I feel like the biggest loser for being on this forum.

Deleted member 39

Deleted member 39

The Inferior
Aug 11, 2018
This forum doesn't help me one bit except with loneliness a bit. Online communication can't cure loneliness, it can only overshadow it which is bad.
There's almost no looksmaxing advise on this forum anyways. I'm just wasting away my time. It's a vicious circle. My life is getting worse the more I spent on the internet. I'm a lazy loser who spends his precious time on loser forums. How do I even expect myself to become a better version if I use internet forums. Only weird people do that to be frank.
It's 2019 now. I feel like I'm getting too old. I have responsibilities now. I unfortunately have to stop being a kid. I have to change my priorities. I need to attain some sort of self-esteem to survive in this world, this forum does the exact opposite to me.
I'm not going back to the bluepill, but a lot is exaggerated on here and incels.is.
Really, I am such a loser for having registered here. It's embarrassing. I have failed in life so far. Time to try to ascend in a nonsexual way. I need to get my shit together before I can even think about an ascension regarding sex.

Is it possible to delete an account completely by the way?
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You are just feeing this way,you are wrong,set your priorities straight,noone forces you to be here,the forum is okay. Self improvement is what you are missing.
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We’re all losers on this forum bro, being a mentally ill loser is pretty much a requirement in order to relate to other users here.
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You are just feeing this way,you are wrong,set your priorities straight,noone forces you to be here,the forum is okay. Self improvement is what you are missing.
Yeah I'm just in bad control of myself. I always used to waste time on my PC by playing video games. At the start of the year I discovered incels.is and replaced video games with it. I am easily addicted to internet shit. It gives me the dopamine. That's why I have also experimented with nofap etc. I spent more time on the Internet than with my family in my teenage years which is really really sad. I regret it. And I don't want to continue being like this. That's why I should quit cold turkey. No more youtube videos except documentaries, no more internet forums, no more porn.
Man, I feel so pathetic right now.
If I had a social life I would have never even developed a gaming, porn or internet addiction in the first place. I'm a failed human you could say.
I need a 180 degree turn or I'll go crazy when I'm 23 and haven't achieved anything.
Yeah I'm just in bad control of myself. I always used to waste time on my PC by playing video games. At the start of the year I discovered incels.is and replaced video games with it. I am easily addicted to internet shit. It gives me the dopamine. That's why I have also experimented with nofap etc. I spent more time on the Internet than with my family in my teenage years which is really really sad. I regret it. And I don't want to continue being like this. That's why I should quit cold turkey. No more youtube videos except documentaries, no more internet forums, no more porn.
Man, I feel so pathetic right now.
If I had a social life I would have never even developed a gaming, porn or internet addiction in the first place. I'm a failed human you could say.
I need a 180 degree turn or I'll go crazy when I'm 23 and haven't achieved anything.
You can't turn 180 imeddietaly,start with small steps and change what you don't like about yourself slowly.How old are you ? I've played vidya,it's how we coped because we were inadequate as kids and teens,but thank god im good at football and was playing constantly and im still playing.Find something and dedicate yourself to it ,gym for starters.
You can't turn 180 imeddietaly,start with small steps and change what you don't like about yourself slowly.How old are you ? I've played vidya,it's how we coped because we were inadequate as kids and teens,but thank god im good at football and was playing constantly and im still playing.Find something and dedicate yourself to it ,gym for starters.
I'm 18.
I feel alive when I'm on the Internet and dead when I'm in real life. It's sick.
I want to make an 180 degree change in this year.
I don't know which hobby I should pick up. I'll start going to the gym hopefully after I'm out of school which will be very soon.
As much as I love playing video games, it's a drug in my opinion. A destructive drug in fact. 99.9% of the things experienced in video games aren't being made into memories. It's basically vanished time. A hole in my life.
I have a younger brother who is a lot younger. You know how fucking much I regret not having spent my time with him? I did occasionally but it was not often. I remember one summer holiday I didn't go out for 3 weeks. I spent 16 hours a day playing Minecraft at 15 years old. The server is dead. When gaming becomes serious and you play because of stats, it's unhealthy. At least in my experience. I only enjoyed games as a newbie and then I became addicted because I wanted to attain superiority. The superiority I will never have in real life.
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"If you were good looking you wouldn't have googled the things you did to discover this website"

Yea man I know how you feel but atleast this place is about bettering yourself. Incels.is is all negativity and people who have given up.
"If you were good looking you wouldn't have googled the things you did to discover this website"

Yea man I know how you feel but atleast this place is about bettering yourself. Incels.is is all negativity and people who have given up.
"If you were good looking you wouldn't have googled the things you did to discover this website"

Yea man I know how you feel but atleast this place is about bettering yourself. Incels.is is all negativity and people who have given up.
"If you were good looking you wouldn't have googled the things you did to discover this website"

Yea man I know how you feel but atleast this place is about bettering yourself. Incels.is is all negativity and people who have given up.
I haven't googled these things. A video about Elliot Rodger was recommended to me because I just liked watching videos about school shooters etc. In the comment section someone mentioned incels.is. I was curious and clicked on it. I thought they were all trolling but soon I could identify with them. I registered an account to see if I fit into the community, hence I named my account Curious0. It was a very bad decision. I became so nihilistic because of the blackpill but I was quite nihilistic to begin with admittedly. Following the red pill is the healthiest way of living I guess.

Call me a cuck, but I watched a video of RSDMax one day ago and he kind of installed a light in the dark tunnel. I don't exactly know why I'm so fucking depressed the past days (haven't had this ever tbh). His redpill stuff elevated my mood.

I'm at a low point in my life right now, at least it feels like it. I can't even care about girls or sex right now because other, more crucial needs aren't met apparently.
I don't think it is a waste being here. There is a lot of good information here and you gotta swim through the nigshit and fish out the treasures. What you should ask yourself is if you are actually LooksMaxxing or not. Some people are just here to post caca with no intention of ever LooksMaxxing.

It is also a great idea to invest yourself into other things. If you like computers, try messing around with programming. Programming is a great way to make money and that can help you save for surgeries, gym/martial arts memberships, quality foods, etc.

Back when I felt like I was trapped in my house, I would take walks on the trails in the woods behind my home everyday. This helps you feel like you are getting your life in order even though it is something simple.
I'm 18.
I feel alive when I'm on the Internet and dead when I'm in real life. It's sick.
I want to make an 180 degree change in this year.
I don't know which hobby I should pick up. I'll start going to the gym hopefully after I'm out of school which will be very soon.
As much as I love playing video games, it's a drug in my opinion. A destructive drug in fact. 99.9% of the things experienced in video games aren't being made into memories. It's basically vanished time. A hole in my life.
I have a younger brother who is a lot younger. You know how fucking much I regret not having spent my time with him? I ,he did occasionally but it was not often. I remember one summer holiday I didn't go out for 3 weeks. I spent 16 hours a day playing Minecraft at 15 years old. The server is dead. When gaming becomes serious and you play because of stats, it's unhealthy. At least in my experience. I only enjoyed games as a newbie and then I became addicted because I wanted to attain superiority. The superiority I will never have in real life.
Im the same. I ignored my little brother for like 4-5 years because i was struggling with myself. I remember when we were younger,we used to do so many things together,when i was in middle school,i would hug him everyday,then i got depressed,and suddenly im 19,he is 14,and it's over,my little brother is gone.
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I don't think it is a waste being here. There is a lot of good information here and you gotta swim through the nigshit and fish out the treasures. What you should ask yourself is if you are actually LooksMaxxing or not. Some people are just here to post caca with no intention of ever LooksMaxxing.

It is also a great idea to invest yourself into other things. If you like computers, try messing around with programming. Programming is a great way to make money and that can help you save for surgeries, gym/martial arts memberships, quality foods, etc.

Back when I felt like I was trapped in my house, I would take walks on the trails in the woods behind my home everyday. This helps you feel like you are getting your life in order even though it is something simple.
Honestly, I'm not really looksmaxing. I was just collecting advise but it's very little. Most of the looksmaxing advise is common sense. I'd go as far as saying even on channels like Brett Maverick there's way more looksmaxing advise than there is on here.
I can't afford surgeries anytime soon anyways. All I can do for now is lifting weights, getting rid of my glasses and acne scars and get decent clothes.
When I'm 25 and still a huge loser, I will be here again. Or maybe not, because I'd probably have given up at that point.
I remember one summer holiday I didn't go out for 3 weeks. I spent 16 hours a day playing Minecraft at 15 years old. The server is dead
same tbh

by no means is it over yet though
Im the same. I ignored my little brother for like 4-5 years because i was struggling with myself. I remember when we were younger,we used to do so many things together,when i was in middle school,i would hug him everyday,then i got depressed,and suddenly im 19,he is 14,and it's over,my little brother is gone.
For us the difference is even more. He was born when I was 11. We live with our single mother. I don't have many memories.
We went on some short bike trips this year. Me and my brother alone.
In the moment it was annoying sometimes but looking back at it these memories are great.
Another great memory is us two laying on a wooden bridge on the playground at night looking at the stars.
Having little kids in the family is so crucial. It makes everything seem alive. I feel like adults aren't really alive.
by no means is it over yet though
That's why I will try to turn my life around. If I believed with full certainty it was over, I wouldn't try. I'm at the edge of ruining my life and my personality though.
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This forum doesn't help me one bit except with loneliness a bit. Online communication can't cure loneliness, it can only overshadow it which is bad.
There's almost no looksmaxing advise on this forum anyways. I'm just wasting away my time. It's a vicious circle. My life is getting worse the more I spent on the internet. I'm a lazy loser who spends his precious time on loser forums. How do I even expect myself to become a better version if I use internet forums. Only weird people do that to be frank.
It's 2019 now. I feel like I'm getting too old. I have responsibilities now. I unfortunately have to stop being a kid. I have to change my priorities. I need to attain some sort of self-esteem to survive in this world, this forum does the exact opposite to me.
I'm not going back to the bluepill, but a lot is exaggerated on here and incels.is.
Really, I am such a loser for having registered here. It's embarrassing. I have failed in life so far. Time to try to ascend in a nonsexual way. I need to get my shit together before I can even think about an ascension regarding sex.

Is it possible to delete an account completely by the way?
Yeah I agree. I felt so much better after taking a break from this site. Now I just use it to kill time
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Honestly, I'm not really looksmaxing. I was just collecting advise but it's very little. Most of the looksmaxing advise is common sense. I'd go as far as saying even on channels like Brett Maverick there's way more looksmaxing advise than there is on here.
I can't afford surgeries anytime soon anyways. All I can do for now is lifting weights, getting rid of my glasses and acne scars and get decent clothes.
When I'm 25 and still a huge loser, I will be here again. Or maybe not, because I'd probably have given up at that point.
Well, you are 18. See if you can get grants to join a community college and study in a field where you'll be able to moneymaxx for surgeries in the future if needed.
Well, you are 18. See if you can get grants to join a community college and study in a field where you'll be able to moneymaxx for surgeries in the future if needed.
I always wanted to study medicine to be honest. I'm not able to because my GPA sucks. This is depressing because I always pictured myself to be a successful man in the future but now this cope is gone. I'll have to do a shit low paying job and try until I get accepted which could take years or maybe it will never happen.
@Curious0 don't sweat it man there are 30 year olds here. I'll be 20 this coming year and man do I feel the clock ticking on my youth
It's good only if you use it for helping with your goals and gaining knowledge. Tbh if you don't socialize in real life, at least talking to people online is something rather than nothing. But you might be right.
so associating with people in your same situation is wrong? that’s what all humans do, whether online as forums or in person as friends. if you ban yourself you might really regret it and there’s no going back. don’t feel like a loser for doing something that natural to humans, which is relating to others
This forum doesn't help me one bit except with loneliness a bit. Online communication can't cure loneliness, it can only overshadow it which is bad.
There's almost no looksmaxing advise on this forum anyways. I'm just wasting away my time. It's a vicious circle. My life is getting worse the more I spent on the internet. I'm a lazy loser who spends his precious time on loser forums. How do I even expect myself to become a better version if I use internet forums. Only weird people do that to be frank.
It's 2019 now. I feel like I'm getting too old. I have responsibilities now. I unfortunately have to stop being a kid. I have to change my priorities. I need to attain some sort of self-esteem to survive in this world, this forum does the exact opposite to me.
I'm not going back to the bluepill, but a lot is exaggerated on here and incels.is.
Really, I am such a loser for having registered here. It's embarrassing. I have failed in life so far. Time to try to ascend in a nonsexual way. I need to get my shit together before I can even think about an ascension regarding sex.

Is it possible to delete an account completely by the way?
Any resolutions you failed? Not trying to be an ass, just asking.
Any resolutions you failed? Not trying to be an ass, just asking.
No just depressed as fuck because I ruined my life by being a lazy shit. I don't get to study what I always wanted but at the same time I just didn't do what was needed to achieve my goal. Hate myself for it. Getting old is depressing.
No just depressed as fuck because I ruined my life by being a lazy shit. I don't get to study what I always wanted but at the same time I just didn't do what was needed to achieve my goal. Hate myself for it. Getting old is depressing.
Ur 18 bro u haven't wasted ur youth yet. Yeah you'll be playing catch-up now, but it'll be worth it soon
Ur 18 bro u haven't wasted ur youth yet. Yeah you'll be playing catch-up now, but it'll be worth it soon
Yeah but I ruined my educational way. There's no going back and getting better grades.
Yeah but I ruined my educational way. There's no going back and getting better grades.
Oh well man. Make the best with what you've got. Be future orientated not stuck in the past or you'll waste even more time spinning your wheels
Oh well man. Make the best with what you've got. Be future orientated not stuck in the past or you'll waste even more time spinning your wheels
Yeah at least there's some hope. I'll participate at a test in a foreign country. The chance of getting accepted is 7%. I need to be top 7% to succeed. The competition is hard af but I'll give it a try.
Yeah at least there's some hope. I'll participate at a test in a foreign country. The chance of getting accepted is 7%. I need to be top 7% to succeed. The competition is hard af but I'll give it a try.
Good luck man. Study hard but realize when you need a break ?
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I’m a bigger loser than you. I failed ALL of my New Years resolutions.
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