I keep hearing there is no evolutionary reason for baldness and I hate that


Deleted member 19944

May 29, 2022
Has anyone surmised any reason for it?

It just existing seems lame and makes us feel we’re monkeys to me if we didn’t evolve our baldness because muh testosterone
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I don’t know why this shitty trait is still here with us

Despite of hypergamy and it being an undesired trait
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contrary to what the retarded teenagers on this forum want to believe, 99% of attractive features have no evolutionary reason. "muh girls want PCT eyes because a downturned medial canthus has more efficient drainage of sweat during a fight brah!"
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You get this subhuman trait from your mothers side I think. Thats why we still have it.
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Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose, PURE ARYAN GENETICS, Richard_Hungwell and 3 others
contrary to what the retarded teenagers on this forum want to believe, 99% of attractive features have no evolutionary reason. "muh girls want PCT eyes because a downturned medial canthus has more efficient drainage of sweat during a fight brah!"
This. It's all luck and a genetic lottery. 'Chads' just drew a very lucky set of cards that allowed dozens of facial and bodily features to line up perfectly.

Most people can't cope with the unfairness inherent in nature so they come up with these theories. :lul:

Not the best surgeon in the world can replicate what nature does when it randomly decides to give someone a perfect eye area, jawline or cheekbones. It is all luck and there is no evolutionary reason for any of these traits - they are pretty ornaments and not much more than that!

We also retain so many other useless features, like down syndrome, balding, a tailbone, acne, hereditary disease, all sorts of primitive remnants and mutations that serve no positive purpose & only create suffering. The only reason people have these is because they were unlucky in the genetic lottery.
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Reactions: boss8055, PoopyFaceTomatoNose, Deprived and 4 others
This. It's all luck and a genetic lottery. 'Chads' just drew a very lucky set of cards that allowed dozens of facial and bodily features to line up perfectly.

Most people can't cope with the unfairness inherent in nature so they come up with these theories. :lul:

Not the best surgeon in the world can replicate what nature does when it randomly decides to give someone a perfect eye area, jawline or cheekbones. It is all luck and there is no evolutionary reason for any of these traits - they are pretty ornaments and not much more than that!

We also retain so many other useless features, like down syndrome, balding, a tailbone, acne, hereditary disease, all sorts of primitive remnants and mutations that serve no positive purpose & only create suffering. The only reason people have these is because they were unlucky in the genetic lottery.
Do you know why these things are seen as attractive then? Is it just beauty? Is there no survival benefit other than attracting mates?
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Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose and Richard_Hungwell
contrary to what the retarded teenagers on this forum want to believe, 99% of attractive features have no evolutionary reason. "muh girls want PCT eyes because a downturned medial canthus has more efficient drainage of sweat during a fight brah!"
personally i believe that PCT and other masculine features are sort of like a big cat that has these features simply for intimidating other males
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Richard_Hungwell
Do you know why these things are seen as attractive then? Is it just beauty? Is there no survival benefit other than attracting mates?
Purely ornamental. Pleasant to look at. There's no evolutionary advantage to looking like a TikTok prettyboy other than potentially having cute children to look at yourself (as a woman).

You could argue mothers are more attentive to pleasant looking babies and kids than ugly ones as well.

Even the most 'blackpilled' plastic surgeons can't replicate the uniquely captivating eye areas of top male models that get millions of female followers. Only nature can create something like that. It's a combination of so many factors.
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contrary to what the retarded teenagers on this forum want to believe, 99% of attractive features have no evolutionary reason. "muh girls want PCT eyes because a downturned medial canthus has more efficient drainage of sweat during a fight brah!"

Why is a square chin more attractive on a man than a rounded one? It just is. There is no evolutionary advantage or reason.

This was the topic of a debate where FACEandLMS got brutally IQmogged because FACE couldn't let this blackpill theory go:

We're at the point of Fisherian runaway where the traits that women select for in men are DETRIMENTAL evolutionarily-speaking (looks over intelligence, liking guys with freakish height despite health problems associated with it, etc.).

Female peacocks choose male peacocks with the biggest and most beautiful plumage, despite the oversized plumage making it much more difficult to survive. If anything, it's impressive that he has survived with such a physical hindrance.


We also see this in humans...


(Remember Zyzz only lived to be 22...)

You are trying to apply logic where there is none...

It's simply pursuing beauty for the sake of beauty.
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This thread is idiotic.

The evolutionary reason for baldness has been identified. It was positively selected for because it resembles old men (men of status).

As AGA might be regarded as a secondary sexual characteristic, rather than a disorder, it is possible that the hair loss itself was under enhanced sexual selection by identifying the older male leader comparable to the silver-backed gorilla (Randall 2007). The reported lower prevalence of AGA in Africans might then be explained by the importance of scalp hair for the protection against the tropical sun which outweighed the enhanced sexual selection (Randall 2007).
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose

Why is a square chin more attractive on a man than a rounded one? It just is. There is no evolutionary advantage or reason.

This was the topic of a debate where FACEandLMS got brutally IQmogged because FACE couldn't let this blackpill theory go:

We're at the point of Fisherian runaway where the traits that women select for in men are DETRIMENTAL evolutionarily-speaking (looks over intelligence, liking guys with freakish height despite health problems associated with it, etc.).

Female peacocks choose male peacocks with the biggest and most beautiful plumage, despite the oversized plumage making it much more difficult to survive. If anything, it's impressive that he has survived with such a physical hindrance.


We also see this in humans...


(Remember Zyzz only lived to be 22...)

You are trying to apply logic where there is none...

It's simply pursuing beauty for the sake of beauty.

Someone literally said earlier that Chad is superior intellectually to an InCell. And that all high IQ people are over 6 foot, and if you’re ugly that you probably have way more issues, due to the fact, they only a certain amount of genes make up for appearance, so do you’re ugly you have way more things wrong with u lmao. Do you think what he is saying is based or no.

I told him that blacks are taller, but clearly I don’t know if it could be argued that they have a higher IQ, but he said the blacks cannot be registered as human, there’s something that divided along time ago. So I don’t know what the fuck he’s saying but “mathematically”
Someone taller is smarter (though I showed it isn’t a common denominator with the black thing).
If i were to guess i would say this:

Angularity is an objectively dimorphic and attractive feature in men. During puberty the hairline matures and becomes more square and makes the face look more angular = more dimorphism.

So if a man had a squarer hairline, he would have a mating advantage.

Pattern baldness is just a runaway side effect of this adaption. Basicly meaning its the maturing of the hairline gone too far because the body cant regulate itself.

Therefore an attractive forehead is square as this signals high/sufficient androgens and the ability for the body to regulate itself.

Furthermore, it usually didnt damage the most mens fitness, as most men get in in their 30s or 40s, at what point they were usually already dead when this feature evolved.
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If i were to guess i would say this:

Angularity is an objectively dimorphic and attractive feature in men. During puberty the hairline matures and becomes more square and makes the face look more angular = more dimorphism.

So if a man had a squarer hairline, he would have a mating advantage.

Pattern baldness is just a runaway side effect of this adaption. Basicly meaning its the maturing of the hairline gone too far because the body cant regulate itself.

Therefore an attractive forehead is square as this signals high/sufficient androgens and the ability for the body to regulate itself.

Furthermore, it usually didnt damage the most mens fitness, as most men get in in their 30s or 40s, at what point they were usually already dead when this feature evolved.
What would usually kill 30s/40s people lol
Some people say if you bald early its a sign to females of crappy genes because most guys that bald at an early age have a bad facial structure. There are some exceptions though. Not sure evolutionary wise for the high 30s and above crowd - maybe one way to signal the genes are degrading at those ages
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It wasn't selected out since it happens late in evolutionary terms
In hunter gatherer tribes, most people reproduced before they started to bald. So evolutionary pressure wasn't present.
Purely ornamental. Pleasant to look at. There's no evolutionary advantage to looking like a TikTok prettyboy other than potentially having cute children to look at yourself (as a woman).

You could argue mothers are more attentive to pleasant looking babies and kids than ugly ones as well.

Even the most 'blackpilled' plastic surgeons can't replicate the uniquely captivating eye areas of top male models that get millions of female followers. Only nature can create something like that. It's a combination of so many factors.
Hey, I was talking about this subject with my friend and I realized something. If you take a look at the male peacock, it has huge wings which give it an evolutionary disadvantage to get eaten by tigers. Just like if you look at a certain species of moose which went extinct because their horns grew so much so that they could barely move and they'd break and cause other issues.

So you can conclude that it's only based on looks but I think that these traits might have helped out say, for example, the male peacock to scare off smaller predators at a specific range but, after that, it would have been detrimental. Same with the extinct moose, at a certain range, it would have helped it survive better.

Maybe something like this happened? And in one of the threads, some guy said how if you are not as intelligent as a girl, she won't qualify you as a potential mate but, intelligence isn't sought after at super high levels, this is only because back in the day, you didn't need super high intellect, it was strength, resources, and health.
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Hey, I was talking about this subject with my friend and I realized something. If you take a look at the male peacock, it has huge wings which give it an evolutionary disadvantage to get eaten by tigers. Just like if you look at a certain species of moose which went extinct because their horns grew so much so that they could barely move and they'd break and cause other issues.

So you can conclude that it's only based on looks but I think that these traits might have helped out say, for example, the male peacock to scare off smaller predators at a specific range but, after that, it would have been detrimental. Same with the extinct moose, at a certain range, it would have helped it survive better.

Maybe something like this happened? And in one of the threads, some guy said how if you are not as intelligent as a girl, she won't qualify you as a potential mate but, intelligence isn't sought after at super high levels, this is only because back in the day, you didn't need super high intellect, it was strength, resources, and health.
what of oyu think of the people who think taller = smarter

ironically having more weight leaves less calories for the brain which is why shorter people tend to eb smarter than taller people stereotype. but idk, some ppl think if someone is better looking they are also smarter. do you think its based or bs.
Has anyone surmised any reason for it?

It just existing seems lame and makes us feel we’re monkeys to me if we didn’t evolve our baldness because muh testosterone
what of oyu think of the people who think taller = smarter

ironically having more weight leaves less calories for the brain which is why shorter people tend to eb smarter than taller people stereotype. but idk, some ppl think if someone is better looking they are also smarter. do you think its based or bs.
Height I don't think has any correlation in terms of being smarter or not. But, you could make the argument that since taller men are treated better in society, they are more likely to be smarter since they'd make more money/have better access to education. You can also say that taller men tend to have fathers who were tall so, we know that height can increase a man's income which would give him access to better education, food, and location.

But you could also say that since taller people are generally rarer than the rest of the population, they might have a lower chance of possessing other things such as intelligence. For example, a guy who's super built, well educated, and good-looking will most likely have a rarer chance of being taller because it's just rarer to be above average in many things. Another example would be, that you wouldn't expect the world's tallest man to also be the world's smartest and strongest man.

Also, you were saying how having more weight means fewer calories for the brain, I don't think this is true because you'd consume more calories if you weigh more.

Also depends on what you mean by smarter. Many blackpillers tend to think they are some super high IQ individuals but, in fact, I'd say they are probably below average in terms of intelligence because of the constant complaining and rotting/wasting time. I am in a blackpill discord and I see many people just rotting/complaining, you'd assume someone who has a lack of success with women would try EVERYTHING there is to maximize his chance of getting a girl.

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