I genuinely hate it when non-White "Americans" try to shit on Europe by flexing American achievements



Beauty is a virtue
May 3, 2024
You did not build America. Your ancestors were literally glorified farm equipment or cheap labor (depending on whatever type of ethnic shit you are). What gives you the right to flex on Europe when they are the ones whos peoples legit built America? You, and your ancestors, contributed nothing. All you do is collect benefits.

This is coming from a White American btw. I see all too much of this on social media. It's genuinely ragefuel.
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Why’d she say you’re home early
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errrrrmmmmm sweaty ADOS built america
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@Madridista @noobs
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Typical ethnic trait: taking credit for the inventions of other races. Jews stole credit for scientific contributions from the Germans. Black people think they built the pyramids, etc.
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  • JFL
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Typical ethnic trait: taking credit for the inventions of other races. Jews stole credit for scientific contributions from the Germans. Black people think they built the pyramids, etc.
Is there a race that is not ethnic?

I think at a certain point, reinventing the wheel is a waste of resources and inefficient.

After the great advancement of society, we go from a value based on creation to one based on solving minor inconsistencies. The frequency of solving will fractionalize the better and more advance we as a society become.

Generally, in todays climate we have not fully realized this path and accredited accordingly. People still peg value to themselves based on their ancestors value systems, which is invention and creation, missing the mark completely. They are all quite useless and generally hoard wealth within their own communities
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Europeans built America. An incredible civilization like America could only be produced by the bright minds of Europe. White Americans descend from this lineage and thus are part of it, by which I mean they are Europeans in a genetic and, of course, cultural sense.

The mudskins that live in America did not contribute to it significantly. Their impact is neutral at best and harmful at worst. America would be objectively superior without them holding it down. Places like the southwest were ruined by ethnics. A third world nightmare within a country that used to be prosperous when its population was about 90% White in the 1940s.
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  • JFL
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You did not build America. Your ancestors were literally glorified farm equipment or cheap labor (depending on whatever type of ethnic shit you are). What gives you the right to flex on Europe when they are the ones whos peoples legit built America? You, and your ancestors, contributed nothing. All you do is collect benefits.

This is coming from a White American btw. I see all too much of this on social media. It's genuinely ragefuel.
So what will Haitian cannibals do with @Jason Voorhees hair after they eat him??
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I think some of it is justified given the United States is the center of culture/entertainment and technological progress at the moment. A lot of Europeans put the US down while consuming American entertainment, buying American products and dressing like them. People also exaggerate how bad it is while wanting to move there. If I was American I would feel a bit annoyed over the hypocritical nature of Europeans.

Europe use to be the center of the world in the past but that title has moved to the US now. Although I find the whole "Murica fuck yeah" attitude a bit cringe.
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Europeans built America. An incredible civilization like America could only be produced by the bright minds of Europe. White Americans descend from this lineage and thus are part of it, by which I mean they are Europeans in a genetic and, of course, cultural sense.

The mudskins that live in America did not contribute to it significantly. Their impact is neutral at best and harmful at worst. America would be objectively superior without them holding it down. Places like the southwest were ruined by ethnics. A third world nightmare within a country that used to be prosperous when its population was about 90% White in the 1940s.

And now as a result of ethnic invasion, America is also falling. Our armies are infiltrated by ethnic gangs. Our institutions are run by Jews. We have no more national morale.

We are a shell of what we used to be. Tragic.


Now we have been reduced to this:

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I think some of it is justified given the United States is the center of culture/entertainment and technological progress at the moment. A lot of Europeans put the US down while consuming American entertainment, buying American products and dressing like them. People also exaggerate how bad it is while wanting to move there. If I was American I would feel a bit annoyed over the hypocritical nature of Europeans.

Europe use to be the center of the world in the past but that title has moved to the US now. Although I find the whole "Murica fuck yeah" attitude a bit cringe.
It should ONLY be done by White-Americans if anything. I don't support it either way though because we owe most of our nation to Europe for laying the groundwork
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America was never a white country and never will be

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  • JFL
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America was never a white country and never will be

It was literally built by Europeans.

Once again, we do everything and everyone else reaps the benefits. We need to stop our out of group altruism already
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Black slaves built America, but white people will never admit the first skyscrapers were built out of cotton.
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  • JFL
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It was literally built by Europeans.

Once again, we do everything and everyone else reaps the benefits. We need to stop our out of group altruism already
When you give ethnics the right opportunities they excel in every metric

+ In sports blacks dominate, times change huh.
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without the slave/cheap labor of ethnics and those who fought in past wars, America wouldn’t be close to the powerhouse it is today. That’s literally why America is such an importer of immigrants. Also the whole point America is a nation that is a melting pot of various ethnic backgrounds.

Plus if you traced your own ancestry, your own ancestors probably didn’t accomplish shit. Stop with the racebait
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without the slave/cheap labor of ethnics and those who fought in past wars, America wouldn’t be close to the powerhouse it is today. That’s literally why America is such an importer of immigrants. Also the whole point America is a nation that is a melting pot of various ethnic backgrounds.

Plus if you traced your own ancestry, your own ancestors probably didn’t accomplish shit. Stop with the racebait
>immigrants who built things are all white
>point disregarded
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tbh I think this is the wrong angle to take. Immigration atp is inevitable, it's better to have ones that are proud of/like the country than someone like the muzzies in london that hate the west
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tbh I think this is the wrong angle to take. Immigration atp is inevitable, it's better to have ones that are proud of/like the country than someone like the muzzies in london that hate the west
they are overzealously proud of something they have never had a part in
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since always nigga
So apparently all those low paying, backbreaking and dangerous jobs that are typically worked by ethnic immigrants were suddenly only worked by white immigrants.

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So apparently all those low paying, backbreaking and dangerous jobs that are typically worked by ethnic immigrants were suddenly only worked by white immigrants.

shut up nigga, they wouldnt even been working said jobs without european colonists originally
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When you give ethnics the right opportunities they excel in every metric
View attachment 3037122
+ In sports blacks dominate, times change huh.
And I'll say again. This is a prime example of an Apex fallacy and look at the nation of where most of these immigrants originate from. The Sri Lankians earn more than the Koreans despite in their respect countries Korea being a globally renowned power and Sri Lankia a state who was and probably still is in the process of being a failed state.
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shut up nigga, they wouldnt even been working said jobs without european colonists originally
Ok and? The claim was immigrants didn’t contribute to America being built which is very obviously wrong if you’ve taken a 6th grade history class. Don’t try and move the goalpost now
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Ok and? The claim was immigrants didn’t contribute to America being built which is very obviously wrong if you’ve taken a 6th grade history class. Don’t try and move the goalpost now
I will seriously debate you tomorrow when I am not sleepy, ok bud?
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And I'll say again. This is a prime example of an Apex fallacy and look at the nation of where most of these immigrants originate from. The Sri Lankians earn more than the Koreans despite in their respect countries Korea being a globally renowned power and Sri Lankia a state who was and probably still is in the process of being a failed state.
So how are Koreans making less but thats supposedly the best members of an already powerful nation
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Nice cop out
you're right i am copping out because im too tired to debate some random ethnic online whos distant cousins reside in shanty towns with rampant crime about how much his brown nigger ass contributes to the "development of america" (building a couple railroads and working hard labor in some mines)
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I don’t get why anyone cares what their race or country has done.

What have you individually achieved is the real question.
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you're right i am copping out because im too tired to debate some random ethnic online whos distant cousins reside in shanty towns with rampant crime about how much his brown nigger ass contributes to the "development of america" (building a couple railroads and working hard labor in some mines)
Keep crying
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So how are Koreans making less but thats supposedly the best members of an already powerful nation
The best of the best in better developed nations tend to stay. The best of the third world tens to migrate I.e brain drain. They come into a first world nation and seem to perform better than the natives until they are peer wise compared to the actual elites of first world nations inwhich they are middle class comparatively. It's like mogging a bunch of sub humans in France as a htn ethnic only to then come across the real moggers of that land.
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Keep crying
refute me then faggot

a couple of ethnics working a mine is VERY different from whites completely designing and building the entire social fabrics of the greatest nation of all time. compared to us, you did nothing
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It’s always completely failed people pointing out the achievements of their people or countries.

The white construction worker ranting about how white’s discovered radio waves or whatever, the Indian gas station worker guy posting about how Indians invented numbers, the Arab smoke shop employee talking about how Arabs conquered x country.

All these people have achieved absolutely nothing and thus live through the achievements of other people.
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The best of the best in better developed nations tend to stay. The best of the third world tens to migrate I.e brain drain. They come into a first world nation and seem to perform better than the natives until they are peer wise compared to the actual elites of first world nations inwhich they are middle class comparatively. It's like mogging a bunch of sub humans in France as a htn ethnic only to then come across the real moggers of that land.
Yeah I already knew this I was tryna troll with my original statement
  • JFL
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refute me then faggot

a couple of ethnics working a mine is VERY different from whites completely designing and building the entire social fabrics of the greatest nation of all time. compared to us, you did nothing
Completely disregarding all the immigrants and freedmen who contributed their inventions to this country (a lot which were stolen btw), how does contributing to the infrastructure, economy, and armies not count as building this country? That’s the whole reason why immigrants and slaves were imported. Because their exploited labor was needed for this country to grow.

I love that again you’re changing goalpost from “immigrants didn’t build shitttt” to “well they just did poor people jobs, people who looked like me and aren’t even my lineage did most of the real work!”
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Completely disregarding all the immigrants and freedmen who contributed their inventions to this country (a lot which were stolen btw), how does contributing to the infrastructure, economy, and armies not count as building this country? That’s the whole reason why immigrants and slaves were imported. Because their exploited labor was needed for this country to grow.

I love that again you’re changing goalpost from “immigrants didn’t build shitttt” to “well they just did poor people jobs, people who looked like me and aren’t even my lineage did most of the real work!”

building a couple railroads isn’t the same as designing an entire country, also you don’t know shit about my lineage faghot. anyway im extremely tired so i will argue with u when I’m more awake
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America was never a white country and never will be

What made America such a powerhouse was the wide diversity of specifically European stock that came together to create it, I don't think Reagan had the third world in mind with this speech. That bit on Germany and France didn't age too well unfortunately...

When you give ethnics the right opportunities they excel in every metric
View attachment 3037122
+ In sports blacks dominate, times change huh.
The main reason why certain groups of ethnics preform so well in the US is because they're very much cherry picked. It takes a great deal to migrate to the US legally and it's harder to do so ilegally across an entire ocean. Usually you'll only have the cream of the crop who can manage to both find their ways outside out of these countries and make a living for themselves in the US. These people are very much not representative of the average person from their respected countries. It's why with less cherrypicked groups who entered the US en masse with little to no venting (like hispanics and blacks) you'll see they fall greatly behind their white counterparts. Pakis who had to go through a vetting process and live in America are usually higher achieving individuals than the Pakis you'll find in the UK who do nothing but eat up resources and form grooming gangs. The former doesn't reflect Pakis as a whole but the latter group more or less does as it is much less filtered through and more representative of your average local from Pakistan.

This isn't at all about "what ethnics can do when given the right opportunities", it's more the result of cherry picking the top preforming ethnics and bringing them over into your country.
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  • JFL
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The main reason why certain groups of ethnics preform so well in the US is because they're very much cherry picked. It takes a great deal to migrate to the US legally and it's harder to do so ilegally across an entire ocean. Usually you'll only have the cream of the crop who can manage to both find their ways outside out of these countries and make a living for themselves in the US. These people are very much not representative of the average person from their respected countries. It's why with less cherrypicked groups who entered the US en masse with little to no venting (like hispanics and blacks) you'll see they fall greatly behind their white counterparts. Pakis who had to go through a vetting process and live in America are usually higher achieving individuals than the Pakis you'll find in the UK who do nothing but eat up resources and form grooming gangs. The former doesn't reflect Pakis as a whole but the latter group more or less does as it is much less filtered through and more representative of your average local from Pakistan.

This isn't at all about "what ethnics can do when given the right opportunities", it's more the result of cherry picking the top preforming ethnics and bringing them over into your country.
You are projecting modern situation to the past, in the past Irish, Italians, Poles etc MASSIVELY migrated to USA on ships because of famines etc these people were not only average but often poorer members of their societies.
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You are projecting modern situation to the past, in the past Irish, Italians, Poles etc MASSIVELY migrated to USA on ships because of famines etc these people were not only average but often poorer members of their societies.
The lower end of European stock still mogs your average stock from a modern third world nation (even after they should've had enough time to develop by now).
  • JFL
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The lower end of European stock still mogs your average stock from a modern third world nation (even after they should've had enough time to develop by now).
Most of Europe (especially more northern parts) were third world places untill few hundred years ago.
This past few centuries of europeans dominance is a brief moment in the entirety of human history.
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i founded America
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Most of Europe (especially more northern parts) were third world places untill few hundred years ago.
This past few centuries of europeans dominance is a brief moment in the entirety of human history.
It only took them a short time to adapt once introduced to the modern world. East Asians were also rather quick to catch on and are a non-white group. The rest of the world has completely failed to catch on even when they're born into developed nations.
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Pakis who had to go through a vetting process and live in America are usually higher achieving individuals than the Pakis you'll find in the UK who do nothing but eat up resources and form grooming gangs
The rest of the world has completely failed to catch on even when they're born into developed nations.

What do you think of the UK stats then? Indian have a higher population to Pakistanis and chinese but still outperform

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  • +1
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Most of Europe (especially more northern parts) were third world places untill few hundred years ago.
This past few centuries of europeans dominance is a brief moment in the entirety of human history.
This is true
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The rest of the world has completely failed to catch on even when they're born into developed nations.
Ethnic immigrants outperform whites economically and in education
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You did not build America. Your ancestors were literally glorified farm equipment or cheap labor (depending on whatever type of ethnic shit you are). What gives you the right to flex on Europe when they are the ones whos peoples legit built America? You, and your ancestors, contributed nothing. All you do is collect benefits.

This is coming from a White American btw. I see all too much of this on social media. It's genuinely ragefuel.
We dunno, but it’s like how asians in the States are smarter than euros of all backgrounds. Statistically, even white euros are dumber than US whites lol
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Ethnic immigrants outperform whites economically and in education
Again those are usually specific cases where immigrants are heavily cherry picked. Ethnics outpreform whites in the US becuase said ethnics are usually the cream of the crop in their respective countries (yet in some cases they still only mildly outpreform whites despite this cherrypicking).
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Again those are usually specific cases where immigrants are heavily cherry picked. Ethnics outpreform whites in the US becuase said ethnics are usually the cream of the crop in their respective countries (yet in some cases they still only mildly outpreform whites despite this cherrypicking).
This is cope otherwise Americans would be giga brains 130 iq geniuses compared to Europeans since Americans are descended from immigrants

And even in Europe where most of the immigrants are poor cells who hop illegally onto boats they still get out performed jfl
IMG 4797

The whole “muh European stock is cope” ethnic immigrants do better than white immigrants and white natives
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