I have de aged myself in the last two years, deermastamp, bonesmash, and serums.

2d v2

2d v2

Jan 24, 2022
First of all, I want to make it clear, I have dulled my brain out during bonesmashing. I literally was at an IQ DEFICIT white bonesmashing. I did is for about 4 years total. In the time i made a lot of progress, but I have definitely lost IQ points. want to make that clear.

  1. Bonesmash: Yes it's true, the frontal orbital cheekbones have a lot to do with the eye area. if they are not forward, the skin will not be stretched over them. Instead it will just sag over them. You can either mew, or bonesmash. I don't believe in lefort, since some faggot could fuck it up on purpose. YES. Humans are evil enough to fuck it up on purpose if you find the wrong surgeon. You gotta trust your own intuition. 0 inhibition is retarded.
  2. Dermastamp: Wherever you lay down Your DR. Pen tool, it will blister out the skin, and it will heal out "inflated". The skin where you dermastamp will be raised up. Use this to your advantage. the way the skin drapes over the face is important. Dermastamp created a raised scarred skin segment. Be careful, too much and you can be scarred in a way that totally fucks your skin up. WATCH TUTORIALS. MANY TUTORIALS.
  3. Skin serums: You must moistrusize. If you have to work till 12 AM, and be in bed by 3 AM, Moisturize your face with urea cream at 10 PM, and wash it off right before u go to bed. Dont even worry about what your work colleagues think of it, just ignore them and their faggot comments. Moisturize with Urea cream, Vaseline, avacado oil, and dont bother even thinking about what they say. Before you go to bed: Tretinoin. When you wake up: wash face with face cleaning soap, wait till it dries, then apply: Copper peptide serum(get it from a good website, not the ordinary) Vitamin C serum, then apply a very thin film of avacado oil(get form a good source, otherwise they will send you garbage)
  4. With all of this, u can go from
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First of all, I want to make it clear, I have dulled my brain out during bonesmashing. I literally was at an IQ DEFICIT white bonesmashing. I did is for about 4 years total. In the time i made a lot of progress, but I have definitely lost IQ points. want to make that clear.

  1. Bonesmash: Yes it's true, the frontal orbital cheekbones have a lot to do with the eye area. if they are not forward, the skin will not be stretched over them. Instead it will just sag over them. You can either mew, or bonesmash. I don't believe in lefort, since some faggot could fuck it up on purpose. YES. Humans are evil enough to fuck it up on purpose if you find the wrong surgeon. You gotta trust your own intuition. 0 inhibition is retarded.
  2. Dermastamp: Wherever you lay down Your DR. Pen tool, it will blister out the skin, and it will heal out "inflated". The skin where you dermastamp will be raised up. Use this to your advantage. the way the skin drapes over the face is important. Dermastamp created a raised scarred skin segment. Be careful, too much and you can be scarred in a way that totally fucks your skin up. WATCH TUTORIALS. MANY TUTORIALS.
  3. Skin serums: You must moisrusize. If you have to work till 12 AM, and be in bed by 3 AM, Moisturize your face with urea cream ad 10 PM, and wash it off right before u go to bed. Dont even worry about what your work colleagues think of it, just ignore them and their faggot comments. Moisturize with Urea cream, Vaseline, avacado oil, and dont bother even thinking about what they say. Before you go to bed: Tretinoin. When you wake up: wash face with face cleaning soap, wait till it dries, then apply: Copper peptide serum(get it from a good website, not the ordinary) Vitamin C serum, then apply a very thin film of avacado oil(get form a good source, otherwise they will send you garbage)
  4. With all of this, u can go from View attachment 2620220
Good art
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dm me the progress if you're unwilling to share it publicly.
First of all, I want to make it clear, I have dulled my brain out during bonesmashing. I literally was at an IQ DEFICIT white bonesmashing. I did is for about 4 years total. In the time i made a lot of progress, but I have definitely lost IQ points. want to make that clear.

I also lost immense IQ from bonesmashing and still suffer extreme headaches every day. How do you know you lost IQ? what are your symptoms?
  • JFL
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dm me the progress if you're unwilling to share it publicly.
here u go u dumb faggots, ive posted proof of my shit many times. should be stored in a fucking ancient library at this point.
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What parts of your face do you smash?
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I also lost immense IQ from bonesmashing and still suffer extreme headaches every day. How do you know you lost IQ? what are your symptoms?
The symtoms? Are feeling fucking dumber.

lower alcohol tolerance.

Lower inhibition, committing offenses that could fuck me over.

general worse ability to study, headaches, insomnia, random fucking TERRIBLE headaches, and nausea.
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The symtoms? Are feeling fucking dumber.

lower alcohol tolerance.

Lower inhibition, committing offenses that could fuck me over.

general worse ability to study, headaches, insomnia, random fucking TERRIBLE headaches, and nausea.
Why do you think this happens and is it reversible?

Also do you think bonesmashing mandible would have this effect as well? How far up the face can you go before having these effects
Bookmarked, seems legit and exactly what I need :feelsyay:
Except bonesmashing ofc

I also lost immense IQ from bonesmashing and still suffer extreme headaches every day. How do you know you lost IQ? what are your symptoms?
How hard you bonesmash gah dayum
The symtoms? Are feeling fucking dumber.

lower alcohol tolerance.

Lower inhibition, committing offenses that could fuck me over.

general worse ability to study, headaches, insomnia, random fucking TERRIBLE headaches, and nausea.
Do you get headaches when you bonesmash now? i stopped at 8 months because I think I had full blown CTE by then and I would feel like I had a concussion if I smashed just a bit. I also Ogred my prettyboy looks from bone growth and am considering bone shaving to revert it. Are you sure the bone is 100% from bonesmashing and not puberty or swelling?
The symtoms? Are feeling fucking dumber.

lower alcohol tolerance.

Lower inhibition, committing offenses that could fuck me over.

general worse ability to study, headaches, insomnia, random fucking TERRIBLE headaches, and nausea.
Its not guarantueed to be from bone smash
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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The symtoms? Are feeling fucking dumber.

lower alcohol tolerance.

Lower inhibition, committing offenses that could fuck me over.

general worse ability to study, headaches, insomnia, random fucking TERRIBLE headaches, and nausea.
Get that checked … u may be having mini strokes like my dad
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How bad is the brain damage if I did chin and brow ridge without any head support. I showed the footage to my neurologist and he says it's not enough but I have your symptoms
Why do you think this happens and is it reversible?

Also do you think bonesmashing mandible would have this effect as well? How far up the face can you go before having these effects
How hard you bonesmash gah dayum
Yea its probably reversible, there are many studies on IGF 1 and its ability to correct autsitic behavior. I have personally experienced some of which while injecting IGF 1 into my masseter muscle. I felt more intelligent and more confident. At the same time, injecting this shit into your head could cause some fucked up cancer or something. U never kno what side effects this shit could cause.

Ive bonesmashed my mandible A LOT. It has definitely had some effect. There are months in a row where ive bonsmashed my mandible twice per week, while injecting HGH or IGf-1 . I dont condone it, you could softly gain either muscle mass, with chewing, or if you are hardcore, bonesmash very softly twice a month, while eating a lot of red meat (steak/pork) taking creatine maybe, or maybe taking a small about of IGF-1. Dont forget vitamin k2 MK 4 it is the bone supplement.

Newday: 4 years of bonesmashing hardcore has caused effects similar to what you would see with some amateur mma fighter or maybe someone who has gotten into a lot of street fights. At this point I am in damage control mode to prevent me from developing dementia in my 60s or 70s.
Now i take ice baths, saunas, intense cardio workouts, eating fucktons of vegetables(to make sure my stomache doesnt retain toxins) and using supplements proven to empower the brain (l-carntine, magnesium, vitamin mk4, creatine through natural steak source, and safe animal brain supplements)
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  • JFL
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No wonder your posts are so retarded, you have braindamage from bonesmashing :lul:
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No wonder your posts are so retarded, you have braindamage from bonesmashing :lul:
You joined right at the peak or tiktoker influenced share

You literally joined because some small penised faggot ass influenced showed you a bonesmash tutorial.

meanwhile Ive been the only one promoting the idea of bonesmashing for the last years on any of these websites

Please, let jew propaganda turn you into a useless faggot. You are stupid as motherfucking dog shit.
  • +1
Reactions: copeistani, cautier hasslich and DavidLaidMaxxing
Yea its probably reversible, there are many studies on IGF 1 and its ability to correct autsitic behavior. I have personally experienced some of which while injecting IGF 1 into my masseter muscle. I felt more intelligent and more confident. At the same time, injecting this shit into your head could cause some fucked up cancer or something. U never kno what side effects this shit could cause.

Ive bonesmashed my mandible A LOT. It has definitely had some effect. There are months in a row where ive bonsmashed my mandible twice per week, while injecting HGH or IGf-1 . I dont condone it, you could softly gain either muscle mass, with chewing, or if you are hardcore, bonesmash very softly twice a month, while eating a lot of red meat (steak/pork) taking creatine maybe, or maybe taking a small about of IGF-1. Dont forget vitamin k2 MK 4 it is the bone supplement.

Newday: 4 years of bonesmashing hardcore has caused effects similar to what you would see with some amateur mma fighter or maybe someone who has gotten into a lot of street fights. At this point I am in damage control mode to prevent me from developing dementia in my 60s or 70s.
Now i take ice baths, saunas, intense cardio workouts, eating fucktons of vegetables(to make sure my stomache doesnt retain toxins) and using supplements proven to empower the brain (l-carntine, magnesium, vitamin mk4, creatine through natural steak source, and safe animal brain supplements)
4 years of bonesmashing and injecting gh into ur skull jfl
4 years of bonesmashing and injecting gh into ur skull jfl
= massive gains

also i didnt even inject anything into my skull more then about 20 times in those four years

it was all steak, bovine meat vitamin k2 m4, chewing, and very light bonesmashing only about two times a month
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First of all, I want to make it clear, I have dulled my brain out during bonesmashing.
Stopped reading here. You’re nuts and nothing changed or you now look worse.
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i posted proof you stupid moronic cockstucking motherfucker
Just the kind of response I expected from a bone-smashing moron. You seriously think hitting yourself unpredictably like an autist grew your jaw bone?

Different lighting, angle, and facial leanness (fat pad loss with age). At best you grew masseters with chewing and gained a bit of jaw width. Want a medal? Your bizygo : bigonial pretty much looks the same.

I know you won’t accept this since you fell for the meme and dedicated your entire personality to it, destroying your brain in the process. Stay in your delusion, it’s for the best.

The more logical solution would be to kys. You done fucked up.
  • +1
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Just the kind of response I expected from a bone-smashing moron. You seriously think hitting yourself unpredictably like an autist grew your jaw bone.

Different lighting, angle, and facial leanness (fat pad loss with age). At best you grew masseters with chewing and gained a bit of jaw width. Want a medal? Your bizygo : bigonial pretty much looks the same.

I know you won’t accept this since you fell for the meme and dedicated your entire personality to it, destroying it in the process. Stay in your delusion, it’s for the best.

The more logical solution would be to kys. You done fucked up.
just beat the shit out of yourself untill brain damage makes you think you glowed up theory
  • JFL
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just beat the shit out of yourself untill brain damage makes you think you glowed up theory
Sunk cost fallacy too. This guy would go nuts if he truly realised nothing changed.
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= massive gains

also i didnt even inject anything into my skull more then about 20 times in those four years

it was all steak, bovine meat vitamin k2 m4, chewing, and very light bonesmashing only about two times a month
Imma continue my bonesmashing journey with light hit with metal hammer, whats good indication to stop? when the e skin turns red?
respond pls chad
You can feel the autism flowing with this one
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Imma continue my bonesmashing journey with light hit with metal hammer, whats good indication to stop? when the e skin turns red?
respond pls chad
Yea when the skin is red and ballooned stop, otherwise you will damage the skin and it will take weeks to plump back up
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Just the kind of response I expected from a bone-smashing moron. You seriously think hitting yourself unpredictably like an autist grew your jaw bone?

Different lighting, angle, and facial leanness (fat pad loss with age). At best you grew masseters with chewing and gained a bit of jaw width. Want a medal? Your bizygo : bigonial pretty much looks the same.

I know you won’t accept this since you fell for the meme and dedicated your entire personality to it, destroying your brain in the process. Stay in your delusion, it’s for the best.

The more logical solution would be to kys. You done fucked up.
eat my shit monkey
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Bonesmashing is legit it gave me a chin.
Would you share side profile gains with us too please
it maybe legit in some way. to deagemaxx to a certain degree imo
100% from bonesmashing and not puberty
ofc its puberty + low bf
+moist users here are UNDER 22, so like ANYTHING can happen to your face, then you all blame it on ONE SINGLE stupid thing like mewing lmao
retards, retards everywhere lol
You joined right at the peak or tiktoker influenced share

You literally joined because some small penised faggot ass influenced showed you a bonesmash tutorial.

meanwhile Ive been the only one promoting the idea of bonesmashing for the last years on any of these websites

Please, let jew propaganda turn you into a useless faggot. You are stupid as motherfucking dog shit.
bonesmashing routine?

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