i hate the times we live in



Jun 17, 2019
No marriage, no LTR, just struggle when it comes to life and women, your problems as a male is just dismissed all the time.

There is no happy ending because once you ascend you will hate the world for being so fake. I wonder if i ascend i will be happy or not, i don’t think I will
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there is always the "then what"
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it's alright.
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there is always the "then what"
Yeah it’s normal for humans to crave more and not be happy with what they have

the times are still shit tho ngl
it's alright.
Idk bro there’s so many problems surrounding men but because it suits the elite to dismiss our problems and act as if women are oppressed things are just gonna get worse and worse

i’ll admit it could be worse, living in developed western countries has its benefits but 100% happiness is not the best here in comparison to places which hasn’t been infected with bad modern ideas
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anything but P in V is cope
but even P in V is cope for the fact that LTR is a pipe dream
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anything but P in V is cope
but even P in V is cope for the fact that LTR is a pipe dream
PinV does not make life good or better lol.
HAPPY LTR is impossible in today’s world too unfortunately
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PinV does not make life good or better lol.
HAPPY LTR is impossible in today’s world too unfortunately
tbh with the knowledge i have gained through PSL i wish i could hit the reset button and become bluepilled again. there is no reason to be aware of the fact that everything is fucked, if you can't change this reality
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Dont turks have arrange marriage or some shit like that ?
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tbh with the knowledge i have gained through PSL i wish i could hit the reset button and become bluepilled again. there is no reason to be aware of the fact that everything is fucked, if you can't change this reality
I agree but if you’re blue pilled you’re still going to get fucked over and blackpilled at a later age

i’m happy with being blackpilled now rather than getting to 45 and having my whore wife cheat on me and divorce rape

as for things being changed, i think if men make enough noise things will change but i don’t think it’ll happen in this lifetime.
Dont turks have arrange marriage or some shit like that ?
I think in rural areas or low iq in turkey more religious people do yeah, i don’t think anyone who lives in a major city or anything does this

the young people aren’t pious just like most religious people nowadays
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well turks can run JBW game on arab and curries
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I agree but if you’re blue pilled you’re still going to get fucked over and blackpilled at a later age

i’m happy with being blackpilled now rather than getting to 45 and having my whore wife cheat on me and divorce rape

as for things being changed, i think if men make enough noise things will change but i don’t think it’ll happen in this lifetime.
nothing will ever change, nobody cares about MGTOW or incels
most guys will do anything for a slim chance of getting laid, the thirst is strong af
but yeah, probably you're right. now that i'm blackpilled i know better than marrying a 40 year old post wall rostie who might just MeToo me
well turks can run JBW game on arab and curries
Idk i’ve never got attention from arab or curry girls, but they are not the majority here either so.
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nothing will ever change, nobody cares about MGTOW or incels
most guys will do anything for a slim chance of getting laid, the thirst is strong af
but yeah, probably you're right. now that i'm blackpilled i know better than marrying a 40 year old post wall rostie who might just MeToo me
nah 100% blackpill culture is leaking into mainstream and men are calling out other men for being simps and bringing to light the unfairness and shit

but yeah in the grand scheme of things it’s probably insignificant
Tbh sniffing some crack should sort shit out temporary
PinV does not make life good or better lol.
HAPPY LTR is impossible in today’s world too unfortunately

LTR never made sense to begin with. It isn't in our biology or genetics. Look at everything the government has done to promote marraige, LTR's etc, and yet it has failed catasrophically. The promoted it because it is "good" for developing society. The real model is the harem model. Where the alpha gets everything, and the betas never get laid. Just look at how many men reproduced throughout history. We gravitate towards this model and it's only gonna get even worse when more stuff gets automated, universal basic income etc and people stop working. You can't use your resources to get laid. Only chad will get laid.
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Idk i’ve never got attention from arab or curry girls, but they are not the majority here either so.
i know a turk guy we gets attention from lot of ethnic muslim girls but he chad af, is 6'2 gymcel wide pfl hooded eyes and has med coloring
He gets lot of ioi from white girl too, lives in germany
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Tbh sniffing some crack should sort shit out temporary
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i know a turk guy we gets attention from lot of ethnic muslim girls but he chad af, is 6'2 gymcel wide pfl hooded eyes and has med coloring
He gets lot of ioi from white girl too, lives in germany
i heard germany is good for ethnics

I have only ever talked to white girls too it seems as if no other race is attracted to me, that I am attracted to back that is, if a non white girl liked me she is most of the time ugly but this is not common anyway
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LTR never made sense to begin with. It isn't in our biology or genetics. Look at everything the government has done to promote marraige, LTR's etc, and yet it has failed catasrophically. The promoted it because it is "good" for developing society. The real model is the harem model. Where the alpha gets everything, and the betas never get laid. Just look at how many men reproduced throughout history. We gravitate towards this model and it's only gonna get even worse when more stuff gets automated, universal basic income etc and people stop working. You can't use your resources to get laid. Only chad will get laid.
Fucking around is not normal for either gender, to the extent chad and women do it nowadays anyway, Makes both genders jaded

chad getting everything and everyone else getting nothing is indeed the natural way.
Its probably for the best that we all avoid it, whats the point getting into ltr or marriage as non chad lol. Even chad gets cheated on and left
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Lol is Turkey westernized? I thought Muslim nations were more traditional.
Life is essentially coping
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just cope with drugcelling theory
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Lol is Turkey westernized? I thought Muslim nations were more traditional.
yeah it is, it’s probably still better than most european nations but 100% it’s still a hypergamous shithole.

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