I feel like a manlet at 182cm


Deleted member 5522

dont be jealous asshole
Feb 28, 2020
I will never be a 200cm giant that mogs everyone, I will always only be barley taller than the tallest females I encounter from day to day (unless they are a giant which is not as uncommon as you think), I will be mogged by a handful of dudes every day, I will not stand out.

But rightfulcel 182cm is tall REEEE

Its tall if you like mogging foids and old people in height but that is worthless. 182cm is pathetic and I hate that I am this short. Yes SHORT. Its PATHETIC.
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Just get a short woman nigga. A woman who's like 165 cm.

Not 170 cm though.
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Chad 1,70 > Incel 1,82

It is what it is
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I feel short at 170 ngl
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Just get a short woman nigga. A woman who's like 165 cm.

Not 170 cm though.
No I don't want a foidlet, she has to be almost my height
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The only way to feel tall is by wearing elevator shoes
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Reactions: magnificentcel, HighIQcel, Incoming and 1 other person
I feel like a manlet at 10cm below.
Cause i am a manlet.
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The only way to feel tall is by wearing elevator shoes
Even then the stress of knowing if people will notice is too much and they are a pain in the ass to walk in.
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200cm giant
Jfl 200 is manlet This Guy is 202
BCA92882 0A8A 406D 80C3 F3C358FF34AA
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No I don't want a foidlet, she has to be almost my height
Get a woman who's 172 cm then.

You need to heightmog a woman by at least 10 cm to look like Chad next to her.
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I'm 4 foot 3.
Am I short!?!?!
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feels I'm 180-179 and going to the corporate sector of a big city is ropeinducing,
That's why you need to xool-and-badass cope so you don't feel inadequate in your height

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Same, hate being 5'11 ngl. Especially since I was fucking 5'10 at 13 years old (I'm 22 now REEEE). Had I been given HGH at a young age I could've easily been 6'5 now.
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The height scale is not linear, every inch makes you feel much taller than you actually are.
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I'm 189 and that guy mogs me wtf. Barely get height mogged irl tho. Is he your bother/cousin?
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Same bro, however I see people shorter and I feel good again.
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In the West you practically are :feelsbadman:
where do you live?
in my country the average height is like 164 and i feel like a giant at 183 lol
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Rope as soon as possible. As a 174cm manlet i'm ashamed to be alive, yet i still have to endure reading these things jfl...
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yep i went outside again today and although i didn't get heightmogged (i usually do) i felt short

6'7 minimum height to be a man srs
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I feel like a manlet at 184cm
I feel tall and I'm only 5'11.
Does anybody on this forum even think 182cm is tall? I thought it was from the past.

Yes, 182cm isn't outstanding and actually still a turn off for a lot of women. You'll basically not get 175cm+ girls, and even short girls want 185cm-195cm guys. Some girls even demand 200cm guys.

Nevertheless, count yourself lucky that you're not a 170 or 160cm male...
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Does anybody on this forum even think 182cm is tall? I thought it was from the past.

Yes, 182cm isn't outstanding and actually still a turn off for a lot of women. You'll basically not get 175cm+ girls, and even short girls want 185cm-195cm guys. Some girls even demand 200cm guys.

Nevertheless, count yourself lucky that you're not a 170 or 160cm male...
Just count yourself lucky you're not a dwarf theory
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Just count yourself lucky you're not a dwarf theory
What's your wing span?
You can always get leg lengthening surgery if it really bothers you that much.
The only solution for manletism.
As manlets were are just dogs for society by being wageslaves, besides that, we get nothing. It is what it is, it's easy to cope with problems nowadays thanks to drugs, internet etc. I wouldn't even call you a manlet, you're at the cutoff I'd say.
Does anybody on this forum even think 182cm is tall? I thought it was from the past.

Yes, 182cm isn't outstanding and actually still a turn off for a lot of women. You'll basically not get 175cm+ girls, and even short girls want 185cm-195cm guys. Some girls even demand 200cm guys.

Nevertheless, count yourself lucky that you're not a 170 or 160cm male...
Extremely deluded incel cope. If you can't get laid at 5'11-6', your face and/or frame is your problem. Also, as long as you don't live in Northern Europe, 182 is a pretty decent height- nothing special, but VERY few girls will you reject based on height alone.
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Extremely deluded incel cope. If you can't get laid at 5'11-6', your face and/or frame is your problem. Also, as long as you don't live in Northern Europe, 182 is a pretty decent height- nothing special, but VERY few girls will you reject based on height alone.
Yes, genes come in a package so a 5'11 guy probably doesn't have the greatest frame, dick and face either. At 6' you can fuck a lot, but you'd look ridiculous next to a true 6'7 chad, good luck keeping your gf respecting you.
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Yes, genes come in a package so a 5'11 guy probably doesn't have the greatest frame, dick and face either. At 6' you can fuck a lot, but you'd look ridiculous next to a true 6'7 chad, good luck keeping your gf respecting you.
Almost all men would look ridiculous next to a Kelly Oubre lookalike. But guess what- most men get laid all the time, as long as they don't have any serious flaw( below-average height,face,frame,etc.). If you feel small at 182, I am 99% sure you have a small frame for your height and your BDD makes you feel like shit and that you're not good enough for women unless you're a 7' prettyboy behemoth.
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Almost all men would look ridiculous next to a Kelly Oubre lookalike. But guess what- most men get laid all the time, as long as they don't have any serious flaw( below-average height,face,frame,etc.). If you feel small at 182, I am 99% sure you have a small frame for your height and your BDD makes you feel like shit and that you're not good enough for women unless you're a 7' prettyboy behemoth.
I'm not OP lol. I'm only 177cm and I have a 1 percentile frame with a deformed face and severe acne.
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:feelswhy:At the gym with my squat shoes im i feel like a TALL MONSTER but when i take em off im just a manlet
I'm not OP lol. I'm only 177cm and I have a 1 percentile frame with a deformed face and severe acne.
My deepest condolences,brother.

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182 is manlet,thats why
190 or rope
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I will never be a 200cm giant that mogs everyone, I will always only be barley taller than the tallest females I encounter from day to day (unless they are a giant which is not as uncommon as you think), I will be mogged by a handful of dudes every day, I will not stand out.

But rightfulcel 182cm is tall REEEE

Its tall if you like mogging foids and old people in height but that is worthless. 182cm is pathetic and I hate that I am this short. Yes SHORT. Its PATHETIC.
If you're not 190cm barefoot then don't call yourself a man.

I am 177cm and most girls are barely shorter than me. You need to giga mog men and women left and right.
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 5542 and Deleted member 5522
Extremely deluded incel cope. If you can't get laid at 5'11-6', your face and/or frame is your problem. Also, as long as you don't live in Northern Europe, 182 is a pretty decent height- nothing special, but VERY few girls will you reject based on height alone.

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Extremely deluded incel cope. If you can't get laid at 5'11-6', your face and/or frame is your problem. Also, as long as you don't live in Northern Europe, 182 is a pretty decent height- nothing special, but VERY few girls will you reject based on height alone.
Pretty much. OP is just an insecure fag. Hence why he joined to .co despite getting blowjobs at 14.

Like bro, getting taller wont make you straight.
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I feel like a god at 192cm tbh

heightmogs left and right
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I’m 162cm and I get heightmogged by 70% of females. I’d dream of being 182cm bro
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@Roping Subhuman
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If you're not 190cm barefoot then don't call yourself a man.

I am 177cm and most girls are barely shorter than me. You need to giga mog men and women left and right.
Nigga, stfu- I'm 1.89 with a pretty decent frame and I'm a KV-my ugly babyface makes me an asexual entity to virtually all girls above the age of 14.
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