
Aug 25, 2024
"Is my IQ good? I'm (9-13 not going to say exact) years old and my IQ is 114."
If my IQ is 115 and my country's average IQ is 82,is my IQ good comparing to my country?
Profile photo for Brian White
Brian White
Your IQ is fine. In order to know how the two numbers compare, you need to know the reference group for the 115. Is it from a test that was normed against a group that is representative of your country? If so, you would be abou"
I am 12 and have an IQ of 135. Is that good?
Profile photo for Goncalo Ferreira
Goncalo Ferreira
[Quant/GameEngine/Simulation/Software] Developer.
Apr 26
I’ll add two things others forgot to mention. First: If it’s an online test, it doesn’t matter much, you need a real test made life with a psychiatrist, because websites have fake IQ tests to make people share a lot as they earn money with ads on their websites. But more importantly, even if it’s a real one: That means that your IQ is 137 in comparison with other kids of your age, but still a lot lower than an adult 137 IQ. When you become an adult, and your IQ is still 137, that’s good, but it may become only 120 when you are an adult, or 115, etc. Why this? Because some kids/teenagers develop sooner than others. Imagine two different teenagers, that will have both an IQ of just 115 as adults. One of them developed a lot sooner, and at 12 had an IQ of 137, the other at 12 had an IQ of just 90 (b
What is the best way to get my IQ checked online?
129 answers · Last followed Jun 26
I did some Mensa online IQ tests and scored 133-138, do I have a chance to enter Mensa? And is my IQ good?
Profile photo for Steve Grover
Steve Grover
Sax and Clarinet Player (1963–present)
If those are accurate results, then yes, that’s a good IQ. Anything above 100 is ‘good’ since 100 is absolute average. Mensa requires ‘genius’ level IQ, which means at least 2 standard deviations above average. In this case 120 and above would fit that requirement. I’ve always been eligible for Mensa membership, but have no interest in joining such a group as it seems to me a group based on having bragging rights. And that just annoys me.
Is an IQ score of 109 good?
49 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 116 a high IQ?
87 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 118 a low IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
79 answers · Last followed 6y
Is 108 IQ good for a 14-year-old?
Profile photo for Brendan Kelly
Brendan Kelly
Author of "Intelligence, IQ & Perception"
IQ is an approximate measure of learning ability. For a 14-year-old, it is expressed relative to all other 14-year-olds. An IQ of 100 is average. A 14-year-old with an IQ of 108 has scored as high or higher than 70% of all other 14-year-olds. About two-thirds of 14-year-olds have an IQ between 85 and 115. Any 14-year-old with an IQ greater than 115, has displayed a learning capacity that is greater than about 84% of all 14-year-olds. Any 14-year-old with an IQ below 85 probably has learning difficulties.Since an IQ approximates learning ability in subjects like language and mathematics, it is relatively stable among those at age 14 and not easily changed in a significant way (though changes are possible). A person who wants to become a mathematician or theoretical physicist, “should” have
How good is my IQ of 118 for a 18 year old?
Profile photo for Josh
1. IQ is a quotient that takes age into account. By definition, your age is incorporated into your score, so the “for a[n] 18 year old” qualifier is irrelevant. An IQ score of 118 would mean the same for a 5 year old as it would for a 60 year old. 2. IQ scores are defined in such a way that every 15 points in an IQ test represent one standard deviation, with the mean at 100. An IQ of 118 means you are roughly one standard deviation above the general population in terms of your score. 3. There are dozens of articles that explain why IQ tests are meaningless in most contexts. For example, IQ tests have been shown to be wildly inconsistent. Individual tests have been assigned wildly varying scores based on the person grading that test, and individual people have received significantly different IQs bas
How good is my IQ of 120 for a 15 year old?
Profile photo for Jesse Roberge
Jesse Roberge
Seasoned Amateur of IQ & Personality Testing Big5,WAIS,MBTI
IQ is a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (16 for some tests). Youth have separate norms groups by age group. 130 will get you into Mensa. 130 is the average IQ of PHD recipients. 120 is the average IQ of four-year college graduates. Your IQ will generally not change much with age as your test performance will be compared against a norms group of increasing age as you get older (adult norms begin at 16). An IQ score of 120 is 1.33 standard deviations above the mean, 90.88 percentile, or around one in 10.96 (average of 2nd or 3rd smartest kid in a classroom sized sample), if you took a professionally validated and normed IQ test. IQ 120 is smart enough to be placed in a accelerated / academically talented homeroom if grades and standardized test scores also support the cause, but g
My IQ is 134, am I still gifted?
Profile photo for Maya Deva Kniese
Maya Deva Kniese
Gifted parent of a gifted child
Assuming the STD on your test was the usual 15, yes you are gifted. Giftedness starts at 2STD above the average of 100, so for STD15 that would be 130+. Some tests use STD16 (in which case you’d still be gifted) or even STD18, but you can find such details on the test report, or you can ask the persoon who tested you. If you got the number from an internet test, be aware that ALL internet tests are way too short to be reliable; in this case you did well, but it’s impossible to draw any conclusions from the result. For a reliable number, take a real test.
I'm 15 and my IQ is 112. Is this good? Will my IQ increase?
Profile photo for Jannie Gerber
Jannie Gerber
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits!
Thanks for the A2A. If the score is from some online test or from a book or magazine, ignore it - it won't be accurate. If it is from a proper supervised test, the psychologist, or whoever administered the test, should have explained your score and sub-score to you in detail. A score of 112 is on the high side of average - so you're in good company! Most research seem to indicate that you can't increase it significantly. Whatever the case may be, if you love using your intellect, then keep using it and do the things you love doing - you will surely increase your knowledge and experience!
My IQ is 173 is this good?
Profile photo for Anonymous
I am not a genius but have an IQ of 136, and I know of many guys and girls who are smarter than me. If your IQ is actually 173, you should not be asking this question out aloud if it is good enough, should you? You should already know if it is good enough for you or not. If you don't already know this, what is the point of your claimed 'high IQ' for? But, your question is not even complete, as what is it good enough for? To be a soccer player? or GM level chess player? or an electrician? or maybe a plumber? what do you want your IQ score to tell you that you are good for what? Is it good enough to advertise that you are smart? Maybe Yes. Is it good enough to land you a high paying 6 figure salary? Maybe not. Sorry, but I don't think your question is even relevant to be asked here on Quora.
Why is my IQ 120, but my grades aren't that good?
Profile photo for Hemant Navartna
Hemant Navartna
Interior Designing at Self-Employees (2021–present)
Intelligence level is a proportion of mental capacities and scholarly potential, normally surveyed through state sanctioned tests. It basically assesses coherent thinking, critical thinking abilities, spatial mindfulness, memory, and other mental spaces. While intelligence level can be a mark of scholastic potential, it isn't the sole determinant of scholarly achievement or grades. A few elements can add to the disparity between your intelligence level score of 120 and your grades: 1. Learning style: Everybody has an interesting learning style, and conventional scholastic settings may not line up with your favored method of learning. Assuming that the showing techniques utilized in your classes don't reverberate with your learning style, it can make it trying to perform well scholastically.
Is my IQ of 134 good enough to achieve a PhD in math?
Profile photo for Daniel Moreno
Daniel Moreno
Former Scientist - Quantum Physics at Harvard University
Updated 6y
I got a PhD in medecin at 24. However I am currently studiying Quantum Physics at Harvard University, I plan on having 2 PhD’s which very few achive, and I only have an IQ of 150(et). Point is - Regardless, you can achive your
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin, TheDragon, sub54lyfe and 4 others
ooh am i a gifted little kid can yall praise me and some fucking nerds have to evaluate their scores of 150 being fine

"is my iq enough for a math phd" SHUT THE FUCK UP

fuck you you little attention seeking shits

when i try to say that to them they dont like it and remove my comments n shit

fucking little full of ego sub5 shits
  • +1
Reactions: Kavkaz777, mvp2v1 and CopiumX
"Is my IQ good? I'm (9-13 not going to say exact) years old and my IQ is 114."
If my IQ is 115 and my country's average IQ is 82,is my IQ good comparing to my country?
Profile photo for Brian White
Brian White
Your IQ is fine. In order to know how the two numbers compare, you need to know the reference group for the 115. Is it from a test that was normed against a group that is representative of your country? If so, you would be abou"
I am 12 and have an IQ of 135. Is that good?
Profile photo for Goncalo Ferreira
Goncalo Ferreira
[Quant/GameEngine/Simulation/Software] Developer.
Apr 26
I’ll add two things others forgot to mention. First: If it’s an online test, it doesn’t matter much, you need a real test made life with a psychiatrist, because websites have fake IQ tests to make people share a lot as they earn money with ads on their websites. But more importantly, even if it’s a real one: That means that your IQ is 137 in comparison with other kids of your age, but still a lot lower than an adult 137 IQ. When you become an adult, and your IQ is still 137, that’s good, but it may become only 120 when you are an adult, or 115, etc. Why this? Because some kids/teenagers develop sooner than others. Imagine two different teenagers, that will have both an IQ of just 115 as adults. One of them developed a lot sooner, and at 12 had an IQ of 137, the other at 12 had an IQ of just 90 (b
What is the best way to get my IQ checked online?
129 answers · Last followed Jun 26
I did some Mensa online IQ tests and scored 133-138, do I have a chance to enter Mensa? And is my IQ good?
Profile photo for Steve Grover
Steve Grover
Sax and Clarinet Player (1963–present)
If those are accurate results, then yes, that’s a good IQ. Anything above 100 is ‘good’ since 100 is absolute average. Mensa requires ‘genius’ level IQ, which means at least 2 standard deviations above average. In this case 120 and above would fit that requirement. I’ve always been eligible for Mensa membership, but have no interest in joining such a group as it seems to me a group based on having bragging rights. And that just annoys me.
Is an IQ score of 109 good?
49 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 116 a high IQ?
87 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 118 a low IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
79 answers · Last followed 6y
Is 108 IQ good for a 14-year-old?
Profile photo for Brendan Kelly
Brendan Kelly
Author of "Intelligence, IQ & Perception"
IQ is an approximate measure of learning ability. For a 14-year-old, it is expressed relative to all other 14-year-olds. An IQ of 100 is average. A 14-year-old with an IQ of 108 has scored as high or higher than 70% of all other 14-year-olds. About two-thirds of 14-year-olds have an IQ between 85 and 115. Any 14-year-old with an IQ greater than 115, has displayed a learning capacity that is greater than about 84% of all 14-year-olds. Any 14-year-old with an IQ below 85 probably has learning difficulties.Since an IQ approximates learning ability in subjects like language and mathematics, it is relatively stable among those at age 14 and not easily changed in a significant way (though changes are possible). A person who wants to become a mathematician or theoretical physicist, “should” have
How good is my IQ of 118 for a 18 year old?
Profile photo for Josh
1. IQ is a quotient that takes age into account. By definition, your age is incorporated into your score, so the “for a[n] 18 year old” qualifier is irrelevant. An IQ score of 118 would mean the same for a 5 year old as it would for a 60 year old. 2. IQ scores are defined in such a way that every 15 points in an IQ test represent one standard deviation, with the mean at 100. An IQ of 118 means you are roughly one standard deviation above the general population in terms of your score. 3. There are dozens of articles that explain why IQ tests are meaningless in most contexts. For example, IQ tests have been shown to be wildly inconsistent. Individual tests have been assigned wildly varying scores based on the person grading that test, and individual people have received significantly different IQs bas
How good is my IQ of 120 for a 15 year old?
Profile photo for Jesse Roberge
Jesse Roberge
Seasoned Amateur of IQ & Personality Testing Big5,WAIS,MBTI
IQ is a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (16 for some tests). Youth have separate norms groups by age group. 130 will get you into Mensa. 130 is the average IQ of PHD recipients. 120 is the average IQ of four-year college graduates. Your IQ will generally not change much with age as your test performance will be compared against a norms group of increasing age as you get older (adult norms begin at 16). An IQ score of 120 is 1.33 standard deviations above the mean, 90.88 percentile, or around one in 10.96 (average of 2nd or 3rd smartest kid in a classroom sized sample), if you took a professionally validated and normed IQ test. IQ 120 is smart enough to be placed in a accelerated / academically talented homeroom if grades and standardized test scores also support the cause, but g
My IQ is 134, am I still gifted?
Profile photo for Maya Deva Kniese
Maya Deva Kniese
Gifted parent of a gifted child
Assuming the STD on your test was the usual 15, yes you are gifted. Giftedness starts at 2STD above the average of 100, so for STD15 that would be 130+. Some tests use STD16 (in which case you’d still be gifted) or even STD18, but you can find such details on the test report, or you can ask the persoon who tested you. If you got the number from an internet test, be aware that ALL internet tests are way too short to be reliable; in this case you did well, but it’s impossible to draw any conclusions from the result. For a reliable number, take a real test.
I'm 15 and my IQ is 112. Is this good? Will my IQ increase?
Profile photo for Jannie Gerber
Jannie Gerber
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits!
Thanks for the A2A. If the score is from some online test or from a book or magazine, ignore it - it won't be accurate. If it is from a proper supervised test, the psychologist, or whoever administered the test, should have explained your score and sub-score to you in detail. A score of 112 is on the high side of average - so you're in good company! Most research seem to indicate that you can't increase it significantly. Whatever the case may be, if you love using your intellect, then keep using it and do the things you love doing - you will surely increase your knowledge and experience!
My IQ is 173 is this good?
Profile photo for Anonymous
I am not a genius but have an IQ of 136, and I know of many guys and girls who are smarter than me. If your IQ is actually 173, you should not be asking this question out aloud if it is good enough, should you? You should already know if it is good enough for you or not. If you don't already know this, what is the point of your claimed 'high IQ' for? But, your question is not even complete, as what is it good enough for? To be a soccer player? or GM level chess player? or an electrician? or maybe a plumber? what do you want your IQ score to tell you that you are good for what? Is it good enough to advertise that you are smart? Maybe Yes. Is it good enough to land you a high paying 6 figure salary? Maybe not. Sorry, but I don't think your question is even relevant to be asked here on Quora.
Why is my IQ 120, but my grades aren't that good?
Profile photo for Hemant Navartna
Hemant Navartna
Interior Designing at Self-Employees (2021–present)
Intelligence level is a proportion of mental capacities and scholarly potential, normally surveyed through state sanctioned tests. It basically assesses coherent thinking, critical thinking abilities, spatial mindfulness, memory, and other mental spaces. While intelligence level can be a mark of scholastic potential, it isn't the sole determinant of scholarly achievement or grades. A few elements can add to the disparity between your intelligence level score of 120 and your grades: 1. Learning style: Everybody has an interesting learning style, and conventional scholastic settings may not line up with your favored method of learning. Assuming that the showing techniques utilized in your classes don't reverberate with your learning style, it can make it trying to perform well scholastically.
Is my IQ of 134 good enough to achieve a PhD in math?
Profile photo for Daniel Moreno
Daniel Moreno
Former Scientist - Quantum Physics at Harvard University
Updated 6y
I got a PhD in medecin at 24. However I am currently studiying Quantum Physics at Harvard University, I plan on having 2 PhD’s which very few achive, and I only have an IQ of 150(et). Point is - Regardless, you can achive your
alot of them larp to get validation
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: diditeverbegin, Kavkaz777, NZb6Air and 2 others
alot of them larp to get validation
little shits "am i enough in your eyes" id fuck any one of them up

my gmails filled with these shits
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air and CopiumX
I like quora. Shoutout the grandmas on there who replied to my dumbass questions
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: the_nextDavidLaid, Primalsplit and chudlite
yeah id rape any of these lil 150iq subhumans anyday

no amount of IQ will save these little faggots the second i get my hands on them
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Delonier, diditeverbegin, Bale and 2 others
"Is my IQ good? I'm (9-13 not going to say exact) years old and my IQ is 114."
If my IQ is 115 and my country's average IQ is 82,is my IQ good comparing to my country?
Profile photo for Brian White
Brian White
Your IQ is fine. In order to know how the two numbers compare, you need to know the reference group for the 115. Is it from a test that was normed against a group that is representative of your country? If so, you would be abou"
I am 12 and have an IQ of 135. Is that good?
Profile photo for Goncalo Ferreira
Goncalo Ferreira
[Quant/GameEngine/Simulation/Software] Developer.
Apr 26
I’ll add two things others forgot to mention. First: If it’s an online test, it doesn’t matter much, you need a real test made life with a psychiatrist, because websites have fake IQ tests to make people share a lot as they earn money with ads on their websites. But more importantly, even if it’s a real one: That means that your IQ is 137 in comparison with other kids of your age, but still a lot lower than an adult 137 IQ. When you become an adult, and your IQ is still 137, that’s good, but it may become only 120 when you are an adult, or 115, etc. Why this? Because some kids/teenagers develop sooner than others. Imagine two different teenagers, that will have both an IQ of just 115 as adults. One of them developed a lot sooner, and at 12 had an IQ of 137, the other at 12 had an IQ of just 90 (b
What is the best way to get my IQ checked online?
129 answers · Last followed Jun 26
I did some Mensa online IQ tests and scored 133-138, do I have a chance to enter Mensa? And is my IQ good?
Profile photo for Steve Grover
Steve Grover
Sax and Clarinet Player (1963–present)
If those are accurate results, then yes, that’s a good IQ. Anything above 100 is ‘good’ since 100 is absolute average. Mensa requires ‘genius’ level IQ, which means at least 2 standard deviations above average. In this case 120 and above would fit that requirement. I’ve always been eligible for Mensa membership, but have no interest in joining such a group as it seems to me a group based on having bragging rights. And that just annoys me.
Is an IQ score of 109 good?
49 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 116 a high IQ?
87 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 118 a low IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
79 answers · Last followed 6y
Is 108 IQ good for a 14-year-old?
Profile photo for Brendan Kelly
Brendan Kelly
Author of "Intelligence, IQ & Perception"
IQ is an approximate measure of learning ability. For a 14-year-old, it is expressed relative to all other 14-year-olds. An IQ of 100 is average. A 14-year-old with an IQ of 108 has scored as high or higher than 70% of all other 14-year-olds. About two-thirds of 14-year-olds have an IQ between 85 and 115. Any 14-year-old with an IQ greater than 115, has displayed a learning capacity that is greater than about 84% of all 14-year-olds. Any 14-year-old with an IQ below 85 probably has learning difficulties.Since an IQ approximates learning ability in subjects like language and mathematics, it is relatively stable among those at age 14 and not easily changed in a significant way (though changes are possible). A person who wants to become a mathematician or theoretical physicist, “should” have
How good is my IQ of 118 for a 18 year old?
Profile photo for Josh
1. IQ is a quotient that takes age into account. By definition, your age is incorporated into your score, so the “for a[n] 18 year old” qualifier is irrelevant. An IQ score of 118 would mean the same for a 5 year old as it would for a 60 year old. 2. IQ scores are defined in such a way that every 15 points in an IQ test represent one standard deviation, with the mean at 100. An IQ of 118 means you are roughly one standard deviation above the general population in terms of your score. 3. There are dozens of articles that explain why IQ tests are meaningless in most contexts. For example, IQ tests have been shown to be wildly inconsistent. Individual tests have been assigned wildly varying scores based on the person grading that test, and individual people have received significantly different IQs bas
How good is my IQ of 120 for a 15 year old?
Profile photo for Jesse Roberge
Jesse Roberge
Seasoned Amateur of IQ & Personality Testing Big5,WAIS,MBTI
IQ is a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (16 for some tests). Youth have separate norms groups by age group. 130 will get you into Mensa. 130 is the average IQ of PHD recipients. 120 is the average IQ of four-year college graduates. Your IQ will generally not change much with age as your test performance will be compared against a norms group of increasing age as you get older (adult norms begin at 16). An IQ score of 120 is 1.33 standard deviations above the mean, 90.88 percentile, or around one in 10.96 (average of 2nd or 3rd smartest kid in a classroom sized sample), if you took a professionally validated and normed IQ test. IQ 120 is smart enough to be placed in a accelerated / academically talented homeroom if grades and standardized test scores also support the cause, but g
My IQ is 134, am I still gifted?
Profile photo for Maya Deva Kniese
Maya Deva Kniese
Gifted parent of a gifted child
Assuming the STD on your test was the usual 15, yes you are gifted. Giftedness starts at 2STD above the average of 100, so for STD15 that would be 130+. Some tests use STD16 (in which case you’d still be gifted) or even STD18, but you can find such details on the test report, or you can ask the persoon who tested you. If you got the number from an internet test, be aware that ALL internet tests are way too short to be reliable; in this case you did well, but it’s impossible to draw any conclusions from the result. For a reliable number, take a real test.
I'm 15 and my IQ is 112. Is this good? Will my IQ increase?
Profile photo for Jannie Gerber
Jannie Gerber
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits!
Thanks for the A2A. If the score is from some online test or from a book or magazine, ignore it - it won't be accurate. If it is from a proper supervised test, the psychologist, or whoever administered the test, should have explained your score and sub-score to you in detail. A score of 112 is on the high side of average - so you're in good company! Most research seem to indicate that you can't increase it significantly. Whatever the case may be, if you love using your intellect, then keep using it and do the things you love doing - you will surely increase your knowledge and experience!
My IQ is 173 is this good?
Profile photo for Anonymous
I am not a genius but have an IQ of 136, and I know of many guys and girls who are smarter than me. If your IQ is actually 173, you should not be asking this question out aloud if it is good enough, should you? You should already know if it is good enough for you or not. If you don't already know this, what is the point of your claimed 'high IQ' for? But, your question is not even complete, as what is it good enough for? To be a soccer player? or GM level chess player? or an electrician? or maybe a plumber? what do you want your IQ score to tell you that you are good for what? Is it good enough to advertise that you are smart? Maybe Yes. Is it good enough to land you a high paying 6 figure salary? Maybe not. Sorry, but I don't think your question is even relevant to be asked here on Quora.
Why is my IQ 120, but my grades aren't that good?
Profile photo for Hemant Navartna
Hemant Navartna
Interior Designing at Self-Employees (2021–present)
Intelligence level is a proportion of mental capacities and scholarly potential, normally surveyed through state sanctioned tests. It basically assesses coherent thinking, critical thinking abilities, spatial mindfulness, memory, and other mental spaces. While intelligence level can be a mark of scholastic potential, it isn't the sole determinant of scholarly achievement or grades. A few elements can add to the disparity between your intelligence level score of 120 and your grades: 1. Learning style: Everybody has an interesting learning style, and conventional scholastic settings may not line up with your favored method of learning. Assuming that the showing techniques utilized in your classes don't reverberate with your learning style, it can make it trying to perform well scholastically.
Is my IQ of 134 good enough to achieve a PhD in math?
Profile photo for Daniel Moreno
Daniel Moreno
Former Scientist - Quantum Physics at Harvard University
Updated 6y
I got a PhD in medecin at 24. However I am currently studiying Quantum Physics at Harvard University, I plan on having 2 PhD’s which very few achive, and I only have an IQ of 150(et). Point is - Regardless, you can achive your
Real fuckin hate those delulu cels bluepilled asf:incel:
"Is my IQ good? I'm (9-13 not going to say exact) years old and my IQ is 114."
If my IQ is 115 and my country's average IQ is 82,is my IQ good comparing to my country?
Profile photo for Brian White
Brian White
Your IQ is fine. In order to know how the two numbers compare, you need to know the reference group for the 115. Is it from a test that was normed against a group that is representative of your country? If so, you would be abou"
I am 12 and have an IQ of 135. Is that good?
Profile photo for Goncalo Ferreira
Goncalo Ferreira
[Quant/GameEngine/Simulation/Software] Developer.
Apr 26
I’ll add two things others forgot to mention. First: If it’s an online test, it doesn’t matter much, you need a real test made life with a psychiatrist, because websites have fake IQ tests to make people share a lot as they earn money with ads on their websites. But more importantly, even if it’s a real one: That means that your IQ is 137 in comparison with other kids of your age, but still a lot lower than an adult 137 IQ. When you become an adult, and your IQ is still 137, that’s good, but it may become only 120 when you are an adult, or 115, etc. Why this? Because some kids/teenagers develop sooner than others. Imagine two different teenagers, that will have both an IQ of just 115 as adults. One of them developed a lot sooner, and at 12 had an IQ of 137, the other at 12 had an IQ of just 90 (b
What is the best way to get my IQ checked online?
129 answers · Last followed Jun 26
I did some Mensa online IQ tests and scored 133-138, do I have a chance to enter Mensa? And is my IQ good?
Profile photo for Steve Grover
Steve Grover
Sax and Clarinet Player (1963–present)
If those are accurate results, then yes, that’s a good IQ. Anything above 100 is ‘good’ since 100 is absolute average. Mensa requires ‘genius’ level IQ, which means at least 2 standard deviations above average. In this case 120 and above would fit that requirement. I’ve always been eligible for Mensa membership, but have no interest in joining such a group as it seems to me a group based on having bragging rights. And that just annoys me.
Is an IQ score of 109 good?
49 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 116 a high IQ?
87 answers · Last followed 2y
Is 118 a low IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
79 answers · Last followed 6y
Is 108 IQ good for a 14-year-old?
Profile photo for Brendan Kelly
Brendan Kelly
Author of "Intelligence, IQ & Perception"
IQ is an approximate measure of learning ability. For a 14-year-old, it is expressed relative to all other 14-year-olds. An IQ of 100 is average. A 14-year-old with an IQ of 108 has scored as high or higher than 70% of all other 14-year-olds. About two-thirds of 14-year-olds have an IQ between 85 and 115. Any 14-year-old with an IQ greater than 115, has displayed a learning capacity that is greater than about 84% of all 14-year-olds. Any 14-year-old with an IQ below 85 probably has learning difficulties.Since an IQ approximates learning ability in subjects like language and mathematics, it is relatively stable among those at age 14 and not easily changed in a significant way (though changes are possible). A person who wants to become a mathematician or theoretical physicist, “should” have
How good is my IQ of 118 for a 18 year old?
Profile photo for Josh
1. IQ is a quotient that takes age into account. By definition, your age is incorporated into your score, so the “for a[n] 18 year old” qualifier is irrelevant. An IQ score of 118 would mean the same for a 5 year old as it would for a 60 year old. 2. IQ scores are defined in such a way that every 15 points in an IQ test represent one standard deviation, with the mean at 100. An IQ of 118 means you are roughly one standard deviation above the general population in terms of your score. 3. There are dozens of articles that explain why IQ tests are meaningless in most contexts. For example, IQ tests have been shown to be wildly inconsistent. Individual tests have been assigned wildly varying scores based on the person grading that test, and individual people have received significantly different IQs bas
How good is my IQ of 120 for a 15 year old?
Profile photo for Jesse Roberge
Jesse Roberge
Seasoned Amateur of IQ & Personality Testing Big5,WAIS,MBTI
IQ is a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 (16 for some tests). Youth have separate norms groups by age group. 130 will get you into Mensa. 130 is the average IQ of PHD recipients. 120 is the average IQ of four-year college graduates. Your IQ will generally not change much with age as your test performance will be compared against a norms group of increasing age as you get older (adult norms begin at 16). An IQ score of 120 is 1.33 standard deviations above the mean, 90.88 percentile, or around one in 10.96 (average of 2nd or 3rd smartest kid in a classroom sized sample), if you took a professionally validated and normed IQ test. IQ 120 is smart enough to be placed in a accelerated / academically talented homeroom if grades and standardized test scores also support the cause, but g
My IQ is 134, am I still gifted?
Profile photo for Maya Deva Kniese
Maya Deva Kniese
Gifted parent of a gifted child
Assuming the STD on your test was the usual 15, yes you are gifted. Giftedness starts at 2STD above the average of 100, so for STD15 that would be 130+. Some tests use STD16 (in which case you’d still be gifted) or even STD18, but you can find such details on the test report, or you can ask the persoon who tested you. If you got the number from an internet test, be aware that ALL internet tests are way too short to be reliable; in this case you did well, but it’s impossible to draw any conclusions from the result. For a reliable number, take a real test.
I'm 15 and my IQ is 112. Is this good? Will my IQ increase?
Profile photo for Jannie Gerber
Jannie Gerber
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits!
Thanks for the A2A. If the score is from some online test or from a book or magazine, ignore it - it won't be accurate. If it is from a proper supervised test, the psychologist, or whoever administered the test, should have explained your score and sub-score to you in detail. A score of 112 is on the high side of average - so you're in good company! Most research seem to indicate that you can't increase it significantly. Whatever the case may be, if you love using your intellect, then keep using it and do the things you love doing - you will surely increase your knowledge and experience!
My IQ is 173 is this good?
Profile photo for Anonymous
I am not a genius but have an IQ of 136, and I know of many guys and girls who are smarter than me. If your IQ is actually 173, you should not be asking this question out aloud if it is good enough, should you? You should already know if it is good enough for you or not. If you don't already know this, what is the point of your claimed 'high IQ' for? But, your question is not even complete, as what is it good enough for? To be a soccer player? or GM level chess player? or an electrician? or maybe a plumber? what do you want your IQ score to tell you that you are good for what? Is it good enough to advertise that you are smart? Maybe Yes. Is it good enough to land you a high paying 6 figure salary? Maybe not. Sorry, but I don't think your question is even relevant to be asked here on Quora.
Why is my IQ 120, but my grades aren't that good?
Profile photo for Hemant Navartna
Hemant Navartna
Interior Designing at Self-Employees (2021–present)
Intelligence level is a proportion of mental capacities and scholarly potential, normally surveyed through state sanctioned tests. It basically assesses coherent thinking, critical thinking abilities, spatial mindfulness, memory, and other mental spaces. While intelligence level can be a mark of scholastic potential, it isn't the sole determinant of scholarly achievement or grades. A few elements can add to the disparity between your intelligence level score of 120 and your grades: 1. Learning style: Everybody has an interesting learning style, and conventional scholastic settings may not line up with your favored method of learning. Assuming that the showing techniques utilized in your classes don't reverberate with your learning style, it can make it trying to perform well scholastically.
Is my IQ of 134 good enough to achieve a PhD in math?
Profile photo for Daniel Moreno
Daniel Moreno
Former Scientist - Quantum Physics at Harvard University
Updated 6y
I got a PhD in medecin at 24. However I am currently studiying Quantum Physics at Harvard University, I plan on having 2 PhD’s which very few achive, and I only have an IQ of 150(et). Point is - Regardless, you can achive your
i feel that so much ngl ive used that shit but not anymore such a bs site

all fakecels anyway even the ones that answer the question
Quora is very similar to Reddit. Extremely manipulated by bots who adhere majoritarily to certain ideologies and entities.

It's one of the easiest social media to abandon luckily.
  • +1
Reactions: romanstock, TheDragon, NZb6Air and 2 others
Quora is very similar to Reddit. Extremely manipulated by bots who adhere majoritarily to certain ideologies and entities.

It's one of the easiest social media to abandon luckily.
Very Jewish and very pajeeted
ooh am i a gifted little kid can yall praise me and some fucking nerds have to evaluate their scores of 150 being fine

"is my iq enough for a math phd" SHUT THE FUCK UP

fuck you you little attention seeking shits

when i try to say that to them they dont like it and remove my comments n shit

fucking little full of ego sub5 shits
lol yeah, I hate Quora users too, such losers so narcy
Quora copers cope about iq, that's stupid lol
Yeah that site has more bots than Reddit, probably the most bot-filled site on the net.

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