I low inhibmaxxed at my neet appointment.



Suck my mog
Oct 14, 2018
I'm neet and in Australia they make you take a study course or work for your neet bux to incentives you to get a job,so I'm doing an online course but I have to do it in their neet building with all the other jobless losers.

I'm suppose to be out at 12ish,guy makes me stay to 2pm or no tendies for me,
So I don't want to be there and I just decide fuck it,I start answering all the questions with incel terms or relate what is being taught to incel related things.

E.g what are your hobbies?
A)Mewing and ogreposting on looksmaxx.org
Why did Jane tell management about John?
A)because John is sub 4 and Jane is disgusted by his presence.

Then I just started browsing looksmaxx,but got ogred by 525 forward growth not found.
So I started watching some looksmaxxing vids on the computer,dumb bimbo next to me was in shock watching Mike Mew discuss the Mackenzie chin tuck.

So yeah basically they're gonna stop my neet payments in about a week and I'm gonna be homeless.:feelshehe:
  • +1
Reactions: VST, Bluepill, Coping and 10 others
Go fuck tahlia if you're in Australia you mong
Why did you tell a government employee about this site ? :feelsmega::feelsgiga::whatfeels:
  • +1
Reactions: Bluepill, Coping, Zeta ascended and 5 others
You might be going to the same place my friend does :unsure:
what's a neet?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
I'm neet and in Australia they make you take a study course or work for your neet bux to incentives you to get a job,so I'm doing an online course but I have to do it in their neet building with all the other jobless losers.

I'm suppose to be out at 12ish,guy makes me stay to 2pm or no tendies for me,
So I don't want to be there and I just decide fuck it,I start answering all the questions with incel terms or relate what is being taught to incel related things.

E.g what are your hobbies?
A)Mewing and ogreposting on looksmaxx.org
Why did Jane tell management about John?
A)because John is sub 4 and Jane is disgusted by his presence.

Then I just started browsing looksmaxx,but got ogred by 525 forward growth not found.
So I started watching some looksmaxxing vids on the computer,dumb bimbo next to me was in shock watching Mike Mew discuss the Mackenzie chin tuck.

So yeah basically they're gonna stop my neet payments in about a week and I'm gonna be homeless.:feelshehe:
only cucks spread looksmaxxing irl
What a fucking alpha
Nah,her oneitis is a obese man child,nice guy but every poster here mogs him into oblivion.
Who the fuck is he wtf. I'm sorry man but she's retarded.
Who the fuck is he wtf. I'm sorry man but she's retarded.
Hes statusmaxxed youtuber virgin messiah,
It's crazy how legit statusmaxxing is,every single incel YouTuber gets a gf or girls wanting to date them where otherwise they would be hopeless,

Virgin messiah,kyle incel,William lupinacci(posts here spent 7k on a stylist:feelshaha:)
Even this acnecel,gymcel who is like 30 just got a gf from youtube statusmaxxing,only one it hasn't worked for is grotesque and he's a literal ogre.

You should make more venting videos tfw no gf imma so sad vids and you'll get your own gf.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Hes statusmaxxed youtuber virgin messiah,
It's crazy how legit statusmaxxing is,every single incel YouTuber gets a gf or girls wanting to date them where otherwise they would be hopeless,

Virgin messiah,kyle incel,William lupinacci(posts here spent 7k on a stylist:feelshaha:)
Even this acnecel,gymcel who is like 30 just got a gf from youtube statusmaxxing,only one it hasn't worked for is grotesque and he's a literal ogre.

You should make more venting videos tfw no gf imma so sad vids and you'll get your own gf.
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Yeah man I'll tell all of my 0 friends about it.
  • +1
Reactions: Bluepill, bobs_pls and Deleted member 611
Yeah man I'll tell all of my 0 friends about it.
Make a thread on cuckcels.is please, but pretend you're making fun of me or something though so the thread isn't deleted 0.001 milliseconds after posting it by super sonic rodent reflexes knajjd
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Make a thread on cuckcels.is please, but pretend you're making fun of me or something though so the thread isn't deleted 0.001 milliseconds after posting it by super sonic rodent reflexes knajjd
Lol I did that on inceltears about that other site,
I've been banned from incels since June.
You might be going to the same place my friend does :unsure:
Almost 0 chance there's 1000s of places that are for neet employment across Australia.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Maybe we get a goverment employee to our site
  • +1
Reactions: Bluepill and Deleted member 611
I'm neet and in Australia they make you take a study course or work for your neet bux to incentives you to get a job,so I'm doing an online course but I have to do it in their neet building with all the other jobless losers.

I'm suppose to be out at 12ish,guy makes me stay to 2pm or no tendies for me,
So I don't want to be there and I just decide fuck it,I start answering all the questions with incel terms or relate what is being taught to incel related things.

E.g what are your hobbies?
A)Mewing and ogreposting on looksmaxx.org
Why did Jane tell management about John?
A)because John is sub 4 and Jane is disgusted by his presence.

Then I just started browsing looksmaxx,but got ogred by 525 forward growth not found.
So I started watching some looksmaxxing vids on the computer,dumb bimbo next to me was in shock watching Mike Mew discuss the Mackenzie chin tuck.

So yeah basically they're gonna stop my neet payments in about a week and I'm gonna be homeless.:feelshehe:
Yeah this is hilarious. Saved for later
When I need a laugh
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Man you took a courageous step today. I’m proud. Quality thread
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel and Deleted member 611


Haven't spoken to her since like new year tbh,she got doxxed bad then deleted all her shit then had even more bad shit happen and now just rots in her room in loneliness and sadness

The mog hit her too hard ):

She was the one,the one who was suppose to cure you of inceldom.

You need to find her and save her,be her knight in shining armour :soy:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Haven't spoken to her since like new year tbh,she got doxxed bad then deleted all her shit then had even more bad shit happen and now just rots in her room in loneliness and sadness

The mog hit her too hard ):

She was the one,the one who was suppose to cure you of inceldom.

You need to find her and save her,be her knight in shining armour :soy:
Lmao you said my name,I hope she sees it somehow.
Honestly wouldn't know how.maybe stand on top of your roof and scream out "tahlia I love yooooouu!!!"?

But in all honesty you'd just be wasting your time with her,she wouldn't date you,she is legit in love with messiah and also has like 400 orbiters who are trying to run orbiter game on her(or did have before she deleted everything)
Lmao you said my name,I hope she sees it somehow.
Honestly wouldn't know how.maybe stand on top of your roof and scream out "tahlia I love yooooouu!!!"?

But in all honesty you'd just be wasting your time with her,she wouldn't date you,she is legit in love with messiah and also has like 400 orbiters who are trying to run orbiter game on her(or did have before she deleted everything)
How the fuck did she comment so fast. Was she subbed all along?
Screenshot 2019 02 06 18 59 09

One of her cucks probably told her about it
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
I guess Tahlia has a 14" BBC now.
Smh why would you think that was here?
Because I looked at the video on that channel and it was a "you so precious when you smile" normie meme that a foid would make
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel
Because I looked at the video on that channel and it was a "you so precious when you smile" normie meme that a foid would make
Making you so precious vids and jerking his thundercawk on omeagle is genecels favourite pastimes,everyone knows this.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
I'm neet and in Australia they make you take a study course or work for your neet bux to incentives you to get a job,so I'm doing an online course but I have to do it in their neet building with all the other jobless losers.

I'm suppose to be out at 12ish,guy makes me stay to 2pm or no tendies for me,
So I don't want to be there and I just decide fuck it,I start answering all the questions with incel terms or relate what is being taught to incel related things.

E.g what are your hobbies?
A)Mewing and ogreposting on looksmaxx.org
Why did Jane tell management about John?
A)because John is sub 4 and Jane is disgusted by his presence.

Then I just started browsing looksmaxx,but got ogred by 525 forward growth not found.
So I started watching some looksmaxxing vids on the computer,dumb bimbo next to me was in shock watching Mike Mew discuss the Mackenzie chin tuck.

So yeah basically they're gonna stop my neet payments in about a week and I'm gonna be homeless.:feelshehe:
Lmao, based.

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