I have a dilemma



Probably more dark triad than you .
Jul 15, 2019
- Bulk and have a better frame but uglier face
- Eat less for facial leanness but smaller frame

I just turned 17 10 days ago , im 180cm for 71kg
Imagine bulking
Im 1,96m and i weight 73 kg
lean bulk?
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go down to 12% and bulk to 15% and and than cut back to 12% and repeat
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Lean and a bit muscular >>>>>>>>>>> bulky and muscular

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Serenity 2 1

IMG 20191025 225154

This is my bodyfat but im more fat rn than in the picture i dont see my abs
Thanks so basically what i need to do
I want big frame but my face is fucking bloated right now due to 5 days od bulking
Face > frame

Go to 12% and put on bigger weight at gym over time

You can gain muscle while staying lean
Thanks so basically what i need to do
I want big frame but my face is fucking bloated right now due to 5 days od bulking
There comes a point where you can't just add muscle without some fat. I know I will catch flak for this, but I see it soo often. Teens scared to lose their anorexic six pack and they never get stronger or come close to achieving their genetic maximum. I don't say dreamerbulk past 20% bf. A small surplus(150-250 cals) until you reach a bf that is no longer tolerable and then cut down. In my case I cut down to 12% and lean bulk up to 16-18%. Rinse and repeat. In the mid to long term it has higher returns than just staying lean all the time and hoping that you recomp slowly without noticeably getting more muscular.
There comes a point where you can't just add muscle without some fat. I know I will catch flak for this, but I see it soo often. Teens scared to lose their anorexic six pack and they never get stronger or come close to achieving their genetic maximum. I don't say dreamerbulk past 20% bf. A small surplus(150-250 cals) until you reach a bf that is no longer tolerable and then cut down. In my case I cut down to 12% and lean bulk up to 16-18%. Rinse and repeat. In the mid to long term it has higher returns than just staying lean all the time and hoping that you recomp slowly without noticeably getting more muscular.

The problem is that its hard for me to gain weight ,even with big surplus i need to trash bulk to gain weight
There comes a point where you can't just add muscle without some fat. I know I will catch flak for this, but I see it soo often. Teens scared to lose their anorexic six pack and they never get stronger or come close to achieving their genetic maximum. I don't say dreamerbulk past 20% bf. A small surplus(150-250 cals) until you reach a bf that is no longer tolerable and then cut down. In my case I cut down to 12% and lean bulk up to 16-18%. Rinse and repeat. In the mid to long term it has higher returns than just staying lean all the time and hoping that you recomp slowly without noticeably getting more muscular.
Adipocyte cells last for life

Once you reach a higher bodyfat, it will be much more easier to reach it again
The problem is that its hard for me to gain weight ,even with big surplus i need to trash bulk to gain weight
Do you track your calories? If you don't gain weight on current calories up them by 250. If you still don't gain weight after 2-3 weeks up them again by 250 etc
Do you track your calories? If you don't gain weight on current calories up them by 250. If you still don't gain weight after 2-3 weeks up them again by 250 etc

No i dont track them i will start to . Thanks bro
But i think i will stop my bulk , facial leaness is key
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Adipocyte cells last for life

Once you reach a higher bodyfat, it will be much more easier to reach it again
He is already at 16%. Also mid to high teens is not fat in and of itself. Once you're adult the number of fat cells stagnate, they just change in size.
No i dont track them i will start to . Thanks bro
But i think i will stop my bulk , facial leaness is key
Like I said. Bulk to a point you are comfortable with (within reason) and then cut. You reached that treshold. Just cut down for now and then back up to that bf.
He is already at 16%. Also mid to high teens is not fat in and of itself. Once you're adult the number of fat cells stagnate, they just change in size.

Like I said. Bulk to a point you are comfortable with (within reason) and then cut. You reached that treshold. Just cut down for now and then back up to that bf.
Yeah, but if he wants to gain muscle like you said, he'll have to bulk and go at a higher bf
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Yeah, but if he wants to gain muscle like you said, he'll have to bulk and go at a higher bf
I mean he weighs 70kg at 1,8m. He could easily gain a few more kgs and then cut down. It wouldn't detrimentally affect him at all. I just see a tendency where people barely cut down to 13-14% think they are 10% and then when bulking panic once they reach 16%, despite not even gaining that much weight. I never said he should just perma bulk into oblivion. I said if he wants to get a better frame NOW he can't just not gain weight. Hence if he doesn't want to gain weight, he has to cut down and then bulk up again.
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- Bulk and have a better frame but uglier face
- Eat less for facial leanness but smaller frame

I just turned 17 10 days ago , im 180cm for 71kg

Don't fall for the frame meme pls you have a good looking face don't waste it
im sure what you eat will 100% change your face and make you good looking

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