I look weird tbh

Deleted member 7901

Deleted member 7901

punch yourself 10000 times, remember wolf's law
Jun 20, 2020
I look fucking weird asf, my forward growth is good, good eye color, etc...
but I don't look like the average person here at all, you can obviously see I look different, and on top of that I have a terrible skin quality and acne, and terrible terrible pointy and yellow teeth (natural color, even cleaning 4-5 times a day won't help), they are crocked asf, if I smile I look terrible,
the only thing which gets fixed now is the crocked part, will get veneers when I am like 24-25 which will be a long time

Racepill is so legit tbh, me and my bro experienced the same shit, we don't look Ashkenazi nor Mizarhi and its hard to make deep connections with others
both because kids of the same race naturally only hangout with each other, but also because our parents are weird asf, and raised us in a weird way/culture which even makes us more of an outliners,
we are literally friends with everyone, but nothing in a deep level, its possible to hangout, but nothing meaniful will be formed, and we will usually be in the bottom of the friend group

JFL before the corona, my nose was huge compared to my skull, so I got laughed at for having a big and red nose (imagine getting laughed by jews of having a big nose :lul:), but my skull grew a lot, and my nose actually looks good now, because it looks small compared to my head, plus it looks a lot less red

but even now after my drastic weight loss which improved my face a lot, more and more issues come up, if its my teeth, acne, my hairline which is possibly receding, its just a never ending cycle

The only lifefuel, is that my parents had the same thing, and ascended hard in their 20s because the features got more formed and became above average, so I am coping with this

jfl at suffering from antisemitism in Russia and being called a dirty jew, just to move to Israel and being called a dirty Russia
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  • JFL
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dm me what u look like, not gonna dox but i might be able to give u advice plus im curious
dm me what u look like, not gonna dox but i might be able to give u advice plus im curious
nah I have an experience with people in obscure forums, I probably won't look too weird to you,
but in my country people just look different so the average is different, also racepill /familiarity
nah I have an experience with people in obscure forums, I probably won't look too weird to you,
but in my country people just look different so the average is different, also racepill /familiarity
im literally a greycel what is the big deal
so you live in Israel ?

  • So Sad
Reactions: never_lucky
I look fucking weird asf, my forward growth is good, good eye color, etc...
but I don't look like the average person here at all, you can obviously see I look different, and on top of that I have a terrible skin quality and acne, and terrible terrible pointy and yellow teeth (natural color, even cleaning 4-5 times a day won't help), they are crocked asf, if I smile I look terrible,
the only thing which gets fixed now is the crocked part, will get veneers when I am like 24-25 which will be a long time

Racepill is so legit tbh, me and my bro experienced the same shit, we don't look Ashkenazi nor Mizarhi and its hard to make deep connections with others
both because kids of the same race naturally only hangout with each other, but also because our parents are weird asf, and raised us in a weird way/culture which even makes us more of an outliners,
we are literally friends with everyone, but nothing in a deep level, its possible to hangout, but nothing meaniful will be formed, and we will usually be in the bottom of the friend group

JFL before the corona, my nose was huge compared to my skull, so I got laughed at for having a big and red nose (imagine getting laughed by jews of having a big nose :lul:), but my skull grew a lot, and my nose actually looks good now, because it looks small compared to my head, plus it looks a lot less red

but even now after my drastic weight loss which improved my face a lot, more and more issues come up, if its my teeth, acne, my hairline which is possibly receding, its just a never ending cycle

The only lifefuel, is that my parents had the same thing, and ascended hard in their 20s because the features got more formed and became above average, so I am coping with this
also ur retarded for brushing ur teeth 5 times a day, ur gonna fuck up ur enamal and make them more yellow
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also ur retarded for brushing ur teeth 5 times a day, ur gonna fuck up ur enamal and make them more yellow
didn't say I do it everyday, I usually brush 2-3 times
wat u do to make your skull bigger op
ok well I am sorry you look weird and can't fit in
also your country did 9/11
stop with the israel cope tbh, its a shithole, its full of the lowest quality possible jews

majority of the immigrants here are from shitholes like Russia, morocco, Yemen , many of which are larping jews
which only came because they though live would be different
wat u do to make your skull bigger op
genetics, I didn't do shit,
my father and mom have massive skulls, I have never seen anyone with a skull bigger then my dad's
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genetics, I didn't do shit,
my father and mom have massive skulls, I have never seen anyone with a skull bigger then my dad's
i rlly need a big skull asap
i always had a small skull
my nose is too big for my skull
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7901
i rlly need a big skull asap
i always had a small skull
my nose is too big for my skull
if you are still in puberty, then you still have hope, look at your parents and it is generally a decent prediction
its very brutal to be like that tbh
if you are still in puberty, then you still have hope, look at your parents and it is generally a decent prediction
its very brutal to be like that tbh
im 17,u still think i got time
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Reactions: Deleted member 7901
im 17,u still think i got time
maybe I don't know tbh, look at your parents, 17 is when my skull grew larger, but it might not grow at all,
or will grow in a different age
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האמת שאני לא ישראלי :p. אבל כן אתה צודק. היה נתון באתר זה שאמר שכמעט 50% מהתנועה באתר זה מגיעה מישראל.

אני גם מכיר כמה ישראלים פה
האמת שאני לא ישראלי :p. אבל כן אתה צודק. היה נתון באתר זה שאמר שכמעט 50% מהתנועה באתר זה מגיעה מישראל.

אני גם מכיר כמה ישראלים פה
50%? הזגמת
מאיפה זה?

כל הישראלים שאני מכיר מפה שלחו לי הודעה בפרטי או משהו כזה כי הודתי על זה שאני ישראלי בפורומים הציבורים
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50%? הזגמת
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כל הישראלים שאני מכיר מפה שלחו לי הודעה בפרטי או משהו כזה כי הודתי על זה שאני ישראלי בפורומים הציבורים
האמת שאני לא זוכר בדיוק את המספר. אני חושב שזה היה קרוב יותר ל -40%. אבל זה בהחלט היה רוב

אני אנסה למצוא את זה
50%? הזגמת
מאיפה זה?

כל הישראלים שאני מכיר מפה שלחו לי הודעה בפרטי או משהו כזה כי הודתי על זה שאני ישראלי בפורומים הציבורים
בסדר אז תסלחו לי כי המוח שלי לא עובד. זה היה רק 10% :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: . ואני אפילו לא יודע אם זה מדויק. עדיין מפתיע אבל לא קרוב ליד מה שאמרתי

2C1204C3 3FD9 4010 9722 508ED58FBD0A

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בסדר אז תסלחו לי כי המוח שלי לא עובד. זה היה רק 10% :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: . ואני אפילו לא יודע אם זה מדויק

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זאתי יחידת 8200 מסתכלת עלינו
  • JFL
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