I know trannies are bs but if you could actually make yourself into a biological female version of you would you?


Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
Like chromsomes become XX you can give birth female everything (also lose testostrone so good luck being unironically exceptional in anything)
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(also lose testostrone so good luck being unironically exceptional in anything)

Exceptionality is cope for males, except if it’s their looks that’s exceptional. No one cares about unattractive males who have exceptional skills. Everyone’s dying to get a crumb of interaction with females who have no exceptional skills.

Nelson can cure heart disease but not his inceldom. Tyrone can’t cure diseases, but women love him because he looks good and causes injuries upon weaker males (Nelson has to treat these injuries). Stacy can’t cause injuries or heal people, but the whole world loves her for existing.
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Depends on if my brain acclimated with the change, 40% of trans kill themselves before transition.
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Exceptionality is cope for males, except if it’s their looks that’s exceptional. No one cares about unattractive males who have exceptional skills. Everyone’s dying to get a crumb of interaction with females who have no exceptional skills.
Men need to be exceptional they have no inherent value. Women do not need skills because they are the value in themselves (their ability to carry your sperm) This only means it matters more if anything to be exceptional as a guy
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Depends on if my brain acclimated with the change, 40% of trans kill themselves before transition.
I mean can you blame them imagine some ((J)) scientist convinces you to cut your dick off and go on Estrogen completely destroying your endocrine system and your dumb enough to actually think this will fix your problems.

You probably feel validated for maybe one week when everyone online gives you attention then after that week people just treat you like a mental basket case. They will never say it but your parents your friends everyone else not in this trans movement thinks your fucked up in the head and either feels bad for you or is laughing at you

I would be pretty pissed off too tbh. Contrary to what people think normies are not onboard with this trans stuff beyond being polite. I knew trans guy and the whole time with old classmates everyone looked at eachother as if to say (this guy is mentally fucked) even girls gossiped about him when he left saying he was a freak. But in public nothing but support they view these people like sick animals and have at best pity for them but mostly contempt and disgust.
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I mean can you blame them imagine some ((J)) scientist convinces you to cut your dick off and go on Estrogen completely destroying your endocrine system.

Saying a scientist convinces you to cut your dick off is like saying Incel TV convinces you to rope. They don’t try to convince no one bro; people convince themselves.
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Saying a scientist convinces you to cut your dick off is like saying Incel TV convinces you to rope. They don’t try to convince no one bro; people convince themselves.
Yeah at the end of the day its these guys fault. But the people who would go to a therapist or doctor for this type of shit are the kinds of people who are already mentally fucked in the first place.

It would be like indulging a schizoophrenic person's vision that he has a parasite on his arm and cutting it off for him. Yeah he asked you to do it but you also know what you are doing whereas the schizo does not
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No I would become femcel
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I would love to
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Yeah at the end of the day its these guys fault. But the people who would go to a therapist or doctor for this type of shit are the kinds of people who are already mentally fucked in the first place.

It would be like indulging a schizoophrenic person's vision that he has a parasite on his arm and cutting it off for him. Yeah he asked you to do it but you also know what you are doing whereas the schizo does not

A person with gender dysphoria isn’t a schizophrenic. The GD-haver makes rational decisions based on reality.

Here’s a look inside the rational brain of a rational GD-haver :

Don’t TransitionTransition
Don’t go to therapistGuaranteed ropingWay happier life compared to not transitioning
Go to therapistSlightly less chance of roping than without therapistBetter than transitioning without therapist

What’s the logical action to take here?

Transitioning isn't mentally ill behavior though. It's rational behavior intended to remedy the distress caused by mental illness.

Imagine you have an incurable condition that makes you depressed, and you know performing action X will reduce your depression significantly. It'd be totally rational for you to perform action X based on the pros and cons. Problem and solution.
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no, i would not want to be a hairy 5ft woman.
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A person with gender dysphoria isn’t a schizophrenic. The GD-haver makes rational decisions based on reality.

Here’s a look inside the rational brain of a rational GD-haver :

Don’t TransitionTransition
Don’t go to therapistGuaranteed ropingWay happier life compared to not transitioning
Go to therapistSlightly less chance of roping than without therapistBetter than transitioning without therapist

What’s the logical action to take here?
I forget
Do you have that or do you just want to increase your SMV and treatment?
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no, i would not want to be a hairy 5ft woman.
clarifying: Im 5'5 so as a woman i would be 5ft. (women tend to be 5 inches shorter than their male counterpart)

Also, I'm hairier than average which is already a hassle as a man that i have to deal with but it would be even worse as a woman.
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and its not just testosterone
there is no competition ngl

Female competition is brutal, but at least you can compete. Many men’s genetics are too poor for them to enter the ring.
Also, I'm hairier than average which is already a hassle as a man that i have to deal with but it would be even worse as a woman.

cope hairy women fog
A person with gender dysphoria isn’t a schizophrenic. The GD-haver makes rational decisions based on reality.

Here’s a look inside the rational brain of a rational GD-haver :

Don’t TransitionTransition
Don’t go to therapistGuaranteed ropingWay happier life compared to not transitioning
Go to therapistSlightly less chance of roping than without therapistBetter than transitioning without therapist

What’s the logical action to take here?
Idk some of these surgeries happen under 18 too... Like you can't tell me that isn't fucked. Look at a guy like Chris Chan he shouldn't even be allowed outside without supervision and people think someone like that should be able to get a sex change. Honestly feel bad for these guys I am disgusted and the little remaining feelings are just pity a wasted life a wasted body.
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I forget
Do you have that or do you just want to increase your SMV and treatment?

I have it. It’s a blessing. If I didn’t have it, I’d be stuck being a nanomanlet truecel for the rest of my life.
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Female competition is brutal, but at least you can compete. Many men’s genetics are too poor for them to enter the ring.
you are one of those who will never show themselves to me
even here even now so stfu
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Idk some of these surgeries happen under 18 too... Like you can't tell me that isn't fucked. Look at a guy like Chris Chan he shouldn't even be allowed outside without supervision and people think someone like that should be able to get a sex change. Honestly feel bad for these guys I am disgusted and the little remaining feelings are just pity a wasted life a wasted body.

People hate Chris Chan, but people don’t hate the gangsters who run around shooting people and dealing drugs to kids under 18. Clown world.
I don't care about gender, just want to reroll with normal craniofacial development.
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People hate Chris Chan, but people don’t hate the gangsters who run around shooting people and dealing drugs to kids under 18. Clown world.
I don't hate Chris Chan but he should be locked up (unless your parents are competent enough to watch you in that situation)

Gangstas and thugs should either be harshly punished in jail or if they cannot be reformed hung/thrown out of the USA. I don't feel bad for those people but people like Chris Chan are sad and at the same time a threat to society
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No because being a woman sucks, you're weaker, at risk of rape, get periods, have to deal with pregnancy, forced to spend a fuck ton of time and $$$ on makeup, etc.
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I have it. It’s a blessing. If I didn’t have it, I’d be stuck being a nanomanlet truecel for the rest of my life.
[IMG alt="femcel"]https://looksmax.org/data/avatars/l/7/7018.jpg?1655534821[/IMG]
3B0EE9E9 D588 4A73 A6CC 0B3B813341F9


blackpilled MtF transmaxer​

Posts: 10394 Reputation: 25556

When is your transition gonna happen?
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Well, consider that youth is all that matters. If you can’t transition in your youth, why stay alive? If you go thru high school without getting a chance to live as your desired gender, your life is over and you gotta rope.

Even the most advanced transitions don't go well. At best you date some weird guy who is borderline a faggot or has no options and the hormones fuck you up. Your body will not react well to forced estrogren being inserted into a male endocrine system.

At least if you did it after 18 you can de transition with some success as a kid you just end up some short agender freak with androgynous features and a broken sex drive
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I don't hate Chris Chan but he should be locked up (unless your parents are competent enough to watch you in that situation)

Gangstas and thugs should either be harshly punished in jail or if they cannot be reformed hung/thrown out of the USA. I don't feel bad for those people but people like Chris Chan are sad and at the same time a threat to society
Didn’t Chris just rape his mom and harass some women outside?

Seems like dangerous govt overreach to me

Harsh punishment isn’t gonna reform a gangster lol and hanging someone for being a “gansta or thug” is not something I’d imagine is either politically possible or beneficial rn
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No because being a woman sucks, you're weaker, at risk of rape, get periods, have to deal with pregnancy, forced to spend a fuck ton of time and $$$ on makeup, etc.

Everything has drawbacks. Don’t go to Harvard because the courses are hard and stressful. Don’t be CEO because you get less time you can spend with your family. Don’t play rugby cuz brain damage. Don’t buy sports cars…

Fact is, life as female is leaps and bounds better than life as male. Only in the top 1% of males is this even a debate.
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Everything has disadvantages. Don’t go to Harvard because the courses are hard and stressful. Don’t be a CEO because you get less time you can spend with your family. Don’t buy a sports car…

Fact is, life as female is leaps and bounds better than life as male. Only in the top 1% of males is this even a debate.
I should've specified it'd personally suck to me but I can see that the average woman lives a much better life than the average man. Personally though it's just not for me. That first example with Harvard is bad because it's only a temporary disadvantage whereas most of these female disadvantages last until you die.
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Didn’t Chris just rape his mom and harass some women outside?

Seems like dangerous govt overreach to me

Harsh punishment isn’t gonna reform a gangster lol and hanging someone for being a “gansta or thug” is not something I’d imagine is either politically possible or beneficial rn
After a certain point some people just should not be in society. Life in prison kicked out of the country or death.

These criminals cost millions at some point people are not worthwhile in a society and they make it objectively worse
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