I have been FUDding the perceived value of 6'4 HTNs so that once the tide starts to turn their perceived value will explode



Extraversion = #1 Predictor of ReproductiveSuccess
Jul 12, 2019
As I've said before, the shapers of society tell you the propaganda they're going to subject you to before they do it

I have always fought in the corner against the over inflation of Tall HTN SMV due to my lived experience of never being pursued by foids unless I was in a position of contextual status but the caveat is that I dont know how I would be perceived by foids if I was NT so I can't allow my existence as a non NT to drag down the objective value of Tall HTNs since the majority of Tall HTNs will be NT

I've even gone so far as making songs including lyrics that mock the sentience of people who claim that 6'4 HTN is equal to Chad SMV and mock people who claim without Height Halo Jacob Elordi would be incel (forced to fuck queers)

Now why would I do this you might ask when I have something to gain from males thinking that tall HTNs have the SMV of Chadlites/Chads since then men would give me Chadlite/Chad treatment which women would see and in turn give me Chadlite/Chad treatment

Well since I have the lived experience required to argue AGAINST the SMV levels of Tall HTNs, I also have a deep enough understanding to be able to completely obliterate my past made arguments with new arguments that will just remove the final seed of doubt people may have had about Tall HTN SMV.

I am the equivalent to someone fudding their own crypto coin on forums to give themselves a chance to buy more but then once the price has bottomed out and can no longer be suppressed, I flip my tune and start shilling the coin in overdrive and the price of my cheaply bought coins explode then everyone starts realizing the true value.

Anytime some thread about Tall HTN SMV organically pops up I argue against the inflation of Tall HTN SMV to keep the topic alive and draw more attention to the thread to have people argue with me and come up with more reasons for Tall HTNs having high SMV which just cements it further into their own minds and the minds of other users who read the thread.
There were even a few users who haven't seen me claiming my highest possible face rating must be LTN to explain why I'm not currently slaying at 6'4, then that one guy who keeps saying he seen one pre surgery pic of me and claims I was LTN (in rage response to me posting about reaching 100 slays)

HTN is also the safest facial category to be ranked in and I can now start shilling the prestige of the mythical Tall HTN
Here was my first test run at it

Here was some data collection

HTN is the safest facial category to be ranked in because it covers the range from simply being "above average" (without specification as to how much above average) all the way to 98th percentile which is the platinum percentile (high enough to mog but more humble than claiming 99th percentile)

A lot of people who've been long term PSLers also view HTN as beginning at a fairly modest looks rating meaning that trying to argue that I'm not a HTN is just a losing battle, whereas new gen PSLers who seem to think HTN starts at 95th percentile and extends up to 99.9th percentile actually work to increase the perception of the standard of HTNs since it leads to people calling Chico and other models HTNs which in turn makes people think that if some user is getting unanimous ratings of HTN by people who've seen his face he most be GL, perhaps even on the verge of model tier.

I can also Gatekeep who gets to be labelled as a Mythical Tall HTN by describing every other Tall guy who's looks are debated as being either MTN or Chadlite, thus leaving myself (and some chaps I have appreciation for) as being the sole guys benefitting from Tall HTN Halo.
Whenever a tall guy gets rated as Chadlite I can just say that height doesn't even matter for him since he could slay all he wanted anyway with his face even if he was shorter, whereas for Tall MTNs I will say that their SMV is shit and height Halo doesn't work for MTNs and FUD their SMV as hard as I previously FUDDED Tall HTN SMV except this FUD will be permanent.

Inb4 people start arguing against Tall HTNs to try and derail the plan I just outlined
Oh you silly fool, doing that would just play right into my hands in the next stage of my plan
No matter what choice you make, I will always remain a step ahead


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Probably interesting or something but holy shit i couldn't read anything over
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, Snowskinned and N1666
Probably interesting or something but holy shit i couldn't read anything over
The only way to win is not to read.

I read it all and there's nothing I can do now as a 6'0 HTN as his 6'4 HTN masterplan will make my SMV plummet no matter what I do.

Leg-Lengthening will save me perhaps
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TechnoBoss, 6ft4 and Alucard69
The only way to win is not to read.

I read it all and there's nothing I can do now as a 6'0 HTN as his 6'4 HTN masterplan will make my SMV plummet no matter what I do.

Leg-Lengthening will save me perhaps
True only way to win in this site is to use it for JFLs. If u read theories you'll only end up worse, because you'll realize you lost
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston and greywind
True only way to win in this site is to use it for JFLs. If u read theories you'll only end up worse, because you'll realize you lost
dogpill broke me

I have never recovered from that theory. It's too late for me now.
  • So Sad
Reactions: TechnoBoss and Alucard69
Bro go for a walk or something
  • JFL
Reactions: 6ft4
Another point to add:
HTN can also be shilled on mainstream social media and normies wont know what it means (like how they dont know what PSL means) but they will just associate HTN with goodlooking guys, but it wont leave room for debate like it would if you posted "Chadlite" since every normie will instinctively know what Chadlite means and will feel like putting their own 2 cents in on who fits their subjective view of Chadlite.
With HTN there is no argument, you get all the benefits of being associated with goodlooking guys but none of the drawbacks.
Inb4 a youtube short or tiktok of foids thirsting with the caption "Common occurrence as a 6'4 HTN" goes viral
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