OP and he's chad lite in India. No one can escape the blackpill.
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Do you heightmog at 5'8 in india? I'm going there in a couple of weeks and if I don't mog everyone I will kms.

Is that Uraka?
Yeah i mog all tge girls height wise cuz they are only 5 to 5.2 max and most guys are 5
.6 to 5.7 but the younger gemeratiin is getting taller ngl.tbh
How tall are you brah
Do you heightmog at 5'8 in india? I'm going there in a couple of weeks and if I don't mog everyone I will kms.

Is that Uraka?
Yeah brah i height mog most of the women in india and guys here are short tbh ngl.
Most are around 5.6 to 5.7 but i guess the younger gen is getting taller ngl.
How tall are you brah?
Yeah i mog all tge girls height wise cuz they are only 5 to 5.2 max and most guys are 5
.6 to 5.7 but the younger gemeratiin is getting taller ngl.tbh
How tall are you brah

Yeah brah i height mog most of the women in india and guys here are short tbh ngl.
Most are around 5.6 to 5.7 but i guess the younger gen is getting taller ngl.
How tall are you brah?
I'm 5'8 but I'm still tanner stage 4 so hopefully I can squeeze out 5'10. It's hard in the states bro
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There is nothing bigger than the rage of blackpilled truecels
Tbh yeah i am just mad why did she not care enough for me maybe i could have been a chadpreet here in India but fuck fuck she neglected my diet completely.
The thing which fucks up most people are that i was robbed of my genetic potential ngl and if i were ugly i would be at peace since there is nothing i could do about it tbh .
Also my mother was a curry stacy in her in prime like a 8 and my dad is a 5.
I mog him brutally face wise but he mogs me in frame
I'm 5'8 but I'm still tanner stage 4 so hopefully I can squeeze out 5'10. It's hard in the states bro
Then you are fine brah no worries.
Also could you pm your pics ?
You are indian right
Emotional outbursts are low t
I can relate.

Your mom is a dumb bitch that clearly ruined your life or helped ruined it.

edit: your indian+ a manlet? holy fck, I thought u were white, in that case, fuck that bitch, dont apologize.

anyway rope asap
I know brah but i feel rage whenever i see her ngl also this post is old and i have since apologised to her tbh.
But yeah i am hoping with time maybe i will be able to forgive her as she did not know any better and my father used to work all the time so i did not have any male figure to guide me growing up

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