I have to bookmax and learn English properly



May 6, 2022
I’m a native English speaker but my articulation/description skills are awful. I lack the proper vocabulary to (already thinking of how to articulate) explain situations and illustrate scenes. No wonder all those offtopic evisceration threads impressed me so much.

Anyhow it’s time to accept that I can’t communicate in English properly and start reading action oriented books. Stuff that describes and sets up scenarios so I can learn from them.

Do any of you guys have recommendations
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You would need something recent then or you would start talking like James Joyce
Tattooist of Auschwitz is good
You need to talk more, not read more books nigger
Go on discord/vr chat
I believe that this is a poor way of expanding your vocabulary, rather, might I suggest purchasing a thesaurus at thy local book store.

Best wishes,
Misc 001
You need to talk more, not read more books nigger
Go on discord/vr chat
Yeah this as well, I can articulate myself brilliantly through typing, but when it comes to speaking to people I literally sound like a toddler trying to explain things.
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I’m a native English speaker but my articulation/description skills are awful.
You're already ahead of like 1.2 billion Indians
  • JFL
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Yeah this as well, I can articulate myself brilliantly through typing, but when it comes to speaking to people I literally sound like a toddler trying to explain things.
Maybe you're nervous and try to speak too fast. Try talking slower and actually think it through maybe a few second before talking. A lot of people are uncomfortable with silences I've noticed.
Good example who does this is Elon Musk
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You would need something recent then or you would start talking like James Joyce
Lol isn't that the schizo author. Recs tho
You need to talk more, not read more books nigger
Go on discord/vr chat
Yeah this as well, I can articulate myself brilliantly through typing, but when it comes to speaking to people I literally sound like a toddler trying to explain things.
If I practise talking without learning proper form I'm only digging myself into a hole. I get what you guys mean but I lack articulation on both levels. My written articulation is dogshit and the shittiness of my vocal articulation is further exerbacated by talking before I think + stutter. If I try to talk carefully say in a job interview then my brain goes from reflex to thinking properly which involves converting written articulation into speech.

I have to keep editing my forum posts to produce the message I want to convey it's so over for my communication skills atm

Also regular conversation is basically reading each other's intent until something complex comes up and I fail because I can't articulate myself properly
You're already ahead of like 1.2 billion Indians
I'm not white you know. I'm whitewashed deathnic and still can't speak English it's a big L. I should've nerdmaxxed in my teen years instead of trying to be cool like autist.
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Also I recommend listening to podcasts, in the morning, on the way to university I always listen to Shipping Forecast, News Briefing, Prayer for the day, Farming Today and Tweet of the day, in the evening depending on my mood I listen to The Archers if I'm too tired or In Our Time to iqmaxx. They are all available for free on the BBC Radio 4 website and you can download the app on your phone. I originally learned English on 4chan when I was 12 or so and this helped me tremendously to switch from someone who said the n-word in every sentence to a person who can articulate his thoughts at a b2/c1 level.
  • JFL
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No wonder all those offtopic evisceration threads impressed me so much.
so those evisceration threads weren't completely useless
  • JFL
Reactions: Pikabro and Deleted member 8771
I’m a native English speaker but my articulation/description skills are awful. I lack the proper vocabulary to (already thinking of how to articulate) explain situations and illustrate scenes. No wonder all those offtopic evisceration threads impressed me so much.

Anyhow it’s time to accept that I can’t communicate in English properly and start reading action oriented books. Stuff that describes and sets up scenarios so I can learn from them.

Do any of you guys have recommendations
I can relate. I'm such a GEEK that I enjoy reading research papers concerning obscure historical topics for entertainment, but writing is unfortunately out of the question for me. It just seems impossibly complex and unfortunately beyond my innate faculties of thought. Now, my reading velocity is still above average mind you, but I still feel like I have some sort of dementia praecox that is slowly, but surely eating away at my intellectual prowess to its ends.
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