I just had a brutally blackpilling conversation with a non westernized curry girl (ATTENTION: HIGH EFFORT THREAD; 0s and DN RD STAY OUT)



Sep 3, 2020
Ex roommate of mine who does her phd in Germany atm. Went for dinner. I like her tbh, one of the few people I can have an open conversation with and actually talk about my feelings and shit. For some reason its the same with her. JFL btw that having this is even remotely remarkable but it is for me. Everyone is so fucking fake it's probably one of the reasons we are all here because there are always truths spat out here between all the trolling and circle jerk. Anyways I have not talked about my feelings with anyone for months or even years lol whatever.

She is 25 and only had one BF in India that she didn't even tell her parents about. They stayed together like 2 years after she went to germany (jfl tbh). After they broke up, she had one chadpreet at our place and I heard them giggle and shit. I think she is still virgin tbh (religous thing) but sucked him off or w/e. IDGAF. So it's not like she is a saint but this is the best you are gonna get in the west. She is brutally non western. Doesn't go out, doesn't go to parties etc. and just works her ass off.

So we went to this italian restaurant and had some wine. Convo got a bit boring so I just jokingly asked her if she had any love prospects. She tells me yes, she actually has a crush on someone. I tell her "nice, tell me about him".

She starts talking so innocently and her face brightens up "he is very calm, and polite. He cares about other people." I welcome this enormous bluepill with all my soul. I never want this moment to stop. For a brief moment the blackpill seemed like a cultural invention of the west.

Then she continues "And he is good looking".


It goes on a bit and she starts wondering if he has a GF. She then proceeds to say "Of course he does, he is good looking."

She then proceeds to ask me questions that nowadays you wouldnt even expect a 13 yr old to ask their older brother anymore, they seem so childish. "What would you think if a girl outright told you she likes her."
I answered usually it doesnt work like that, you give signals and ask for a date and shit like that but tell her if this is her she should just do it. If someone did that to me I would appreciate the courage and non fakeness of it.

ion remember how it led to this but we even talked about western sex culture a bit. She was worrying and stuff so I dropped a blackpill on her: Despite what media/feminism tells you, men dont actually like it when their women have a high n count. So you shouldnt be worrying about having no experience, you should just embrace it tbh.

We talked a bit about my ex that she knew and I told her that women nowadays have way too many options. Its why no one marries at her age anymore (she worries about marriage already; she is blackpilled about women and age lol).

She then asks me: "But it has always been like this, right? Women can just sleep with whoever they want."

JFL. Imagine THIS SPECIFIC girl dropping a black pill like this. I laugh and tell her about condoms, feminism, tinder etc. Then it was just non blackpilled shit so im gonna stop here.

Takeway: Every girl is blackpilled.

Also: DN RD thank you
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: one job away, Gaia262, 5'8manlet and 6 others
@SubhumanCurrycel @Itsoverforcurries
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: kuroganeikki, Deleted member 9072 and ReverseNorwoodPill
Women fuck around when theyre young and single. Men fuck around and cheat when theyre older. This is natural.
  • +1
Reactions: sytyl and ReverseNorwoodPill
Good read
Faggots gotta realise women’s list for chad is hard wired
  • +1
Reactions: one job away, BigBoy, sytyl and 1 other person
one of the hardest things to swallow if not the hardest
Modern day liberalism hasn’t caused women to become like this it’s just let them express their true nature and sexual selectiveness
It’s the whole principle behind AWALT
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: BigBoy, Highrise, 5'8manlet and 3 others
Modern day liberalism hasn’t caused women to become like this it’s just let them express their true nature and sexual selectiveness
It’s the whole principle behind AWALT
exactly its cope to think that "the media is encouraging them to be sluts" or that "there is a system turning women into whores" jfl it was always like this men just created systems to keep female nature at bay fuuckkkkkk its in the genes it cant be changed fuckkkk
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Reactions: BigBoy, 5'8manlet, NothingCanStopMe and 3 others
This is brutal?
All she said was something we already know
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: one job away, BigBoy, Deleted member 9072 and 1 other person
This is brutal?
All she said was something we already know
Looksmaxx user interacts with his first foid in years (colored circa current year)
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy, sytyl, NothingCanStopMe and 3 others
did read, but I only found out that water is indeed wet again, so fuck you
  • +1
Reactions: one job away, BigBoy and SubhumanCurrycel

Life was never meant for ugly males. You'll never be a curry girl's romantic dream let alone a white one.
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy and 5'8manlet

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