I feel so fucking bad for Manlets



Dec 14, 2018
Especially my brother, he will be an 18 year old 5’6 manlet and it fucking KILLS me to think about how his life will be. He won’t enjoy clubs or sports or many things like that if he ever becomes blackpilled. He is bluepilled af right now but I’m afraid to think what will happen when the height pill reaches him. He also mouthbreathes (warned him over a thousand times by now not to for over two years now, still does it) so his face is recessing quite badly. He used to be facially decent. Not to mention he eats like a truecel even though I had created routines and supplements for him to follow and take. He slightly has contributed to him being such an abomination but still, it’s fucking sad and I regret that I could not save him, with all the PSL knowledge I have, I could not save him. That’s rope fuel for me.

Other Manlets I feel for too, like @Roping Subhuman
It’s just such a terrible situation. Life would be much fairer if all men were just an even 6 foot and all women 5’7, no mogging, pure height socialism/communism. But no, you have legit 5’2 true cels and in the very same society you also have 6’8 giga slayers. Fucking joke tbh.

Manlets can never be alpha, never be dominant, never stand up for themselves without being told they have short man syndrome. It’s a fucking gay earth tbh, and when I ascend I plan on making life as easy as possible for Manlets and truecels and will protect them from the harshness of the normie world as best I can.
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Not a single
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thx reddit bro
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  • JFL
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let him rot u cant let him pass you
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I appreciate your compassion son, but I will get LL soon
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If you really cared you would learn LL from Paley and operate on him
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  • JFL
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Get height or die
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Dn rd
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When are you getting LL bro.

Get Sara or Rope 😔
ngl dont need i do fine at 6 in shoes

the 6month - 1 year recovery and 120k and later problems isnt worth
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ngl dont need i do fine at 6 in shoes

the 6month - 1 year recovery and 120k and later problems isnt worth
True man better to spend it on a Sports Car. At least you get to show off some status vibe. Tags here are big copers you rarely get heightmogged a lot at 6ft.
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True man better to spend it on a Sports Car. At least you get to show off some status vibe. Tags here are big copers you rarely get heightmogged a lot at 6ft.
at 6ft ur 9 inches tall than the average girl

face is the base and basically everything height is just a multiplier
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I feel bad for everyone who isn’t Arvid
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TBH it helps when someone recognises you're wading through shit. Even if the recognition doesn't get you out of the shit.
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5'6 aint bad for ascending if he frauds 3inches, it would have never begun if he was 5'6 under tbh and mouth breathing possibly killed or is going to kill his chances
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5'6 aint bad for ascending if he frauds 3inches, it would have never begun if he was 5'6 under tbh and mouth breathing possibly killed or is going to kill his chances
5’6 is over tier. You need Cruise face to have a chance
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5’6 is over tier. You need Cruise face to have a chance

True, I don't have subhuman face but if he's white he can still get a gook tbh. Id rather be an average below average white than an attractive hispanic tbh
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True, I don't have subhuman face but if he's white he can still get a gook tbh. Id rather be an average below average white than an attractive hispanic tbh
Everyone can’t be Arvid i guess
DAD656D4 1900 436E A7F3 41178A11D12B
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Yes shit is fucked up and us who have a chance at ascending shouldn't blink an eye for a second.

We really have a great opportunity
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True, I don't have subhuman face but if he's white he can still get a gook tbh. Id rather be an average below average white than an attractive hispanic tbh
5'6 aint bad for ascending if he frauds 3inches, it would have never begun if he was 5'6 under tbh and mouth breathing possibly killed or is going to kill his chances
He currently has a gf who is a year younger than him, but he only got her through “Just be first theory” and because she is young enough to not know her value yet. When she dumps him he will become black pilled and then jr will be over. Fuck I wish I could have saved him, even I just by maxxing his face (he had a much better base than me) but he rejected my every attempt to help him, because he thinks he’s fine as he is. He doesn’t realise how bad he’s getting and how his gf will leave him as she gets a little older and wiser.
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5'6 can't be that much of a trouble in some countries where the average height is 5'6/5'7, it depends where do you live and what's the average there, but still anything under 5'6 is crap
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i don't get how someone that short doesn't see it. i routinely was made fun of and im taller than that. how does he not understand that the world hates him?
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Foid level virtue signalling for people you look down on
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how tall are you?
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gallons and fuckin gallons,sad shit.
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I was short during highschool maybe the shortest out of my classmates. I remember getting mocked for being a manlet jfl.
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I was short during highschool maybe the shortest out of my classmates. I remember getting mocked for being a manlet jfl.
how tall were u and what country
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I'm 5'9 and am regarded as a midget. If I was 5'6 I would have put a bullet through my head.
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  • JFL
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This is the 4th manlet thread I've read today. Shit is too depressing.
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Makes sense, france is short on average compared to most of europe though isn’t it?
Yeah. Now being 6'1. 6'2 if i shoe fraud i can practically height mog everyone i see.
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Yeah. Now being 6'1. 6'2 if i shoe fraud i can practically height mog everyone i see.
Lucky. did you do anything to influence your growth or was it natural
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Lucky. did you do anything to influence your growth or was it natural
It happened naturally. I remember going to sleep waking up tomorrow finding myself gaining 1-2cm of height. It continued until 17-18 then it stopped. I still have hidden an inch or two in my back since its a bit crooked. So fixing it would land me in the 6'2-6'3 range. Hopefully, i would ascend by then
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You'd cope trust me
I'm also hopelessly ugly and have tiny wrists. Going out in public is stressful because the streets are full of 5'10-6'2 simps with 7.5 inch wrists and self-professed queens who accuse untermenschen like me of sexual harassment for asking what time it is. If I was 5'6 on top of all that, there's no way I would cope.
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I'm also hopelessly ugly and have tiny wrists. Going out in public is stressful because the streets are full of 5'10-6'2 simps with 7.5 inch wrists and self-professed queens who accuse untermenschen like me of sexual harassment for asking what time it is. If I was 5'6 on top of all that, there's no way I would cope.
Yea true, honestly the only way I cope is being above average facially, and the fact there's a big ass curve in my back making me temporarily shorter. (Who knows how much that is though but it's definitely something). The curve won't go away though
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5'6 aint bad for ascending if he frauds 3inches, it would have never begun if he was 5'6 under tbh and mouth breathing possibly killed or is going to kill his chances
no 5'6 is bad lmao middle school girls are 5'6 unless he is white its over for him
5'6 can't be that much of a trouble in some countries where the average height is 5'6/5'7, it depends where do you live and what's the average there, but still anything under 5'6 is crap
unless you live in a dirt country 5'6 is horribly short in most first world countries but at that height he could fraud to 5'9 with shoes
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Yea true, honestly the only way I cope is being above average facially, and the fact there's a big ass curve in my back making me temporarily shorter. (Who knows how much that is though but it's definitely something). The curve won't go away though
You mean that thing in your signature? Lordosis is fixable. A physical therapist could help you out with that.
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You mean that thing in your signature? Lordosis is fixable. A physical therapist could help you out with that.
I've been to a pt for a while, it's stubborn as hell. Lower back muscles are locked too. Starting pilates today though with my mom since I'm stuck inside, that should help. There's also kyphosis at least mildly
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I couldn't give the slightest fuck about manlets. I'm 6'1 and all my friends are the same height or taller. There's ONE short guy in my extended social circle and he's a cunt. He's got a massive chip on his shoulder about being short. Short men are always cunts because they know they got dealt a shit genetic hand. If you're below 6 foot in 2020 you have shit genes that deserve to be weeded out, end of story.
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I couldn't give the slightest fuck about manlets. I'm 6'1 and all my friends are the same height or taller. There's ONE short guy in my extended social circle and he's a cunt. He's got a massive chip on his shoulder about being short. Short men are always cunts because they know they got dealt a shit genetic hand. If you're below 6 foot in 2020 you have shit genes that deserve to be weeded out, end of story.
so you're basing your strong opinion on one guy

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so you're basing your strong opinion on one guy

Nah I've met many, many manlets throughout my life. They've always been cunts with almost no exception, but there is a handful who know how bad they have it and I almost felt sorry for them. Almost. But then I move on with my life.
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